North East Area Championships

Thornton Steward Sailing Club

1st & 2nd September 2012

Report and Results

Pos / Helm & Crew / Club / Sail No / Pts
1st / Neal Gibson & Keith Macey / Redoubt / 4040 / 3
2nd / Wayne Atherton & Liz Evans / Delph / 3383 / 4
3rd / Peter Cuthbert & Mark Atherton / Leigh & Lowton / 3747 / 8
4th / Scott & Finlay Train & Kate Bernard / Thornton Steward / 3375 / 11
5th / Martin Burgess & Paul Bernard / Thornton Steward / 1204 / 12
6th / Martin & Mavis Bathe / Delph / 59 / 16
7th / Richard & James Hewitt / Teesdale / 2323 / 19
8th / Gillan & Kenneth Gibson / Thornton Steward / 3670 / 22
9th / Ken and Clare McArthur / Thornton Steward / 3486 / 28

Saturday started with the sheep pinned to the fence. The race officer set a simple figure 8 course which challenged a few with the 2 gybe marks meaning tacking or swimming on several occasions.

Race one started with 8 boats, many of whom decided it was too windy and retired within a matter of laps. First round the windward mark was Neal Gibson and Keith Macey in 4040 followed by Wayne Atherton and Lizzy Evans in 3383. Neal and Keith attempted the win or swim technique finishing the race in 2nd position after checking the buoyancy of the new boat 3 times.

Race two the wind bated which tempted all of the previously overpowered boats back onto the water. First to the windward mark was again Neal and Keith followed by Wayne and Lizzy, this time without any mistakes, leading to the finish.

Saturday night, which as usual included some fantastic food and pictures, ensured that everyone had a good night sleep despite the sheep and geese trying their hardest to keep everyone awake.

The view out of the tent at 6.30am was that of a half mirror, luckily the wind filled through whilst the fleet watched another local Miracle rig to increase the fleet to 9 boats.

Race 3 the local boat 3375 sailed by Scott Train and Kate Bernard led for the first lap chased closely by Wayne and Liz and Neal and Keith. The teamwork and spinnaker work that is well known in the top part of the fleet gave Neal and Keith the ability to overtake Wayne and Liz downwind and then take Scott and Kate upwind which gave them the lead that was held until the finish.

Race 4 and a single recall for Neal and Keith gave Wayne and Liz the opportunity to get clear and keep clear leaving it all down to the last race between the two of them.

Race 5 with all to play for saw Neal and Keith first to the windward mark followed by Wayne and Liz and Martyn Burgess holding 3rd place for a significant part of the race. With more time in the boat this year and some good upwind tactics Peter Cuthbert and Mark Atherton in 3747 pulled through to third leaving the final results for this race with Neal and Keith first, Wayne and Liz second and Peter and Mark third.

Neal Gibson

Photo: Gemma Gibson

Photo: Martin Pickersgill

Photo: Martin Pickersgill

Photo: Andrew Burgess

Photo: Andrew Burgess

Photo: Andrew Burgess