Questions on short story: “The Third and Final Continent” - fiction

  1. Describe the point of view of the narrator.

Tells the story from the first person point of view (I, me my); the narrator isan older man looking back at his life as a mature person; he tell the story from the point of view of a newcomer assimilating to a new culture. He tells the story of what it’s like coming to America as an emigrant.

  1. What impression do you gain of the narrator at the beginning of the story? Does your view of him change as the story progresses?

The narrator is intimidated by his new surroundings; he’s a loner, shy, intelligent, reserved, intimidated, respectful, and frugal in the beginning. His personality doesn’t really change, but be learns to be patient with Mrs. Croft. He’s also concerned and apprehensive about her health because of her age. He becomes more comfortable and social in his new culture; he also learns to be patient with his new wife.

  1. Discuss the narrator’s interactions with Mrs. Croft. In what ways are they both outsiders in North American society?

He is very respectful to Mrs. Croft and does what she tells him to do. He treats her with patience. His relationship with her is formal and ritualized. She is amazed at the landing on the moon. She has seen much in her life but is not aware of all of the new technology.

  1. What does the narrator learn from his experiences with Mrs. Croft? How does the narrator change as the story progresses?

The narrator is an outsider. He learns that Mrs. Croft was born in a different time period and is still living in the past, even though she’s seen the development of much technology.He learns how to adapt to the new culture and learns to be patient and respectful with his wife, after showing patience with Mrs. Croft.

  1. What possible interpretations exist for the phrase “the third and final continent”? Literally he has lived on 3 continents India, Europe and North America.Metaphorically the story reflects his life - his youth, his middle age, and his later years.What views do you gain of the immigrant experience in North America?We see how the narrator and eventually his wife manage to assimilate as well as to hold on to their connection to their heritage, their culture of origin, and their language.
  1. Explore the significance of the moon landing. How does the symbol develop themes of the story?The moon landing is symbolic of progress and technology.It symbolizes a final frontier, which man adapts to.The narrator has had to adapt to new environments and cultures.