MONDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER 2014 at Pittodrie Stadium

In collaboration with Aberdeen Football Club


Please use this form to book into any and all aspects of The Big Aberdeen Event except to take a stand or space in The Give it a Try arenas. If you have any queries please complete the form using the Further Information box and return to 01224 686058

Payment Details:

Cheques Made Payable to “ACVO”

BACS Payment Sort Code – 83-30-00 Account Number: 00291586 Account Name: ACVO

Organisation/Business Name:


Cheque Attached/BACS Payment Made: Yes/No (Delete as appropriate)

If No, Invoice Address if Different from Above:

Purchase Order Number if applicable:

Contact Name:

Tel No:


Sector: Third Sector/Public/Private (Delete as appropriate)

Are you booked to provide a Give it a Try space, funder surgery, case study, entertainment, Ask the Expert session, or other programme element? Yes/No (Delete as appropriate)

Please tell us the names of your delegates for the Conference. Please also confirm that they will require lunch and if they have any dietary requirements (see below to provide detail). Please also indicate their preferred and second choice of Café theme (see programme).

Delegate Name Lunch Dietary Café Café Café

@ £45 per person* Y/N Y/N Talking Global See Me

About my Connections:

Generation I can see for


John Smith (Example) / Y / N / First / Second

*£35 per person for organisations booked into “Give it a Try” arenas.

Would you like to have a one-to-one surgery with any of the following (please delete any you do not wish to attend):

Big Lottery Robertson Trust (reg charities only)

Climate Challenge Fund Cattanach Trust

Social Investment Scotland BBC Children in Need

Lloyds TSB Foundation Shared Care

Which of the following afternoon sessions do you delegates wish to attend. (The NE Learning Collaborative and Common Purpose sessions run simultaneously. It is possible to take part in an Ask the Expert session and join one of the other two sessions).

Afternoon Session / Delegate Names
Ask the Expert and/or
N E Learning Collaborative or
Common Purpose

Please return to and we will confirm the reservations made for you. Payment in advance of the event is required.

Dietary or Access requirements:


For Office Use: