Basic self defense is NOT combat fighting! It is not dangerous to learn and does not take years of training. It ISa combination of common sense, self-confidence, and various defense techniques.

Self defense is just that – an emergency training procedure that is used in the event that a person comes under attack. It is to be used as a defense, NOT to precipitate an attack. Self-defense is learned with the hope that it will never be needed but will be available if the need ever arises.

Running away, IF YOU CANIS MORE sensible than fighting. Whenever possible, you should run away or avoid the situation, but you can’t always run away from a dangerous situation. In fact, at times, running away may trigger a potential attack. Unless you have a head start, you may be more vulnerable while running away. If an attacker sees that you are afraid, he may be encouraged to continue the attack. The trick is to know WHEN to fight and WHEN to run. Unfortunately, this is a trick that can’t be taught – you have to rely on your own instincts in the situation to “tell “you how to react.

Knowledge of self-defense techniques tends to make people less prone to panic and hysteria when faced with a potentially dangerous situation. One of the keys to self-defense is to keep a cool head and think in a logical manner when faced with a possible attack.

Self-defense techniques should not be used to show off to your friends. These techniques are effective only when they are used seriously – when you have an element of surprise and when you are willing to inflict pain. Self-defense is NOT a game. It is an emergency preparation for a serious situation.

Learning basic self-defense should prepared for many situations that you may encounter. Obviously, there are some situations that can only be handled by a highly skilled person and even some that no one should handle. Part of self-defense is knowing when not to resist. It is still better to be alive and without your money than to die for a few hundred dollars.

Preventative Self-Defense

Preventative self-defense is designed to prevent or minimize the danger of a physical attack. This aspect of self-defense involves a lot of COMMON SENSE. The number one rule is to NOT place yourself in a potentially dangerous situation to begin with.

Rules for Preventative Defense at Home

1. Do not allow anyone to enter your home unless you know them! This is the SINGLE MOSTIMPORTANT RULE!

a. If someone asks to use your phone – you call for them. Do NOT allow them into your home.

b. You are not obligated to admit any inspectors or workmen to your home if you choose not to. Ask to see their identification before you admit anyone.

2. Have a viewer or sight hole installed in your door. ALWAYS look to see who is there before you admit anyone.

3. Keep a safety chain on BOTH the front and back doors.

a. A safety chain permits you to open the door without letting the person in.

b. Call the company to confirm a “routing or safety check” – don’t just take the serviceman’s word.

4. Install EFFECTIVE DOOR LOCKS. If in doubt about what lock is effective, consult a locksmith.

5. Keep doors and windows locked. Locks have no effect if you don’t use them. Make it a practice to keep all doors locked.

6. Don’t tell anyone that you are going to be home alone – keep your windows covered at night.

7. Hidden keys are never really hidden. If you leave a key where a friend can find it, an attacker can find it too!

8. Lights are a help.

a. Prowlers prefer darkness. Inside AND outside lights can help protect your home.

b. Automatic switches can be used to turn on specific lights inside and outside – if you are home or away.

c. Outside lights should illuminate doorways.

9. Company is safety. Usually, there is safety in numbers.

a. Try to avoid walking alone at night.

b. Have a neighbor keep an eye on your holes or apartment, while you keep an eye on theirs.

c. If you are afraid to be alone, have someone stay with you.

10. Try to break into your own home – if you can, an attacker can! Strengthen all the weak points you find.

Rules for Preventative Defense Away from Home

1. Act self-assured when you are alone. If an attacker senses that you are afraid, he/she will

be more apt to attack you.

2. Mental awareness of your surroundings is something that you should always be conscious

of. This is NOT brooding about the possibility of an attack, but trying to avoid potentially

dangerous attack situations.

3. Know where you are going in advance. don’t get lost and if you do, go to a familiar area

with lots of people as quickly as possible!

4. If you think you are being followed, find other people if possible and then turn around.

Look and be assertive.

