CSC 234
Basic C
v Some Notes
- C is case sensitive (so is UNIX/LINUX)
- All programs have one entry point.
- Instructions are performed in order.
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
int num;
printf(“Enter a number: “);
scanf(“%d”, &num);
num = num + 5;
printf(“Your number plus five is: %d”, num);
return 0;
v Style and Whitespace
Style: The use of whitespace, location and amount of commenting, location of braces and other delimiting characters. It is how your code looks.
A good style is:
- Easy to read
- Easy to maintain
- Shows what you were thinking when you wrote the code
Whitespace is for visual purposes only. The compiler strips it out. Use whitespace!
v Keywords
Keywords are reserved words that the compiler knows about.
- You can’t use them as variable names
- Examples: if, while, for, return, int, float, void, do, switch, define, include
v Data Types
Ways to represent information:
- Integer:
- int (32 bits: -2147483647 to 21474836)
- Floating point, for example 34.556
- double (64 bits)
- Character (just a number used to represent a character in the ASCII table)
- char (8 bit: -127 to 127)
v Variables
Variables have a name, data type, and (optionally) an initial value.
- float price;
- int numStudents = 10;
Variable lifecycle:
- declaration
- initialization
- use
v Indentifiers
- variables
- function names
- Use only letters, numbers, and underscores
- Can’t start with a digit
- Can’t use a reserved word
- Don’t redefine standard identifiers (printf)
For this class,
Do this: numSiblings
Not: num_siblings
v Operators
Perform some computation on a variable.
We have operators for:
- Assignment (=)
- Arithmetic (+, -, *, /, %)
- Logic (&, ||, !)
- Comparison (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=)
- Bit manipulation (don’t worry)
Operator Precendence:
v Comments
/* I am a comment. Use me! */
Do not use comments to explain what a line of code does. Comment “blocks” of code.
/* get index choice */
printf("Which Recipe? ");
scanf("%d", &index);
} while(index >= numRecipes || index <= -1);
v Function Calls
“Calling” a function: transfers control of the program to another place, does something, then comes back to the main execution path.
Functions are used for repeated operations, complex calculations, and program maintainability.
The C library has many functions (printf, scanf, etc.) , and you can define your own.
v Common C Mistakes
Syntax errors:
No semicolon, misspelling/not declaring an identifier, not closing comments, declaring a variable after an executed statement. The program won’t compile. There is no executable to run.
Runtime errors:
Divide by zero, forgetting & or * when using scanf.
Logic errors:
Confusing <= with <, or >= with >, or just getting them wrong altogether.