Magic Chinese

學習目標 Learning Objectives

Lesson 8.1 手腳黑黑的 sh#u ji3o h5i h5i de

Name body parts

Lesson 8.2 熊貓好可愛 xi@ngm1o h3o k7’4i

Compliment on someone’s appearance

Lesson 8.3 買一雙涼鞋 m3i y= shu1ng li2ngxi6

Name clothing items with proper measure words

I. 情節發展
/ Everybody wanted to know if the compass could take them to see a real panda in China. Peter entered the word “panda” into the compass and everyone closed their eyes and waited for the blinding flash of light to pass. As they opened their eyes, sure enough there were two lovable pandas right in front of them.
All of them were now in Hong Kong, and they really enjoyed being at the Hong Kong Zoo.Seeing the pandas was the best part of this trip. The weather in Hong Kong was much hotter than what they were used to back home in California, so someone decided that they should find some more suitable clothes. They all rushed to Stanley Market and shopped for clothes and shoes.Linda especially enjoyed this trip because she was originally from Hong Kong, but moved to California when she was very young, so she felt very curious about her birthplace.



琳達: / 啊!你看,熊貓真可愛!頭好大!
麗莎: / 身體白白的,胖胖的,手腳黑黑的。
湯姆: / 眼睛也是黑黑的。對了,哪一隻是媽媽?
彼得: / 高高大大的是媽媽,小的是孩子。


可 / 愛 / 白 / 手 / 黑 / 隻

Traditional / Simplified / Pinyin / Part of Speech / Meaning in English
可愛 / 可爱 / k74i / adj. / lovely; cute
熊 / 熊 / xi@ng / n. / bear
貓 / 猫 / m1o / n. / cat
熊貓 / 熊猫 / xi@ngm1o / n. / panda
愛 / 爱 / 4i / v.; n. / to love; love
頭 / 头 / t@u / n. / head
身體 / 身体 / sh5nt- / n. / body
白 / 白 / b2i / adj. / white
胖 / 胖 / p4ng / adj. / chubby; plump
手 / 手 / sh#u / n. / hand
腳 / 脚 / ji3o / n. / foot
黑 / 黑 / h5i / adj. / black; dark
眼睛 / 眼睛 / y3njing / n. / eye
對 / 对 / du= / adj.; prep. / (adj.) correct, right; (prep.) toward/to
隻 / 只 / zh9 / m.w. / measure word for animals
高 / 高 / g1o / adj. / high; tall
小 / 小 / xi3o / adj. / small; tiny; young
孩子 / 孩子 / h2izi / n. / child
a.1 Basic body parts
Repeat after the teacher, and point at your body parts at the same time.
W#men de sh5nt-
Our Body
兩個眼睛,一個鼻子, / Li3ng ge y3njing, y0 ge b0zi,
Two eyes, one nose,
兩個耳朵,一張嘴; / li3ng ge 7rduo, y= zh1ng zu-;
two ears, one mouth;
一隻左手,一隻右手, / y= zh9 zu#sh#u, y= zh9 y$ush#u,
one left hand, one right hand,
一個身體,兩隻腳。 / y0 ge sh5nt-, li3ng zh9 ji3o.
one body, two feet.
EXERCISE: Draw a line from the Chinese word to each body part in the following pictures.

b.1 Adjective + Adjective + 的 (de)
Repetition of the same word, usually an adjective or a Stative Verb (S.V.), can lighten the force of the word and at the same time express the vividness of the state that is being reflected by that adjective.
這隻熊貓很胖,很可愛。 à 這隻熊貓胖胖的,很可愛。
很A —— AA的
“A” usually is a single syllable adjective.
很高 —— 高高的
很小 —— 小小的
很大 —— 大大的
EXERCISE: Transform the following sentences according to the example.
1.這隻熊貓很胖,很可愛。 / à / 這隻熊貓胖胖的,很可愛。
Zh8 zh9 xi@ngm1o h7n p4ng, h7n k74i. / Zh8 zh9 xi@ngm1o p4ng p4ng de, h7n k74i.
This panda is very fat and cute.
2.那個男孩子很高,很好看。 / à / 那個男孩子 ,很好看。
N4 ge n2n h2izi h7n g1o, h7n h3ok4n. / N4 ge n2n h2izi g1o g1o de, h7n h3ok4n.
That boy is very tall and good looking.
3.這個西瓜很甜,很好吃。 / à / 這個西瓜 ,很好吃。
Zh8 ge x9gu1 h7n ti2n, h7n h3och9. / Zh8 ge x9gu1 ti2n ti2n de, h7n h3och9.
This watermelon is very sweet and tasty.
4.那個蘋果很綠,很酸。 / à / 那個蘋果 ,很酸。
N4 ge p0ngu# h7n l}, h7n su1n. / N4 ge p0ngu# h7n l}, h7n su1n.
That apple is very green, and very sour.
c.1 唱一唱: Sing a Song
Presentational & Interpersonal Communication:
Melody: Use the same melody as London Bridge Is Falling Down.
Head, Face, Eyebrow, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Mouth
頭臉眉眼;耳鼻嘴, / T@u li3n m6i y3n; 7r b0 zu-,
耳鼻嘴,耳鼻嘴, / 7r b0 zu-,7r b0 zu-.
頭臉眉眼;耳鼻嘴, / t@u li3n m6i y3n; 7r b0 zu-,
胸腰屁股*。 / xi!ng y1o p=gu.
手臂手指大小腿†, / Sh#ub= sh#uzh- d4 xi3o tu-,
大小腿,大小腿, / d4 xi3o tu-, d4 xi3o tu-,
手臂手指大小腿, / sh#ub= sh#uzh- d4 xi3o tu-,
腳跟腳趾甲※。 / ji3o g5n ji3ozh-ji3.
* Chest, waist, buttock. †Arms, fingers, thigh and calf. ※Feet and toenails



