Where do Projects and Paper Ideas come from?


Careers (List below three careers that interest you, that you might like to try, that you have always admired, or that have caused you to take notice amongst friends and family.)


Family (Many events have shaped your family and relatives. These issues could be cultural, health oriented, could deal with birth or death, marriage or divorce, war or comfort.)


Current Events (These events or issues could be local, national, or global. This should be a list of three events that for some reason spark your interest or that you feel are important or are particularly relevant to you.)


People (You have noticed people that are important or hold a particular significance in your life. These could be family, friends, acquaintances, locally important or persons who are important in history.)


Hobbies (Some of you have hobbies or know others who have interesting hobbies. These could range anywhere from painting to woodwork to volunteer work. What are some of the hobbies you have found interesting through personal or removed exposure? What is something you have always wanted to try?)


History (In school, through discussion with family or possibly through leisure reading you have been exposed to historical events. Which historical events do you find interesting or important?)


Social Issues (List three social issues that you feel are important and need to be investigated or discussed. Issues such as drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, genocide, technology, HIV/AIDS. These are just some examples of issues that are promising for discussion!)


Personal (You may have some personal issues, emotionally, physically, or socially that you would like to investigate. What are some of your most important personal issues? This list could contain phobias, learning difficulties, physical struggles, plus so much more!)
