
What is a transcript? Your transcript is a document that lists the courses taken and grades that you have earned beginning in 9th grade. It also contains your GPA and Class Rank. Colleges use your transcript to evaluate your academic success.

There are basically two types of transcripts.

1) Unofficial- An unofficial transcript can be requested in the EHS Guidance office and is stamped "unofficial."Meaning that it has been opened or viewed by you. Unofficial transcripts can be copied, scanned, etc. The cost for an unofficial transcript is $5, but the good news is that you can duplicate it yourself, so you shouldn't have to request more than one unofficial transcript. The only exception is if you want to get another one once more grades have been posted to the transcript at the end of the semester.

2) Official- An official transcript has not been opened or viewed by anyone except the institution who is receiving it. Here in the EHS Guidance Office, we send most official transcripts electronically through a secure online document transfer service. Occasionally, a student will request a "sealed official" transcript meaning that it is in a sealed envelope and will not be opened by the student. This is good if you need an official transcript to put with a packet of application materials that you are sending to a scholarship organization or if you'd like to hand-carry an official transcript with you on a college visit. The cost for an official transcript is also $5.

There are also two ways to request a transcript:

1) Stop by the EHS Guidance Office, pay the $5, and fill out a Transcript Request Form.

2) EHS also provides a way for you to request a transcript using an online request service. On the EHS website, click on "Transcripts on Demand" toward the bottom of the menu bar on the left of the website. This link will take you to a secure server in which you can request a transcript be sent to an educational institution, another person, or you can request that an unofficial transcript be emailed to yourself. There is a slight upcharge (total is $7.25) to request a transcript using the online service. The good news is that you will receive updates via email or text when your transcript request has been received here in our office, when it has been filled, and when someone at the University opens the file once it is sent.

The EHS Guidance Office requests a 48 hour processing time on transcript requests, so please plan ahead! Every time you apply to a college, you will need to send an official transcript to that school in order to be considered for admission.

Finally, most colleges now require that your test scores (ACT and/or SAT) directly from the testing service. I encourage you to have these scores sent when you take the ACT rather than waiting. If you wait and have to go back and request that they be sent, there is a fee.