It is most important to remember that we all have all four quadrants within us. When certain quadrants become stronger than others then we can identify their personality type. Since we all have all four quadrants it is easier to remember that becoming strong in certain quadrants does not make us that quadrant. For example a child becoming stronger in the C quadrant does not actually make them a parent in life. They become parental but not an actual parent. The same is for a women who is the i personality type. She does not stay a child her whole life. Childlike in wonder, delight, beauty, and having fun but not an actual child. She will mature physically and sexually just like any other person.

After finally figuring out how the DiSC personality profiling works with masculine and feminine I went on to profile everything else I could think of in fours. This is contained below:


1four areas of life –physical, social, spiritual, intellectual,

2four fundamental forces of the universe

Gravity: between planets and on a planet

Electromagnetism: electricity and magnets, lightning, holds atoms together

Weak: nuclear

Strong: nuclear: nucleus of atom

3parts of the atom – protons and neutrons make up the nucleus surrounded be electrons

4Chemical (substance) and physical (form) changes- form over substance.

Physical changes involve – motion, temperature (melting ice), and pressure. Only the shape changes.

Chemical changes happen on a smaller scale between molecules, burning sugar is a chemical change.

two main types of bonds that hold those atoms together, covalent and electrovalent/ionic bonds.

5geographic directions – north, south, east, west

6Sunrise, sunset, high noon-yang, midnight-yin

7Four seasons – spring, summer, autumn, winter

8study of the universe has a long history involving science, philosophy, esotericism, and religion.

9black, white, shades of gray, all the colors

10thinking, feeling, action, results – The path to achieving goals in all self improvement.

11yin-yang (it has four sections)

12Wizard of Oz = Dorothy-S Scarecrow-iTinman-C Lion-D

13yes, no, maybe, I don’t know

14win/lose from an instinctual perspective. They all have to learn win, win.

15Up, down, sideways, around

16four branches of government– Executive, Judicial, Congress, the Press

D – domination, power, controli – social, fun, play

1)physical (money)]1)social (emotional)

2)strong force]2)electromagnetism










12)Wizard of Oz = Lion]12)Wizard of Oz = Scarecrow

13)no]13)I don’t know

14)(win – lose) They win – you lose]14)(win) they win – everyone else > whatever


16)Executive branch of government]16)the Press branch of government

C – cautious, calculating,details, analytical, rulesS – stabile, secure, depth,

1)intellectual (mental)]1)spiritual

2)weak force]2)gravity







9)shades of gray]9)white



12)Wizard of Oz = Tinman]12)Wizard of Oz = Dorothy


14)(lose - lose) both sides lose]14)(lose) they lose


16)Judicial branch of government]16)Legislative (Congress) branch of government