The following lists the information and key measures required to report your group’s achievements in the program that was funded. Questions and completed reports can be emailed to .

University/College / Click here to enter text.
Student group / Click here to enter text.
Contact Name / Click here to enter text.
E-Mail Address / Click here to enter text.
Phone Number / Click here to enter text.
Project Name / Click here to enter text.
Grant amount awarded / Click here to enter text.
Amount spent / Click here to enter text.

1.  When did the program operate?

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2.  Where did the program operate? List the zip code/s or the region/s.

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3.  Total number of clients served through the funded program.

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4.  Select the populations of people reached by your program:



☐ Female

☐ Both


☐ No specific gender targeted

Race/Ethnicity, select all that apply

☐ African American

☐ Asian

☐ Bi/Multi-racial

☐ Caucasian

☐ Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

☐ Hispanic/Latino

☐ Native American/Alaskan Native

☐ Other

☐ No specific race/ethnicity targeted

Age, select all that apply

☐ 0-2 Years

☐ 3-5 Years

☐ 6-9 Years

☐ 10-14 Years

☐ 15-19 Years

☐ 20-34 Years

☐ 35-54 Years

☐ 55-64 Years

☐ 65-74 Years

☐ 75-84 Years

☐ 85 and older

☐ No specific age group targeted

5.  Did you reach your target population? ☐ Yes ☐ No

6.  Describe in detail the specific services that were provided.

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7.  Review the below outcome indicators carefully and select only 1 indicator that your program achieved through grant funding. We understand your program may have multiple outcomes, but choose the outcome that aligns most strongly with your program.

☐Clients achieve/maintain permanency (reunification, guardianship, adoption).

☐ Clients are born of a healthy birth weight.

☐ Clients are free from law enforcement/juvenile justice involvement or re-offending.

☐ Clients are free from substantiated incidents of child abuse and/or neglect.

☐ Clients are proficient in reading/math.

☐ Clients are promoted to the next grade level.

☐ Clients are ready to enter kindergarten.

☐ Clients are satisfied with services. (administrative)

☐ Clients are successfully able to manage physical health conditions.

☐ Clients are successfully able to navigate the justice system.

☐ Clients are successfully linked with community services.

☐ Clients avoid bullying behaviors.

☐ Clients avoid illegal/addictive substances that negatively impact their lives.

☐ Clients develop coping, stress management skills.

☐ Clients develop healthy relationships with family members/caregivers.

☐ Clients develop positive friendships with peers.

☐ Clients develop positive self-concept/self-esteem/self-confidence.

☐ Clients develop/maintain a physically active lifestyle.

☐ Clients develop/maintain healthy eating habits.

☐ Clients develop skills to avoid engaging in risky behaviors.

☐ Clients do not become pregnant or father a child during teen years.

☐ Clients enhance their capacity and performance. (administrative)

☐ Clients enroll in/complete job training, college, or vocational training.

☐ Clients experience a sense of belonging.

☐ Clients experience fewer mental, emotional, and/or behavioral symptoms.

☐ Clients experience no out-of-home placements.

☐ Clients feel less isolated.

☐ Clients feel more hopeful about the future.

☐ Clients gain critical thinking and decision-making skills.

☐ Clients gain knowledge/take action about advocacy/policy issues.

☐ Clients gain knowledge about available community resources.

☐ Clients gain knowledge about behavioral/mental health issues.

☐ Clients gain knowledge about healthy lifestyle habits.

☐ Clients gain knowledge about personal finance and money management.

☐ Clients gain knowledge about pertinent legal rights and obligations.

☐ Clients gain knowledge about physical health conditions.

☐ Clients gain knowledge about safe and healthy relationships.

☐ Clients gain knowledge about service delivery topic. (administrative)

☐ Clients gain knowledge and skills to prevent and respond to emergencies.

☐ Clients gain knowledge/take action to increase disaster preparedness.

☐ Clients gain positive parenting/co-parenting skills.

☐ Clients gain strategies for enhancing safety.

☐ Clients gain/maintain independent living/essential life skills.

☐ Clients graduate from high school, earn a GED, other high school equivalent.

☐ Clients have immediate basic needs met (food, clothing, shelter, etc.).

☐ Clients identify, manage, and appropriately express emotions and behaviors.

☐ Clients improve listening and spoken language abilities.

☐ Clients increase income, savings, assets.

☐ Clients maintain/improve course grades/academic performance.

☐ Clients maintain/improve school attendance/remain in school.

☐ Clients maintain/improve their level of functioning.

☐ Clients maintain/improve their quality of life.

☐ Clients make changes based on knowledge gained. (administrative)

☐ Clients meet or exceed age-appropriate developmental milestones.

☐ Clients obtain employment.

☐ Clients obtain job readiness skills.

☐ Clients pass their classes.

☐ Clients receive routine medical care and age-appropriate immunizations.

☐ Clients recover to their normal lifestyle after a disaster.

☐ Clients remain in/transition to an improved, stable living situation.

☐ Clients retain employment for at least three months.

8.  Explain any variances from your proposed budget and the actual budget.

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9.  Please share a success story you encountered during your program. This can be a story of a college student implementing the program, a client served by the program or the project as a whole.

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10.  How did the grant funding help your organization meets its goals and contribute to its mission?

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11.  Are there plans to continue the program? If yes, explain how and in what capacity the program will continue.

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12.  Do you have any comments or suggestions for us regarding the grant process?

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Grantee Certification

I verify that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and reflects the true status of the grant.

SIGNATURE Click here to enter text. DATE Click here to enter text.