Ms. Holzlein and Ms. Reilly


English IV

The Medieval Period: Creative Projects

Please choose oneof the following assignments to complete in order to demonstrate your knowledge of the medieval period. To complete your project successfully, you should conduct relevant online research as well as use your knowledge from class discussions about medieval life and the texts we have read from this time period (Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and The Canterbury Tales).

Due: Monday, December 2nd

  1. Research medieval foods and prepare a presentation of a medieval feast. Create the following items for the event: a menu (including the names and descriptions of dishes that will be served, with accompanying pictures), an invitation, and a recipe for one of the dishes being served at the feast.
  1. Compile a scrapbook based on the medieval period. Write captions explaining each item included. Describe not only what the item is, but also how it was used or what its importance was in medieval society. You should include a minimum of 10 items.
  1. Create a newspaper that could have existed during a specific year of the medieval period. Write articles and include appropriate pictures (hand or computer-drawn, cut from magazines or newspapers, or found on the Internet). In addition to a minimum of four major articles, include typical newspaper features like editorials, obituaries, advertisements, and comics.
  1. Research specific elements typically found in tales of medieval romances. Write an original short story (minimum of 2 pages) about a medieval romance utilizing some of these elements. On a separate page, write a paragraph explaining how you incorporated some of the elements of medieval romance into your story.
  1. Research medieval knighthood and the code of chivalry. Use several ideas from your research to inspire you to write an original short storyabout the adventure of a medieval knight (minimum of 2 pages). On a separate page, write a paragraph explaining how you incorporated some of the elements of knighthood and chivalry into your story.
  1. In comic-strip style format, illustrate a scene from Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, or The Canterbury Tales. Use at least six frames to illustrate the scene. Your entire comic strip should fill an entire standard poster.
  1. Board game – Create a board game based on the medieval period. A player should be able to learn specific information about what life was like during the medieval period by playing the game. Include clearly written instructions, some type of board, and playing pieces.
  1. Design an original poster to advertise a movie based on Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, or The Canterbury Tales. Be sure to include everything normally found on a movie poster. See for help.

Project Grading Rubric

Please complete the student score column of this rubric and hand it in with your project.


Subject: Period:

Project Title:

Content Quality:
10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 / Student Score / Teacher Score
Criteria / All assignment criteria are clearly met / Most criteria are clearly met / Some criteria are missing or unclear / Few criteria are met or are unclear / All assignment criteria are missing or unclear
Accuracy / All information is accurate / Most information is accurate with a few errors / Some information is accurate with many errors / Most information is not accurate / Information is not accurate
Organization / Information is to the point and clearly presented / Information is mostly easy to understand / Information is somewhat easy to understand / Information is difficult to understand / Information is not clearly presented
Significance / Information ismost important to the subject matter / Information is mostly important to the subject matter; some items missing / Information somewhat important to the subject matter; many items missing / Information is not very important to the subject matter; many items missing / Information is irrelevant
Visual Appeal:
5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Presentation & Graphics
*Create-a-Quiz & “I” Search are assessed on presentationonly. / Photos/ illustrations are high quality, appropriate and well presented / Photos/ illustrations are not high quality or well presented / Photos/ Illustrations are low quality, some are missing or not well presented / Photos/ Illustrations are low quality and most are missing or not well presented / No photos or illustrations
assignment not well presented
Grammar & Spelling / All work has correct grammar and spelling / Most work has correct grammar and spelling / Some work has correct grammar and spelling / Most work has poor grammar and/or spelling / Grammar and spelling are poor
Total Score / /50 / /50