CEESA/ECIS Literacy Coach Conference

Literacy Coaches Cohort (Year 2) and Principals

Coach and Principal Relationships, Roles, and Responsibilities

Date: Saturday, November 15, 2014 Location: Sofia, Bulgaria


Participants will:

1.  Continue building the administrator/coach relationship

a.  Establish norms and agreements for the coach/principal relationship

2.  Plan for the introduction and/or re-introduction of coaching to their school staffs

3.  Observe and analyze a planning conversation between an administrator and a teacher leader

4.  Develop and receive feedback on a first-year coach entry plan

Time/Who / What do I want participants to know and be able to do? / Process: How will I get them there? / Resources/Notes /
8:00-8:15 / Do: Check in/reflections / Share thoughts, lingering questions from yesterday
8:15-8:20 / Know: Goals for the day / Preview the agenda
8:20-8:50 / Know: Processing styles and responses to change impact the ways in which we work together.
Do: Build awareness of own and colleagues’ processing styles and responses to change. Consider how they impact working relationships. / 1.  Listen to the descriptions of the different kinds of boats. Write down the characteristics that represent you as they are read aloud- no talking.
2.  Get into larger group by boat type.
3.  Tell your name and why you chose the boat you did. As a group, list characteristics you view as your strengths and ones that may hold you back.
Share and list 4-5 characteristics you want others to know about your group. / Photos or clip art: ocean liner, speedboat, kayak, sailboat
Chart paper/markers
8:50-9:00 / Know: Tools & resources that can support the development of strong coach/principal relationships
Do: Begin developing partnership agreements / Preview the resources available
Coaches and administrators have team time to begin discussing their work and expectations for working successfully together / Partnership agreement maps (sample & blank)
Getting Student Centered Coaching Up & Running
Sample coach/principal meeting agenda/notes
9:00-9:30 / Do: Articulate coach and principal roles and responsibilities for your own school / School teams discuss & draft partnership agreements
Teacher leaders/Coaches with administrators unable to attend may work with a coach-partner in 2 ways:
·  Use the tools/resources and plan for the conversation you would like to have when you return to school
·  Role-play the conversation you will have when you return to school
9:30-9:45 / Break
9:45-10:30 / Do: Observe and discuss a coach/principal meeting / View video clip of a coach/principal meeting
Administrators observe principal
Coaches observe the coach
·  What roles do they take in planning for and providing teacher support?
School teams discuss their observations and notes / 2 column note form
Video of Shannon and Stevie – planning for teacher support and lab observations
10:30-10:45 / Know: Coaching is an investment of resources and demands results / Share the Results-Based Coaching Tools; think aloud their use (and link to teacher SMART goals) / Results-Based Coaching Tool for Individuals
Results-Based Coaching Tool for Small Groups
10:45-11:15 / Know: Introducing coaching and the role of the coach to the staff is ongoing work done with intention and care
Do: Review samples of how some coaches have introduced/re-introduced themselves and their role / Share and think aloud about the samples provided
School teams read the examples and extract ideas that might be useful for them. Coaches without administrators in attendance work in partnerships. / Sample literacy coach communications
“Coaching Advertisement” examples
11:15-11:45 / Do: Plan for the first year / Coaching Entry Plan: Plan activities for phases of the first year of coaching / Coaching Entry Plan template
11:45-12:30 / Lunch
12:30-1:30 / Do: Administrator and coach break out sessions / Coaches:
Consulting v. Coaching
Discussion around supporting a coaching initiative in their school / Administrators:
Administrator scenarios
Question cards from Friday
1:30-2:00 / Do: Give and receive feedback on coaching entry plans / Schools partner to share their entry plans and receive feedback
2 rounds; 15 min each
2:00-2:15 / Do: Summarize & synthesize learning and establish a personal goal / 3-2-1 +1
Individually record: 3 key points, 2 areas for further exploration, and 1 goal for when you return to your own school
Table groups discuss
Whole group share of ideas (+1) / 3-2-1 +1 Template
Carrie / Do: Closing
2:30 / Adjourn

© Shannon Stanton, 2014 CEESA/ECIS Literacy Coaches and Administrators Sat, Nov. 15, Page 1