瑞奇: / 爸爸呢?是不是那一隻?
麗莎: / 對。咦? 熊貓也有五個指頭嗎?
琳達: / 對!好可愛!真好玩!
湯姆: / 我好熱。哪裡涼快, 可以休息一下?
琳達: / 我們去赤柱市場(Stanley Market) 吧! 也可以買衣服那裡賣的衣服又好又便宜。


熱 / 涼 / 以 / 買 / 衣 / 服
便 / 宜 / 賣 / 便 / 宜
Traditional / Simplified / Pinyin / Part of Speech / Meaning in English
呢 / 呢 / ne / part. / ending particle; what about…?
指 / 指 / zh- / v. / to point; to direct
指頭 / 指头 / zh-tou / n. / finger; refers to panda’s claw
熱 / 热 / r8 / adj. / heat; hot
涼 / 凉 / li2ng / adj. / cool; cold
涼快 / 凉快 / li2ngku4i / adj. / pleasantly cool; nice and cool
可以 / 可以 / k7y- / v./ aux. / can; be able to; may
休息 / 休息 / xi%xi / v. / to rest
一下 / 一下 / y0 xi4 / adv. / a little while
去 / 去 / q* / v. / to go
市 / 市 / sh= / n. / market; city
市場 / 市场 / sh=ch3ng / n. / market
買 / 买 / m3i / v. / to buy
衣服 / 衣服 / y9fu/y9f^ / n. / clothes
賣 / 卖 / m4i / v. / to sell
便宜 / 便宜 / pi2nyi / adj. / cheap; inexpensive
a.1 好 (h3o) + Adjective
When “好” functions as an adverb placed before an adj., it means “really, so”.
For example:
好大 h3o d4 so big
好多 h3o du! so many/much
好高 h3o g1o really tall
Notice that there are some differences between “好”, “真” and “很”. They are all adverbs which can be placed before an adjective to indicate intensity. However, “好” and “真” are used for exclamation, while “很” is used to comment on a state of being or quality of a given subject.真is similar to the way people use VERY in English (e.g., VERY good), while the unstressed很reflects a plain statement of an original state of being (e.g., good). You can review the differences between the stressed and unstressed很 in Unit 2.
Read these phrases and sentences and experiment each with different tone of voice.
Very much…/so… / Really… / --- (original degree, put no stress on h7n )---
好好玩! / 真好玩! / 很好玩。
H2o h3ow2n! / Zh5n h3ow2n! / H7n h3ow2n.
你妹妹好可愛! / 你妹妹真可愛! / 你妹妹很可愛。
N- m8imei h3o k74i! / N- m8imei zh5n k74i! / N- m8imei h7n k74i.
這個西瓜好大! / 這個西瓜真大! / 這個西瓜很大。
Zh8 ge x9gu1 h3o d4! / Zh8 ge x9gu1 zh5n d4! / Zh8 ge x9gu1 h7n d4.
那件衣服好好看! / 那件衣服真好看! / 那件衣服很好看。
N4 ji4n y9fu h2o h3ok4n! / N4 ji4n y9fu zh5n h3ok4n! / N4 ji4n y9fu h7n h3ok4n.
a.2 去 (q*) + place word
means “ to go to (place)”
The use is similar to English, but it is equally common to use “到 (d4o, to arrive at) + place word + 去”. The two constructions are interchangeable.
去市場 = 到市場去 d4o sh=ch3ng q* to go to the market
去學校 = 到學校去 d4o xu6xi4o q* to go to school
b.1 Particle 呢 (ne)
When the particle呢 is placed after a noun, or at the end of a sentence, it means “How about...?” or “what about so and so?” in English.
1.  我叫湯姆,你呢?
Wǒ ji4o T1ngm&, nǐ ne?
My name is Tom, how about you?
2.  琳達是美國人,他呢?
L0nd2 sh= M7iguó rén, tā ne?
Linda is an American, how about him?
3. 我有一個弟弟,你呢?
W# y#u y0 ge d=di, n- ne?
I have a younger brother, how about you?
4. 我很餓,怎麼辦呢?我可以吃什麼呢?
W# h7n 8, z7nme b4n ne? W# k7y- ch9 sh6nme ne?
I am very hungry, what should I do? What can I eat?
c.1 Who are you going with to have fun?
Interpersonal Communication:
N- h6 sh6i y4o q* n3li, zu$ sh6nme?
With who and where are you going? What are you going to do?
1.  Four boxes, labeled person, country, place, and activity prepared by the teacher.
2.  Four small pieces of paper
1.  Write down the following information on its own piece of paper:
a.  name of a person, such as莉莎
b.  name of a country, such as香港
c.  name of a specific place, such as 動物園
d.  name of an activity, such as 看熊貓
2.  Drop your four pieces of paper into the appropriate boxes.
3.  When the teacher calls on you, randomly draw one piece of paper from each box. Use the information on these four pieces of paper to construct a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
4.  Speak in a loud and clear voice to share your sentence with your class.
For example, assuming this is the information on your four pieces of paper:

