Newsletter No. 20 spring 2017

Our focus value for our Collective Worship this half term is Hope.

Please find attached a copy of the survey by the governors on how RE and Collective Worship are viewed by parents and carers. Thank you to everybody who responded. We were awarded a Gold RE Mark last week – which is fantastic news for the school. The inspector was impressed with the eloquence and knowledge of the children.

House Points:

Blue 337 Green 298 Yellow 242 Red 289

Achievement Awards awarded this week – 06.02.17:

1 After School Club awards

LOTS of Breakfast Club awards

Rabbit – For her phonetic knowledge

Squirrel – For always listening to instructions and working hard in his lessons

Badger – For putting up his hand more frequently and contributing to class discussions

Owl – For her fabulous writing.

This week each class will be:

Rabbit Class will be looking for signs of spring.

Squirrel Class will be writing instructions on how to wash a woolly mammoth.

Badger Class are making rainforest houses using twigs and leaves.

Owl Class are writing an Exciting Writing newspaper report on Free Climbing.

Welcome to Breakfast Club, which opens at 7.45 every morning and costs just £3 per session, payable when you drop off please. Claire and Oscar

After School Club is open for five nights a week until 5:30. Come join us for an exciting newyear of activities at After School Club!From GreatBritishbake off challenges, teamgames and competitions, Arts and crafts and creative projects for our displays! Look forward to seeing you there, Paige, Anna, Oscar and Jo

Lunch and Key Dates for your diary:

06 & 07.02.17 – Parents’ Evenings

07.02.17 – Y3 Cooking with Julie

09.02.17 – Rabbit class Collective Worship

09.02.17 – Valentine’s Day lunch

10.02.17 – Valentine’s Day Disco

21.02.17 – Y2 Cooking with Julie

21.02.17 - Tractor Day with Badger class

28.02.17 – Y5 Cooking with Julie

01.03.17 – Squirrel class Collective Worship

07.03.17 – Badger class Collective Worship

07.03.17 – Y6 Cooking with Julie

14.03.17 – Y6 to STEM (science) Festival at TCC

14.03.17 – Y4 Cooking with Julie

16.03.17 – Owl class Collective Worship

23.03.17 – Mothering Sunday lunch

24.03.17 – Red Nose Day

30.03.17 – Homework assembly at 9:05 today

30.03.17 – Easter lunch

30.03.17 – Easter Coffee Afternoon at 2:30

31.03.17 - Easter Service at St Andrews Church, Barningham

18.04.17 – First Day Back

We update our school website ( ) – so please look at the pages on a regular basis.

On Thursday 09 February a team from the NSPCC will be working in school – teaching the children about how to keep safe on line and in real situations as well as the role of Childline in supporting al children. The NSPCC team come on a regular basis as part of our Personal, Social and Emotional curriculum. This week is Safer Internet Week – so we will be reminding the children about ways to keep safe when they are using the internet.

Kingswood: Second payment of £60 is due by Friday 10th March please.

There will be a Dance Club for 6 weeks, starting on Tuesday 21 February after school for Y1 to Y6. Please ask Dawn for details.

Homework sheets are going home on Friday in advance of the Homework Assembly on 30.03.17.

Valentine’s Disco - Friday 10th February. Tickets costing £1 each are now available to buy from the School office. This event is for Barningham Primary pupils only and tickets must be purchased in advance and are selling fast. EYFS & KS1 6:00pm-7:15pm and KS2 7:30pm-9:00pm. Parents/carers need to drop off and collect children please.

We have a number of children who do not have the correct PE kit in school. Our PE kit is a red T-shirt and black shorts. Outdoor shoes, such as trainers, are advisable in KS2, plus a warm tracksuit/ joggings. Children are only except from taking part in PE if they have a letter confirming this.

Frances Parr Head Teacher

To learn, aspire, believe and hope through our Christian faith.

Barningham CEVC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children.

The Designated Senior Leader is Mrs Parr; the Alternate Designated Person is Mrs Pipe

and the Governor with Responsibility for Safeguarding is Mr Gilroy.

The Online Safety Lead is Mrs Parr and the Governor with Responsibility for Online Safety is Mr Gilroy.

The Prevent (Radicalisation) Lead is Mrs Parr and the Governor with Responsibility for Prevent is Mrs Mitchinson.