David R. Boe, Chair
Larry G. Pagel, Vice Chair
Francella A. Quinell, Secretary
Minutes:NMU Academic Senate Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday,27 September 2011
Presiding:David Boe, Chair
Members Present: Mike Andary, At-Large; Tim Hilton, At-Large; Paul Lang, Interim VPAA & Provost; Larry Pagel, Vice Chair; Francella Quinnell, Secretary; Mark Shevy, At-Large; Ron Sundell, AAUP Liaison; Bitsy Wedin, At-Large
Absent: None
- Call to Order
David called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
- Additions to/Adoption of Agenda
No additions. Agenda adopted.
- Approval of Draft Minutes of Tuesday 13 September 2011
Approved with one minor revision. (Provost was listed twice in Members Present.)
- Reports:
- Chair
David welcomed new at-large members for the 2011-2012 academic year. He reported that he attended the President Council’s meeting last week and reported on the Senate elections and identified the members of the Executive Committee. David also noted that John Rebers, Chair of the GPC gave a presentation and that he was unaware that John had been asked to give a presentation at that meeting. Paul indicated he provided President Wong with a list of the Senate Committees with a strong recommendation/decision making function and, apparently, the President issued an invitation to the GPC Chair. Discussion ensued about the Chair of the Senate being advised when reports by Senate committees are requested. Paul will ask Theresa Nease, Executive Assistant to the President, to notify the Chair of the Senate if Senate committees are asked to present reports. The GPC report given at the last President’s Council’s meeting was concerned with a proposal from Nursing for a DNP (doctorate of nursing practice) program. Bitsy indicated that this proposal is in the early stages. David reported that succession planning (planning concerned with identifying personnel who could step into leadership roles in administration if the need arose) and Jamrich Hall renovations also were discussed at the President’s Council meeting.
- Vice Chair
No report, but Larry explained to the new members that the role of the vice chair was to service as liaison to the various Senate committees.
- Secretary
No report.
- Provost
No report.
No ASNMU representative present.
- AAPC Report of Tuesday 04 October 2011
AAPC recommended that the Senate approve a revision to the Bulletin language on Advanced Placement. The change involves striking the following statement:
If a department is recommending advance placement credit that would apply to general electives, the recommendation must also be approved through the student’s major department. Brief discussion ensued. Report will move to first reading at the 04 October 2011, Senate meeting.
- CEC Report of Tuesday 04 October 2011
1. Senate Committee Grid (updated)
David will report at the Senate meeting that the Provost has approved the CEC report of 20 September 2011. However, additional changes in committee membership were warranted because several faculty members are unable to complete their terms. Report will move to first reading at the 04 October 2011, Senate meeting. It is expected that a motion will be made to suspend the rules and waive the second reading. Parliamentary procedure requires a 2/3 vote by the Senate to waive the second reading. It is expected that a motion to suspend the rules will pass.
- GPC Report of Tuesday 04 October 2011
GPC report will move to first reading at the 04 October 2011 Senate meeting.
Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that the rule requiring a second
reading would not be suspended because graduate faculty status is not a matter of urgency at this point in the semester. Ron asked if a list of faculty with graduate
teaching status is available somewhere. No one was sure where this information
is available. David stated that he would check with John Rebers regarding this matter and will report back to the committee.
- Unfinished Business
- LSC Report of Tuesday 20 September 2011
Following a brief review of the recommendation to move HS 105 from the list of approved courses for Division IV (Foundation of Social Science) to the list of approved courses for Division II (Foundation of Humanities), it was agreed that the report will move to a second reading at the 04 October 2011 Senate meeting.
- New Business
No new business.
- Informal Consideration
- Board of Trustees meeting, Senate report (Thursday, 9/29)
David will report on: the status of the liberal studies reform effort; the Executive Committee’s decision to ask standing Senate Committees to tie their committee work to the Roadmap, if possible, in their year-end reports; and, the faculty forums planned for the fall to discuss proposed changes to the Liberal Studies requirements. David also will report the results of the Senate election and identify the current members of the Executive Committee.
- NCAA update (presentation by Julie Rochester, 10/4, Brule Room)
This presentation is given every semester.
- AQIP and Senate committees (EXSEN visit by Sandi Poindexter, 10/11)
David reported that Sandi wants to talk to the Executive Committee about an idea she has for a current AQIP action project, which involves presenting material to individual Senate committees for feedback. Sandi wanted to present her idea to the Executive Committee as a “first step.” David will invite Sandi to attend the next Executive Committee meeting on 11 October 2011.
- Liberal Studies reform: faculty forums (10/17 at 4:00 pm?, 10/28 at 9:00 am?)
David reported that Mark Paulsen and the Liberal Studies Committee are moving forward with Liberal Studies reform efforts. The LSC is fleshing out the proposal and have tentative dates for the faculty forums, which are Monday 17 October 2011 at 4:00 p.m. and Friday 28 October at 9:00 a.m. The forums will begin with a 15 to 20 minute review of the proposed changes to the Liberal Studies program, followed by time for feedback. The faculty forums will be followed by a presentation to the Senate on Tuesday 15 November 2011. David noted that Mark Paulsen asked about inviting students to the forums. After some discussion, it was suggested that notice of the forums be sent through Dave Bonsall’s office to leaders of student organizations. Development of a feedback form to collect comments and suggestions from those attending the forums was discussed. Lastly, refreshments will be provided at the forums.
- Committee year-end reports and President’s “Roadmap” query (from last April)
David stated that he reported at the last President’s Council meeting of last year that all Senate committees turned in final reports by the end of the 2010-2011 academic year. President Wong asked how the committee reports fit with the Roadmap. It is noted that the committees are working toward the goals of the Roadmap and their achievements should be included in the year-end reports. Larry will work with the committees to address this issue. Paul suggested that committee work relevant to the Roadmap also could be reported on an incremental basis as a “report out” at Board meetings. David will address the matter of the year-end reports and the Roadmap at the 04 October 2011 Senate meeting.
- Good of the Order
Ron invited members of the Executive Committee to attend a gathering in support of contingent faculty to be held on Thursday 29 September 2011.
David noted that a picture of the back of his head appeared in the last NMU AAUP News.
- Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
FrancellaQuinnell, Senate Secretary
Northern Michigan University