For the Citizens of GreeneCounty

______Report to the People of ______County

Craig Hertel

GreeneCounty Extension Education Director

Greene County Extension
104 W. Washington Street
Jefferson, IA50129
Telephone: 515-386-2138
Fax: 515-386-3884

Staff serving GreeneCounty

Ashley Blake

CountyYouth Coordinator

Lois Rae Brant and Jan Christian

Office Assistants

Ruth Freeman

Family Resource Management Field Spec.

Annette Brown

Youth Development Field Specialist

Beth Fleming and Sharon Mays

Family Life Field Specialists

Paulelda Gilbert

Nutrition and Health Field Specialist

Kapil Arora

Ag Engineering Field Specialist

John Holmes

Crops Field Specialist

Steve Johnson and Kelvin Leibold

Farm Management Field Specialists

Carl Neifert

Livestock Field Specialist

Frank Owens and Norm Riggs

Community Development Field Specialists

Partnerships help Iowa State University Extension create a better future for all Iowans. Together we can improve quality of life in Iowa. Here are a few examples of Extension partnerships at work in GreeneCounty.

Community Enhancement

Greene County Extension partnered with county groups like Greene County Economic Development; their Housing Committeeand Business Connections efforts to further economic development. We also worked with community organizations like Child Care, Community Resource Council, DCAT, Empowerment, Head Start and HOPES. The new Enhancing Philanthropy and Foundations workshops are laying a base for a Community Foundation in 2005. Extension provided facilitation activities to community efforts in Jefferson, Scranton and FranklinTownship.

42% of GreeneCounty Youth Impacted by ISU Extension

By working with partners like the libraries, Park & Rec, the schools, the hospital, the fair board and local volunteers, Greene County Extension helped 42% of the county’s youthto develop life skills in 2004.

Twenty-six Participate in First Housing Fair

Twenty-six first time home buyers and others learned about buying a home at the first Greene County Housing Fair. Lenders, realtors, insurance agents, builders, USDA Rural Development, Region XII and Ruth Freeman, Family Resource Mtg. Field Specialist teamed up to provide participant information.

Visit the New GreeneCounty Extension Web Site

Visit the new Greene County Extension web site to learn about local upcoming events and research based information to help you make informed decisions.

December 2004

Youth explore DNA at the “Be a Vet Detective” workshop in January, 2004.

Fifth & sixth graders participated in the annual Babysitting Class with Annette Brown, Youth Development Specialist and local volunteers teaching in March, 2004.

Above: Youth and adults learned about using soy in the diet during a June, 2004 workshop.

Below: ISU Life in Iowa Club refurbishes Fairground's Clover Hall as community service.

GreeneCounty Extension brings IowaStateUniversity to you

Iowa State University Extension serves Iowans through six program areas: Agriculture and Natural Resources; Business and Industry; Communities; Families; 4-H Youth Development; and Continuing Education. Greene County Extension brings the university to you. Highlights include:

Thirty Participate in Money Talks: A Financial Guide for Women

GreeneCounty taught the first Money Talks: A Financial Guide for Women series in the nation, fall, 2004. During the five lesson series, participants learned basics of family finance, insurance, banking, investing, and legal issues. Ruth Freeman, Family Resource Management Field Specialist teamed with four local experts to teach the series. Participant comments included:“Made me think of what I can be doing today to use my resources more wisely.” “Quite an eye opener.” “Well done.”

Twenty-three complete the 2004 Master Gardener Class

Twenty-three participants learned about entomology, plant pathology, animal ecology, vegetables, herbs, fruits, landscape plants, flowers, houseplants and garden design during the 15 session training. They join 22 active Master Gardeners in providing research based horticulture information to the community. As a group they completed over 75 hours of continuing education and provided more than 636 volunteer hours to community efforts.

> 255 local youth in eleven 4-H community clubs learn from 65 projectareas,from which they can choose, to meet their personal goals.

> 153 private pesticide applicators were trained by John Holmes, Crops Field Specialist. 78 Commercial Pesticide Applicators gained CEU’s.

> 102 4-H members and their parents learned the importance of Food Quality Assurance from farm to the table in March, 2004.

Forty Greene and BooneCounty producers learned Ag Marketing from Steve Johnson, Farm & Ag Field Specialist through out the year.

> Thirty Township Trustees and Clerks were trained by Norm Riggs, Community Development Specialist and Pam Olerich from the County Auditor’s Office and a Greene County Extension Council Member.

Twenty-five local Home Care Aids learned to plan Quick Healthy Meals from Paulelda Gilbert, Health and Nutrition Specialist in October.

Nineteen learned about ag leasing options in August from Kelvin Leibold, Farm Management Field Specialist.

______Report to the People of ______County