Year 3

Mrs Davey Autumn 2

This term, in Year 3, we will be studying the theme ‘There’s No Place Like Home’ as a part of our creative curriculum. This new theme is based on a scheme of work developed by the Lancashire excellence team. We have lots of exciting activities planned throughout the term including Mrs Astbury’s Apprentice during maths week, the decorating of our class Christmas tree and the needle and thread will be out for sewing during the latter part of the term!


In Literacy we will be reading The Tin Forest by Helen Ward and James Anderson. focusing on character descriptions, settings before writing our own story based on this text. Our Class story will be The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher.


We will be continuing with our times tables throughout this half term, thank you for your continued support with this. We will be moving on to column subtraction and starting our work on shape.

There will be many maths activities going on throughout Maths Week, which is always fun and engaging.


Our Gospel Value for this half term is Compassion. The R.E. unit we are studying is called ‘God with Us’ which aims to give children the opportunity to reflect upon Christmas as a celebration of God’s presence with us 2000 years ago and now.


This half term our focus is on ‘Getting On and Falling Out’ together with ‘AntiBullying.’

Year 3 expectations.

In year 3 I expect your child to be respectful, self motivated and eager to learn. To encourage this, your child has many opportunities to be rewarded through:

House Points

Dojo Points

Star of the Week Award

Golden Time

I also hope you will support us in reinforcing our class rules, which we wrote together and agreed as a class because this will make our class a happy and productive place to be.

Year 3 Class Rules

Rule 1:Raise your hand to speak.

Rule 2:Always try your best.

Rule 3:Respect other, respect yourself, respect your school.

Rule 4:Speak kind words.

Rule 5:Follow directions quickly

Rule 6:Be safe, be kind, be honest.

Rule 7:Make good choices.

We have a Golden Time system in class to help us keep our classroom rules. At the start of the week each child will have 30 minutes Golden Time. Anyone who breaks our classroom rules will unfortunately lose Golden Time minutes and the time lost will increase if the negative behaviour continues. All the children respecting the classroom rules will be rewarded with their Golden Time each week on a Friday, when we will be choosing from a variety of activities such as: playing board games, playing cards, outdoor games, ICT time, craft activities etc.

Year 3: Things to remember to bring to school

Reading book and reading record everyday.

PE kit in school everyday please (P.E. days Wednesday and Friday)

A coat.

A healthy snack for break time or toast money.

A water bottle.


Reading should be completed daily with a grown up at home (please record this with a signature from an adult).

Spellings will be issued every Monday to be tested on Friday.

Homework will be sent home every Friday to be in the following Tuesday.

I will also set the children a challenge of 1000 mathletics points each week.

Your support at home in helping the children practise their reading, spelling and times-tables knowledge is very much appreciated and invaluable.

And Finally……

I consider the education of your child a partnership between myself and you. Please contact me, if you have any worries or concerns.