/ [IdentifyEverything You've got going on]

Hey there my friend,

Gavin Mountford here...

So, before you can begin to escape from the stress, overwhelm, frustration and information overload you may be facing, you need to know exactly how many things you've got going on in your life right now.

Once you can see all the activities pulling at your time you can begin to take control again, get your time back and build the business you really want to.

Spend 10-15 minutes writing down the answers to the following questions.

1. Make a list of everything you have going on in your life right now. (Including family, hobbies, exercise, business, T.V, books you're reading, courses you are going through, housework, shopping, day job, night job, clubs, church, phone calls etc)

2. How many businesses are you currently trying to build & what are they?(This includes network marketing companies, personal branding products, traditional brick and mortar business, blogs etc.)

3. Does everything you currently do integrate perfectly with each other? If not, how do they conflict?(I.e. Do you have totally separate businesses?)

4. How many different traffic methods are you currently using & what are they?(I.e. Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Video, PPC etc...)

5. How many completely different websites do you currently operate & what are they?

6. How many courses & information products have you purchased over the last year and what were they?(Did you complete and implement the ideas & strategies from the course into your business?)

7. How much time do you currently spend each day on the social networks and in email?(Be honest with yourself :-)

8. Make a list of all the active subscriptions you are currently paying out for? (MLM's, affiliate programs, courses, software etc.)

Congratulations for taking the time to complete this. Just by knowing where you are at in your business right now, will help you fix the problems you're currently facing.

Your Friend and Time Saver,

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