Mock Test


Mock Test 5.2

5.2.115 Marks

This task is to create a new database table/file to be used by the local video shop. You will create the file and enter some data into this. Consideration must be given to the appropriate design of the field type and size. Name the database video. (Ensure your on the A drive or within your folder).

  1. Open access database application(1 Mark)
  1. You will design the table/file so that each record will contain 5 fields ensure you select appropriate data types, distinguishing between text, numeric, data, etc and with appropriate field sizes.(No Marks here)
  1. The following fields must be created:

Video Title

Classification (eg U,PG,15,18)

Date of Loan

Date due back

Fee (1 Mark each )

  1. Save your tables as Video Loan (1 Mark)
  1. Enter two complete records in your database.(2 Marks)
  1. Create an index or sort the table by title(1 Mark)
  1. Create a simple form to input data (1 Mark)
  1. Save the form as Loan form(1 Mark)
  1. Add a header to the form with the words Classic Video Loans (1Mark)
  1. Enter one more record using the form for data entry (1 Mark)
  1. Save the form and Database (1 Mark)


5.2.215 Marks

The Silverscreen database, located on your candidate disk, contains information about their members. On this database are records of member details. You will use this database to edit and extract specified details about members. You will use the Membership table

  1. Open the Silverscreen database.(1 Mark)
  1. Find the record for the member whose name is Horton. (1 Mark)
  1. This name has been entered incorrectly, change it to Hortop. (1 Mark)
  1. Extract all records for members will a concession equal to yes. (1 Mark)
  1. Save the query as Concession. (1 Mark)
  1. Change the query to produce only the members surname, first name and the concession equal to yes (remove unwanted fields from the query). (1 Mark)
  1. Sort the query in ascending order of surname. (1 Mark)
  1. Save the query as Members. (1 Mark)
  1. Produce a simple report showing all the information sorted by Members surname. (Mark 1)
  1. Extract all records of students who enrolled during the year 1999. (1 Mark)
  1. Sort the data in ascending order of date of enrolment. (1 Mark)
  1. Remove the address information from this query. (1 Mark)
  1. Save the query as Year 1999. (1Mark)
  1. Save all files. (1 Mark)
  1. Close the application. (1 Mark)

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