Name of a person / 哪裡-1?
Name of a country / (的) / 哪裡-2 ?
Name of a place / 做什麼?
Name of an activity
莉莎 / 香港 / 動物園 / 看熊貓
Your sentence will be:
W#h6 L=sh4 y4oq* Xi1ngg3ng de d$ngw*yu2n k4n x0ongm1o.
Lisa and I want to go to the Hong Kong Zoo to see the pandas.
c.2 Show and 廿ell
Presentational Communication:
Bring pictures or stuffed animals you would like to show, and talk about the reasons why you like these animals. Don’t forget to comment on their body parts. Ask your teacher or use a dictionary for terms that you don’t know.

A: 我喜歡 (animal name) 。
W# x-hu1n .
I like …
B: 他/她的 脖子(b@zi) 很長。
T1 / t1 de (b@zi) h7n ch2ng.
His / her neck is long.
Here are some useful words and phrases.
眼睛 / 鼻子 / 嘴 / 頭髮 / 腿 / 耳朵
y3njing / b0zi / zu- / t@ufa / tu- / 7rduo
eye / nose / mouth / hair / leg / ears
大 / 高 / 小 / 漂亮 / 可愛 / 長
d4 / g1o / xi3o / pi4oli4ng / k74i / ch2ng
big / tall / small / pretty / cute/lovely / long



瑞奇: / 太好了!我要買一件T恤衫。
麗莎: / 那, 我要買一雙紅色涼鞋。
彼得: / 穿長褲太熱了,我要買一條白短褲。
琳達: / 哎呀,太熱了! 快一點兒,我們走吧!
湯姆: / 對呀!我也餓了。快去買吧!我想吃飯了。


件 / 雙 / 穿 / 條 / 走 / 飯
Traditional / Simplified / Pinyin / Part of Speech / Meaning in English
件 / 件 / ji4n / m.w. / measure word for clothes
T恤衫 / T恤衫 / T-x*sh1n / n. / T-shirt
雙 / 双 / shu1ng / m.w. / measure word for shoes, chopsticks
鞋 / 鞋 / xi6 / n. / shoe
涼鞋 / 凉鞋 / li2ngxi6 / n. / sandal
穿 / 穿 / chu1n / v. / to wear, to put on clothes or shoes
長 / 长 / ch2ng / adj. / long
褲 / 裤 / k* / n. / trousers; pants
條 / 条 / ti2o / m.w. / measure word for belt, trousers, river, or fish
短 / 短 / du3n / adj. / short
短褲 / 短裤 / du3nk* / n. / short trousers; shorts
哎呀 / 哎呀 / 4iya / exp. / expression of dissatisfaction
一點兒 / 一点儿 / y=di3nr / adv. / a little; a bit
走 / 走 / z#u / v. / to walk; to go
對呀 / 对呀 / du=ya / exp. / expression of agreement
飯 / 饭 / f4n / n. / rice; meal
吃飯 / 吃饭 / ch9 f4n / v. / to have a meal
穿 (chu1n) & 戴 (d4i)
穿(chu1n) and 戴(d4i) both mean “to wear”, but there is a distinction: 穿is used for wearing clothing such as shirts, pants, socks, shoes, etc., while 戴 is used for wearing accessories such as eye glasses, earrings, hat, rings, etc.
穿衣服,戴帽子。 Chu1n y9fu, d4i m4ozi.
Wearing clothes, wearing a hat.
NOTE: For other English uses of the word “wear” as highlight in “She wears her hair short” or “She wears nice perfume”, neither 穿or 戴 would apply.
EXERCISE: Bring a photograph of your family. Describe what each person is wearing in Chinese. Be sure to combine different types of clothing and accessories with color terms from Unit 4.
爸爸穿綠長褲。 B4ba chu1n l} ch2ngk*
Dad wears a pair of green pants (trousers).
媽媽穿白上衣紅裙子。 M1ma chu1n b2i sh4ngy9 h@ng q^nzi.
Mom wears a white shirt and a red skirt.
姐姐戴黑眼鏡。 Ji7jie d4i h5i y3nj=ng.
Older sister wears black glasses.
弟弟戴黃帽子。 D=di d4i hu2ng m4ozi.
Younger brother wears a yellow hat.
b.1 Adjective + 一點兒 (y= di3r)