
Tribe Report

History-Social Studies Content Standard 5.1

Students describe the major pre-Columbian settlements, including the cliff dwellers and pueblo people of the desert Southwest, the American Indians of the Pacific Northwest, the nomadic nations of the Great Plains, and the woodland peoples east of the Mississippi River.

The major components of this assignment are due Thursday, November 10th. The majority of the work will be completed at school, excluding the Tribe Notes and Three Dimensional Project, which will be completed entirely at home.Students who do not complete project components during the allotted class time will be responsible for completing those components at home. Reports may be submitted early for feedback.

Project Requirements:

  1. Tribe Notes(5 points each for a total of 25 points)
  2. May be typed or handwritten.
  3. Must include sources in MLA format.
  4. Contains the following notes sections: ( Please do not turn these notes into the inbox, Mrs. L will check in with you during the study hall block to ensure you have completed your research and are staying caught up. These will be turned in at the time your project is due for a final check off grade.)
  1. Tribes & Geographic Features Notes due Wednesday, October 19th
  2. Food & Hunting Notes due Thursday, October 20th
  3. Shelter & Transportation Notes due Friday, October 21st
  4. Clothing & Technology Notes due Tuesday, October 25th
  5. Customs & Traditions Notes due Wednesday, October 26th
  1. Tribe SMORE (50 points) due Thursday, November 10th.
  2. Name of your tribe is listed as title of SMORE.
  3. Your name is listed as the author of the SMORE.
  4. Map of the region is located on the SMORE. Map must be a screenshot of Maps or Google Earth with the region and the tribe clearly colored and labeled.
  5. There is a paragraph describing the geographic features of the assigned tribe’s region and the other major tribes found within the region. The paragraph follows the seven-traits writing model.
  6. There is a paragraph describing the food sources and food preparation for the tribe. The paragraph includes an explanation of how the tribe used/adapted to their environment when providing food for their community. The paragraph follows the seven-traits writing model.
  7. There is a paragraph describing the types of shelters and transportation typical for the tribe. The paragraph includes an explanation of how the tribes used/adapted to their environment when building their shelters. The paragraph follows the seven-traits writing model.
  8. There is a paragraph describing the typical clothing for the tribe and technology used in the tribe’s daily life. The paragraph includes an explanation of how the tribes used/adapted to their environment when making their clothing and technology. The paragraph follows the seven-traits writing model.
  9. There is a paragraph describing the culture of the tribe. The paragraph describes key features of the tribe’s religious beliefs, burial practices, government, social classes, games, and other traditions. The paragraph follows the seven-traits writing model.
  10. Each paragraph has three corresponding illustrations/pictures and captions. The illustrations must be appropriate resolution and contain no copyright watermarks.
  1. Three Dimensional Project(30 points)due Thursday, November 10th.
  2. Project is appropriate to the assigned tribe; these include artifacts such as a dwellings, clothing, food etc. Have FUN with this!
  3. Project is neatly completed and demonstrates 2-3 hours of time allocated to its completion.
  4. Project is 90% student work with 10% adult support.
  1. Tribe Presentation (20 points) due Thursday, November 10th.
  2. Present both your Tribe SMORE and Three Dimensional Project to the class.
  3. Notecards are recommended to help keep eye contact with your audience and helps prepare you for the presentation.
  1. Extra Credit(5 points/each)due Thursday, November 10th.
  2. Create a “Fun Facts” section on your SMORE highlighting 15 facts not included elsewhere on your SMORE.
  3. Find a legend or myth from your tribe and write a paragraph summarizing it. Paragraph must be 10-12 sentences in length.

1. Tribe Notes____/25 pts

2. Tribe SMORE____/50 pts

3. Three Dimensional Project____/30 pts

4. Tribe Presentation____/20 pts

5. Extra Credit____

______/125 Total Points

I have received and reviewed the project requirements with my child.

Parent Signature: ______