STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1) / What comes to mind when you hear the phrase ‘organ transplants’?
2) / What organs can be transplanted?
3) / What do you think of organ transplants?
4) / What do you think of people who refuse organ transplants?
5) / Do you think organ transplants will become much more common in the future?
6) / Do you think body parts from animals will be used in organ transplants in the future?
7) / Do you think brain transplants will be possible in the future?
8) / Would you like to be a doctor who performs organ transplants?
9) / Would you give up one of your kidneys or half of your liver to save the life of a friend?
10) / What do you think of face transplants?

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

1) / What do you know about organ transplants?
2) / Would you allow the organs of a loved one to be transplanted?
3) / Would you accept to have an animal’s heart if it could save your life?
4) / What would you think if your government paid for a serial killer in prison to have an organ transplant?
5) / Which of your organs would you want for organ transplants after you die?
6) / Are you a different person if you have a heart transplant?
7) / Would you like to see an organ transplant?
8) / How worried would you be if your doctor said you needed an organ transplant?
9) / What are the dangers of organ transplants?
10) / If you could clone yourself to have a stock of body parts for future organ transplants, would you?
Lonely Planet travel guide in fraud scandal - 15th April, 2008
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