Movie Maker Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Graphics: / All graphics are clear; graphics sized correctly / 1 or 2 graphics are somewhat blurry, too small / Several blurry graphics / Unclear what graphics are saying at all / No graphics used


/ All graphics are relevant to topic / 1 or 2 graphics are somewhat irrelevant / Several graphics do not belong / Many graphics do not fit topic or theme


/ Slides appear long enough to make their point, but not too long / 1-2 slides disappear too soon or remain for too long / Many slides are timed incorrectly / All of the slides are timed incorrectly
Effects: / AppropriateAll effects enhance pictures and augment the flow of the movie / 1-2 effects distract viewer from intent of movie / Several effects are distracting / few effects used / No effects used
Transitions / All transitions enhance pictures and augment the flow of the movie / 1 or 2 transitions distract viewer from intent of movie / Several transitions are distracting / Few transitions used / No transitions used
/ Relevance Audio is relevant to Movie. Adds interest and encourages comprehension / Some audio is relevant, but some is just for fun / Audio distracts viewer from intent of Movie; Volume too loud or too soft / Audio is not of good quality; scratchy, unclear / No audio is used inappropriate audio used
Theme / Obvious theme indicated through choice of music and art chosen / Theme is somewhat indicated through choice of music and art chosen / Theme is present but is not consistent / Theme is present / No theme present
Tone / Attitude of producer is clear through pictures and video chosen / Attitude of producer is somewhat clear through pictures and video chosen / Attitude of producer is seen through pictures and video chosen / Attitude of producer is there but is confusing / No tone is present; photos and graphics chosen at random
Mood / Pictures and music, graphics clearly set a mood for viewer / Pictures and music, graphics somewhat set a mood for viewer / Mood is set but is somewhat unclear / Mood is set / No mood indicated
Video, photos / Video and photos used are clear; precisely convey producer’s message / Video and photos used are clear; somewhat convey producer’s message / Video and photos used are somewhat clear; somewhat convey producer’s message / Video and photos used are clear / Why did you choose this video and these photos?

Total /40