Approved by Cohasset School Committee (April 2010)

Updated January 30, 2012

The following Cohasset Athletic Hall of Fame “proposal” was created by the newly formed Cohasset Athletic Hall of Fame Committee (see below). The “draft” proposal was reviewed to school administration, school legal counsel, Middle-High School Improvement Council, and the Cohasset School Committee for approval. Upon approval, the process of inducting the first Cohasset Athletic Hall of Fame Class on November 26, 2010 has commenced.


The mission of the Cohasset Athletic Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor former student-athletes, coaches, teams, administrators/teachers and significant contributors for their outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the Cohasset High School Athletic Program.


Beth Ahearn, CHS Alum ‘70

Dr. Michael Gill, Former CHS Teacher, Coach, Administrator

Kevin Dooley, CHS Alum ‘82

Ron Ford, Athletic Director

Ellen Maher, CHS Alum ’80, Cohasset School Committee Liaison

Phil Mahoney, Coach / CHS Alum ‘87
Brian Pattison, Coach / CHS Alum ‘94

Matt Salerno, CHS Alum ‘79

Linda Snowdale, CHS Alum’70 ,

Torin Sweeney, Coach / CHS Alum ‘82


Once approved, the HOF Committee will solicit an additional 1-3 members (including the CMHS Principal) for the initial voting cycle. Members of the committee will serve an initial term of no more than three consecutive voting cycles. After their term has expired, former members may reapply for additional term(s). All applicants to the committee must receive a 2/3 majority vote for approval. Board membership may increase 1-3 members after each voting cycle.


1. The Hall of Fame Committee shall consist of no less than 7 members to include:

·  CMHS Principal

·  Director of Athletics

·  Coaching Staff

·  Alumni

·  At-Large Community Representative

2. All committee members shall have full voting privileges concerning committee action.

3. The committee can elect the following officers annually:

·  Chairman

·  Vice-Chairman

·  Secretary

·  Treasurer

4. To conduct official business and to change the by-laws, 2/3 of majority votes are required.

5. The purpose of the committee is to solicit nominees for the Hall of Fame and select inductees

into the Hall of Fame a bi-annual basis. Further, the committee shall annually review the by-laws and make changes when appropriate.


A.  Names for nominations should be submitted to the Hall of Fame Committee by a specified date. The process of nominations will be advertised in the local press and the creation of a CHS Athletic HOF website and/or facebook page.

B.  A member of the Hall of Fame Committee or a sponsor of a nominee will present each nominee and their nomination packet to the committee for voting.

C.  All nominees shall be screened thoroughly based on Hall of Fame qualifications and athletic achievements.

D.  To be placed on a ballot, the candidate must have a completed nomination packet. A completed nomination packet consists of a completed Cohasset Athletic Hall of Fame nomination form along with support materials for the nominee including but not limited to: letter(s) of reference, newspaper articles, video clips, statistics, awards, etc….

E.  Once nominated, a candidate will continue to be considered by the Hall of Fame Committee with no further nomination required a total of three voting cycles.

F.  To be elected to the Hall of Fame a candidate must receive 75% of the votes of the quorum present in a secret ballot.

G.  In the event that a committee member is being considered as a candidate for the Hall of Fame, that committee member shall not vote and must receive a minimum of 75% of the quorum present to be elected.

H.  Candidates chosen for induction to the Hall of Fame will be honored at the Bi-Annual Hall of Fame Awards Dinner Induction Ceremony.


To be eligible, a candidate must have graduated from Cohasset High School at least ten years prior to nomination. They must have received athletic recognition while at and/or beyond CHS, including, but not limited to All League, All Scholastic, All State, or other sports-related honors recognized by the school. Finally, players nominated for consideration must have displayed outstanding character as an athlete at Cohasset and as a citizen in the community.

Administrators and Teachers

To be eligible, administrators and/or teacher who demonstrated service (i.e. faculty manager, support staff, volunteer service, etc) to the athletic program. Candidates must have made significant contributions to the Cohasset school community, including programs which supported the athletic program, and complemented the academic goals of Cohasset High School.


To be eligible, candidates must have shown excellent skills in coaching their athletic team. They must have served as a coach of a sport at Cohasset High School for a minimum of five years. Candidates must have made outstanding contributions to the school and must have displayed outstanding character, good citizenship and commitment as a coach at Cohasset High School while serving as a good role model for our student-athletes. Coaches currently on staff at CHS who meet the above criteria are eligible for consideration

Special Category

To nominate someone for consideration outside of the above categories (such as student manager, support staff, booster, volunteer, outstanding alum, etc.), criteria should include significant service to CHS Athletics through the development of student athletes and to the athletic programs. Finally, as in the above categories, any person nominated for consideration must have made outstanding contributions to the school and must have displayed outstanding character while associated with Cohasset High School and as a community citizen.


Championship teams are eligible 10 years from the completion of their athletic season of accomplishment.