Virginia High School

Earth Science

Mr. Ashbrook

2016-2017 School Year

Room 117

Course Description:

Earth Science is the study of the Earth’s composition, structure, processes, and history; its atmosphere, fresh water, and oceans; and its environmental space. This class will show an emphasis on historical contributions in the development of scientific thought about the Earth and space. Major topics being covered in this class will be: plate tectonics, the rock cycle, Earth history, the oceans, the atmosphere, weather and climate, and the solar system. Let’s look deeper:

Meteorology: The study of the weather and climate; and how they relate to water, wind, and heat. Why does it rain? And what exactly is wind, anyway?

Oceanography: This is the study of exactly what it sounds like, our oceans. How do the oceans work? How can there be waterfalls and rivers underwater?

Geology: This studies the Earth itself, its rocks, minerals, mountains, and fossils. Why do the Appalachian Mountains look the way they do?

Astronomy: Our universe, a wonderful place. Its home to everything: stars, planets, you, me, dogs, computers, etc. Is there a difference between stars, or are they all the same? How does our solar system work? What’s on the other side of a black hole?

Course Goals:

·  Build skills of systematic investigation

·  Validate conclusions using evidence and data gathered from experimentation

·  Understand the nature of geology

·  Understand the characteristics of weather, climate, and the relationship they share

·  Understand the principles of Astronomy and Oceanography

·  Apply science concepts to everyday life

·  Prepare students for a higher understanding of why things are and how they got this way


Noah Ashbrook

Phone: (276) 821-5858

Hours: 7:15 am – 3:00 pm.


Twitter: @Mr_Ashbrook

Primary Text

Tarbuck, Lutgens. Virginia Earth Science. Boston: Pearson 2013

Course Outline

1st Nine Weeks:

-  ES1: Scientific Investigations

-  ES1: Longitude and latitude, ES3: Maps

-  ES2/3: Remote Sensing and Satellites

-  ES5: Minerals

-  ES6: Rocks

2rd Nine Weeks

-  ES8: Geology; Weathering, geologic processes

-  ES9: Geology; Soil Formation, Hydrology, Groundwater

-  ES12: Meteorology; Atmosphere

-  ES13: Meteorology; Weather and Climate

3rd Nine Weeks:

-  ES11: Oceanography

-  ES11: Oceanography continued; The Marine Environment

-  ES8: Geology; Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Orogeny

-  ES10: Geology; Fossils and the Rock Record

-  ES7: Geology; Virginia Geology

4th Nine Weeks:

-  ES7: Astronomy; Sun-Earth-Moon System, Solar System

-  ES14: Astronomy; Stars, Galaxies and the Universe

-  SOL REVIEW and testing

-  Extra projects

-  Exploring Earth Science topics


½ -inch 3 –ring binder, loose leaf paper, pens, pencils. Blue or Black ink only. Wild colors are hard to read and will not be accepted. Optional: Simple calculator.


Students will be graded based upon daily work, homework, quizzes, labs, tests and writing assignments using the following percentages:

Tests/quizzes 30%

Assessments 22%

Labs 22%

Writing/Daily 26%

Mid term/Final Exam 14% of your running total

From time to time I will offer extra credit. I encourage all students to take advantage of these opportunities.

How to make an ‘A’

To make an ‘A’ grade in the course a student must show a clear understanding of how all things geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy work. To do this:

·  All assignments must be turned in on time

o  Effort must be shown

·  Participation in labs must take place

·  Proper preparation and study habits for tests will be maintained

o  The grade on said tests will reflect study habits

·  Assignments will be given daily using laptops; these assignments will be taken as a grade at the end of each week. Each student is responsible for the laptop assigned to them. This includes but is not limited to: using the laptop ONLY for assignments given to them by me, proper holding, handling, and usage of the laptop. If a student breaks ANY of these rules they be barred from turning in the daily assignments for 3 school days. This can damage their grade.

Policies and Procedures

1.  Food or drinks will not be allowed in class.

2.  Disruptive behavior will lead to the immediate removal of the student from class. Refer to the Student Responsibilities and Rights Handbook

3.  Tardiness will NOT be tolerated. Unexcused tardies receive a referral to the office which will lead to after school detention and/or in-school detention.

4.  Tests and quizzes are a way to measure achievement; therefore, CHEATING will not be tolerated.

5.  All makeup works must be turned in within the guidelines outlined in the student hand book

6.  My classroom receives direct sunlight 10 hours a day. To counter act the 429 BTU/ft2/hr of the sun (your lightbulb is 51 BTU) the class is cold in the mornings. Basically, this classroom will stay cold, even in winter. Come to class prepared!

(Please detach this section and return to Mr. Ashbrook)

Parent or Guardian:

I have reviewed the previous syllabus with my child, ______(please print).

Parent’s signature: ______/______(sign and print)

Parent’s contact information: ______

Date: ______