5. Carry a noise maker to summon help, e. g. a loud whistle!

6. Always have your key ready to unlock your car, apartment or house. Don’t have to fumble

in the dark to find your keys. If you are attacked a key poked into an attacker’s face is a

good deterrent.

7. When driving, keep your car in good repair, your doors locked, and your windows up.

Don’t pick up strangers, and if you think that you are being followed, DO NOT GO

HOME. Drive to a service station, police station, or some other populated place where

help might be available.

8. Always lock your car when you leave it and don’t park your car in a dark, deserted area.

When you return to your car, always observe strangers lurking around your car and look in

the back seats BEFORE you get in.

9. Sexual assault may range from dealing with a sexually aroused person to a vicious attack.

The defense is also varied. Sometimes just saying NO is enough. At other times, it may be

necessary to break away or inflict pain or injury to stop the attack.

10.Prudent behavior in any situation depends upon assessment of the possible choices of

action that would be best for that particular situation.

Simple Self-Defense Techniques

1. BreakFalls – The ability to fall down and NOT get hurt is paramount to

not only self defense but everyday life.

2. Breaking Free – Most people do not like to be grabbed and will resist being held by

fighting to break free from the old of another person. arm blocks (wax on –wax off) should

be used before the grabbing occurs and afterwards to break free. Other break free methods

include over-under twist, Indian break, walk away and wrist releases.

3.Throws and Trips – Throws and trips should only be used if you cannot break free from

your opponent. The element of surprise is pivotal in the execution of a throw or trip and

MUSTbe fast and explosive to be effective. Some basic throws and trips include the arm

dray, back trip, hip throw, and shoulder throw.

4. Vital Areas of the Body – Everyone has parts of their body that are vulnerable to attack. If

it becomes necessary to defend yourself from serious injury, knowing what to hit is one of

the great equalizers, especially if your attacker is bigger and stronger than you are. Some

of the common vital areas of the body are the eyes, ears, nose, throat, genitals, kidneys, ribs

and all joints.

5. Punches and Kicks – Punches and kicks should be used to keep your attacker at bay, to

break free or for injuring your attacker if your safety is threatened. Hand and foot strikes

to vital areas of the body are the last resort of self-defense. Basic hand strikes include

finger and hand jabs. full hand punch, palm heel strikes, throat strike, knife hand, upper cut

and back fist. Basic kicks include front snap, side thrust, sidekick, back kick and

roundhouse kick.

6. Blocks Against Punches and Kicks – Blocking using the forearm and feet against hand

blows and kicks is a major part of self-defense. Most blocks are done utilizing the

forearms with the legs used as a last resort. Basic blocks include rising arm block, down

block, inside and outside block and foot block.

7. Fighting From the Ground – There may be times during an encounter when you lose your

balance or you are thrown to the ground by your attacker. If this occurs, always use some

type of roll and get back on your feet as soon as possible. If you can’t get up, use your legs

to defend yourself. Kick at your attacker’s groin, knee or shin and then try to get up and

get away.

8. Multiple Attackers – More than one attacker is big trouble because they can come at you

from varying angels and from two or more directions. IF you can’t talk your way out of

trouble or get away, be the first to attack and try to disable the closest attacker. Then try

to escape or disable each attacker, one at a time. Your only hope is to aim your strikes at

the vital areas of your attackers.

9 Weapons of Opportunity – We al carry items with =us that can be used to inflect pain or

injury if we are forced to defend ourselves from an attack. But remember, to be of any use,

the items must be accessible at the time of the attack. Common, everyday weapons are

keys, belts brushes, purses, and pens.

10. Final Thoughts on Self Defense – Your # 1 defense should be prevention. Don’t allow

yourself to be drawn into a dangerous situation. Run away if possible. When these options

are impossible, use any self-defense technique in which you have confidence or has been

effective in the past. Finally, if one thing does not work, always try something else!