Table s1. Logarithmic OR or RR (Log[OR/RR]) and Its SE for the Meta-Analysis

Author / Categories / Log(OR/RR) / SE
La Vecchia C / Total / 0.336472 / 0.371247
Zatonski WA / Total / -0.65393 / 0.302699
Zhang.X.H / Total / -0.41552 / 0.152249
Nagano J / Total / 0.019803 / 0.208532
Sarah.N / Total / -0.30111 / 0.302109
*The estimate was obtained by fixed-effect model using the HR given by sex control.

Table s2. Summary of Studies included in the Meta-Analysis

Case-control study
of Publication / Country / No. Case/Control / Sources
Of Controls / Exposure / Adjusted Factors / Comparison
of Exposure Level / Adjusted OR/RR (95% CI) / P value
1992 / Italy / 41/ / Hospital / tea / age, sex, area of residence, education, smoking, coffee consumption / ever/never / 1.4[0.7-3.0] / -
1992 / Polish / 73/186 / population / tea / age, sex and education / Q2/Q1 / 0.67[0.29-1.55] / 0.04
1992 / Polish / 73/186 / population / tea / age, sex and education / Q3/Q1 / 0.41[0.18-0.96] / 0.04
2006 / China / 368/902 / population / tea / age at interview and education status / ever/never / 0.82[0.52-1.3]
2006 / China / 368/902 / population / tea / age at interview and education status / ever/never / 0.56[0.38-0.83]
Cohort s study
of Publication / Country / No. Case / Sources
Of Controls / Exposure / Adjusted Factors / Comparison
of Exposure Level / Adjusted OR/RR (95% CI) / P value
2001 / Japan / 122 / atomic-bomb survivors / Green tea / city,gender,age,radiation exposure,smoking status,acohol drinking,BMI,education level and calendar time / Q2/Q1 / 0.9[0.57-1.7] / 0.74
2001 / Japan / 122 / atomic-bomb survivors / Green tea / city,gender,age,radiation exposure,smoking status,acohol drinking,BMI,education level and calendar time / Q3/Q1 / 1.2[0.66-2.2] / 0.74
2012 / China / 83 / population / tea / age, marital status, education, occupation, BMI, exercise, fruit and vegetable intake, meat intake, diabetes, and family history of digestive system cancer / Current/never / 0.74[0.41-1.34]

Figure S1