Policies and Procedures 2
Horror Fiction
Policies & Procedures
Wayne County High School
Mr. Jared Criswell
Disclaimer: Though this is an elective course, you will still be responsible for assignments and reading. We will be reading a great deal over the next 18 weeks, and your grade will depend largely upon this reading.
Grading Scale
Tests – 40%
Writing – 40%
Prep Work – 15%
Daily – 5%
Course Format
Primarily discussion, you will be responsible for reading the assigned stories.
Toward the end of each assignment, you will be responsible for completing a
short (roughly one page) response to each story. Each unit, represented by a single
author, will be followed by an exam.
General Classroom Rules
- Be respectful of yourself and others.
- Be responsible for your actions.
3. Be punctual to class.
4. Be participatory in class discussions and group work.
5. Only one person on the floor at a time.
6. You are to sit in your assigned seat.
7. To speak in this class you are to raise your hand and be recognized by the teacher.
8. Nobody is to leave class for the first 30 minutes, for any reason.
- There are to be no cell phones out in class, period.
Consequences for Breaking Rules (May be adjusted depending upon school policy.)
- Called down.
- One-on-one discussion.
- Detention
- Sent to principal / Call parent or guardian.
Class Expectations
· Throughout the duration of this course, I will have high expectations of you. I expect you to perform at nothing but your best.
· I expect each and every one of you to excel in this class.
· I expect you to put forth genuine effort in completing all assignments.
Class Procedures
Arrival to Class
· Please come into the room in an orderly fashion and place your possessions at your seat.
· If you need to go to the restroom, retrieve something from your locker, or see another teacher, do this BEFORE class.
· You should be in your assigned seat with all needed materials before the bell rings.
· , ask me for one before class begins. If I have any, I will be happy to lend you something to write with.
Tardy to Class
· In the event that you are tardy to class you should go to the office for a tardy slip, then come to class, enter quietly, give me your tardy slip, and take your seat.
· I expect you to complete all assignments to the best of your ability.
· For large assignments, you will have a week long window in which to turn in that assignment. You MUST make arrangements for any absences. For example, if you are absent on the last Friday an assignment is due and still have not turned it in, you will earn a zero for that assignment. Remember, you had a week prior to the absence to turn it in.
· Attendance is absolutely vital in this class if you expect to succeed.
· You are to ask your fellow classmates what was done in class on the day you missed BEFORE you ask me. You may see me before or after class for missed work. DO NOT disrupt class to ask for missed assignments.
Leaving the Room
· You may not leave the room during the first 30 minutes of class.
· Please avoid leaving the room unless absolutely necessary.
· If you must leave, school guidelines regarding hall passes will be enforced.
1. Ask permission. DO NOT ask for permission to leave during instructional time. What is “Instructional Time?”
2. Get pass signed.
3. Leave and return quietly. You WILL HAVE a time limit when you leave the room.
Food & Drink
· You may eat and drink in the room but make sure to clean up after yourself. This is a privilege, not a right.
General Classroom Procedures
· If you have a question pertinent to the material that we are studying, raise your hand and ask. If you have a comment, raise your hand. Please wait to be addressed before speaking. If I do not answer you right away, be patient. More than likely I see you but have a valid reason for not addressing your comment/question at the time.
· If you have questions about a personal matter such as your grade, absences, etc., please take care of these during a private conversation and not during class.
· If someone else is speaking aloud in class, you are not to be talking.
· If and when you finish early, you are to either read or work on another assignment. Please make use of any free time that you may have.
· I will respect your space and property. Please do the same for mine.
End of Class
· The bell is not a signal for you. The purpose of the bell is to inform me that class is over. Therefore, do not put your things away or stop working until I have instructed you to do so. Everyone is to be in their assigned seat when the bell rings. I will keep the class after the bell if this rule is not abided by.
· Please clean your area when you are told to leave.
· Please take all of your items with you when you leave. I cannot be responsible for possessions left in the classroom.
Additional Procedures
· Further procedures will be explained as the course progresses.
Materials Needed for Class
· Notebook
· Pen or Pencil
Please detach and return
Student/Parent Signature Form
I have read and understood the course organizer and policies and procedures for English class, and I realize it is my responsibility to abide by the rules and expectations that have been set forth for this class.
Student Signature and Date
I have read the course organizer and policies and procedures for Horror Fiction, and I realize what is expected of my child. I understand that I am welcome to contact Mr. Criswell if I have any questions about my child’s progress throughout the semester.
Parent Signature and Date
Parent Email (If applicable)