Fire For Effect

The Colonel Commandant’s Corner

It is with great pride that I report that we Gunners continue to do well – on operations, in support of operations, and in training or domestic duties. Just before Christmas I had the great pleasure of visiting many of the Gunners in Task Force Afghanistan, Kandahar. I was able to visit many of the soldiers of the Fighting Fox, “F” Battery, 2RCHA and the many other Gunners. Particularly notable was the outstanding support from our Reserve Regiments and the numerous Gunners from 4th Air Defence Regiment. Morale is very high, no matter the function each individual happens to be fulfilling, each and every Gunner is contributing to the fight. The Gunners are carrying their weight in the achievement of security, law and order, good governance and political/economic stability - and, each Gunner feels that he or she is making a positive contribution.

When it comes to dealing with those who would do us and the Afghan population harm, our troops are contributing to the counter-insurgency fight in a manner proportionally much greater than our numbers might indicate. When the bad guys are ID’d and fixed, they are dealt with aggressively, expeditiously and with the appropriate means available. Guns, mortars, other strike means, STA, airspace coordination, artillery intelligence, targeting, and fire coordination are applied judiciously and with purpose – and to great effect. The Gunners, along with their Infantry, Armoured and other arms and services counterparts, and air and other assets are taking the fight to the bad guys with great effect. We are being assertive, imposing our will on the bad guys – and we Gunners can and should be proud of our contribution.

In my travels, it is apparent that Gunners are very competent and confident. They are assertively taking the fight to insurgents and enemy fighters. They are contributing greatly in achieving the security aspects of the whole of government campaign in Afghanistan. They are proud of what they bring to the fight, and are respected for what they can achieve. In fact, they are an integral and vital (if not central) component of the Army, Joint, Coalition and whole of government campaign. They have consistently demonstrated their adaptability and professionalism, and their fighting spirit. The performance on the homefront is equally impressive.

While over in Afghanistan I handed out numerous Colonel Commandant Coins: Major Taylor BC F Bty, BSM Smith F Bty, MBdr Joksimovic, WO Gallant, MCpl (Weapons Tech) Holmes, MCpl (Weapons Tech) Simms, CWO Lizotte, MBdr Randall, MBdr Howlett, Bdr Holm, the CO and RSM of 3 RCR LCol Barrett and CWO Hall, and Sylvia Pecola (Artist).

Other coins this fall were: Lt Prymack who topped his Officer Training course, and Gunner Ker who topped her Gun Number’s course. Gunner Boyle topped his Air Defence course, and Cpl Grondin REME, of 4 AD Regiment got a coin for winning the Queen’s Medal in shooting (Very Impressive!). CO 2RCHA passed out coins on my behalf to MBdr Beaupre, MBdr Walsh, Bdr Krannich and Sgt Kremer. Maj Little, WO Snodgrass and WO Williams were presented coins for MUAV and SUAV support on operations. Lastly, Capt Bruce Prendergast (RCD) for his selfless service to 42nd Field Regt (Lanark and Renfrew).

Our greatest asset is our people – and the Gunners everywhere are smart, sharp, fit, dedicated, professional, tough, rugged and focused. We can be proud of what our Gunners are achieving in Afghanistan and back home. Gunners stand out as professionals and great soldiers – fit, smart, tough, focused and determined. We serve under one badge, and have the right to be proud of our heritage and what we are achieving today.

The Royal Regiment is at an incredibly high state of capability and professionalism. Our men and women are representing us well in the legacy and tradition of which we Gunners are so proud. We have one Royal Regiment, and our Gunners in Afghanistan know that they can count on their home Regiments (Regular Force and Reserve), their School, the Home Station, the staffs in NDHQ (esp. DLR and ADM Mat), the various HQs and Bases, and the Regimental Family to support them, and respond to their needs. I would ask all to check out the Gunner website at: and join the Lost Trails, update your unit website, check out the Museum or just see what is going on. Please contribute to YOUR website. Also, please check out the RCA Heritage website, and contribute to YOUR Quadrant.

Good Shooting to all.


Ernest B. Beno, OMM, CD

Brigadier-General, Retired

Colonel Commandant

The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery

Feel free to e-mail me at:

Photo Caption: The Col Cmdt firing the M777. Note the form, as they say "Once a Gunner always a Gunner".