Coastal San Luis RCD Board Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2014
UC Cooperative Extension
2156 Sierra Way, San Luis Obispo, CA
I. Call to Order – Board Member Linda Chipping called the meeting to order at 12:35 PM.
A. Directors Present: Linda Chipping, Cheryl Lenhardt, Dave Alford, and Kathie Matsuyama.
B. Directors Absent: Jean-Pierre Wolff, Neil Havlik, and Rob Rutherford
Staff and Associates Present: Staff Members Nicole Smith, G.W. Bates, Mark Skinner, Peter Rowland, Tim Pesce, Della Barrett, Cindy Gonzales, Jackie Crabb, and NRCS Representative Margy Lindquist.
Guests: None
II. Public Comment Period – Linda mentioned the October 23rd workshop regarding oak pest diseases. The CSL RCD is one of the sponsors. She urged anyone interested to attend.
III. Approval of Minutes of August 15, 2014- On a motion by Cheryl, seconded by Kathie, the Minutes of August 15, 2014 were approved unanimously: 4:0:0.
IV. Financial Report
A. Approval of September Disbursements – Cindy reviewed the Disbursement List and she and staff responded to Board Member questions. On a motion by Cheryl, seconded by Dave, the September Disbursement List was approved by a unanimous vote: 4:0:0.
B. Financial Reports and Finance Manager Report – Cindy mentioned that because of coming cash flow needs, money will need to be removed from one of the CDs. At Cheryl’s suggestion, Cindy will look into a Money Market account, which will pay a similar interest rate, and will not charge a fee for early withdrawal. Cindy will look into options and report back. Cindy reported on the move to the new office space, the replacement of two computers, and the improved back-up system. She reviewed the financial reports that she had e-mailed earlier.
V. Report Items
A. Project Manager Report– Jackie reviewed the report she had e-mailed earlier. In addition, she asked for direction from the Board regarding opening an account at Farm Supply. As part of the discussion, Cheryl suggested clarity be added to the existing purchasing policy: staff purchases can only be used for CSL RCD projects. On a different subject, Jackie said she has a couple of requests for information from people who are interested in volunteering with the agency, and she asked for direction. She and the Board briefly discussed ideas.
B. Conservation Programs Manager Report– Nicole reviewed the report she had e-mailed earlier. She and the Board discussed permitting problems with the Storm Water Rewards Program in the city of San Luis Obispo, which has more restrictive policies than the other two cities have. Several projects are on hold until that is resolved. She will e-mail SLO City Council members and City Manager regarding the benefits of the program, and then make a presentation to the Council at a meeting. She and the Board discussed the Zone 1-1A project, where another agency had used goats for weed control, and there was not enough oversight. The result was overgrazing of the protected area, some girdling of trees, and some loose goats. The board agreed that a more tightly written agreement and oversight was necessary. As the goats were not a project of the CSL RCD, they can only make recommendations.
C. Engineer Report – GW reviewed the report he had e-mailed earlier, and updated the Board on his projects. He answered Board Member questions about the mobile lab and received Board direction. On a different subject, he asked for direction on a request by a Cayucos landowner that GW do the engineering design work on an ag pond which would then be permitted by the US/LT RCD because it is located within their district. The Board gave its approval for him to proceed.
D. Restoration Specialist Report– Mark welcomed Tim Pesce back (replacing Sarah Phillips). He reviewed the report he had e-mailed earlier, and highlighted some of the restoration activities, including a special study of small mammal populations in the area. Regarding the possible expansion of the greenhouse that was discussed at the last meeting: as it turned, there was not enough space at the maintenance yard for expansion.
E. Natural Resources Conservation Service - Margy reported about 30 EQIP projects that were funded: mostly drought-related rangeland projects. She also mentioned that their local work group meeting regarding Farm Bill programs may be done as an e-mail survey this year – rather than taking the time to actually meet. She also mentioned the position of Farm Bill Assistant will be coming open, with work to be done in both the Templeton and Santa Maria. As a final point, she asked Cindy to send a certificate of insurance for the rare times when a CSL RCD employee uses an NRCS vehicle.
VI. Discussion and/or Board Action Items
A. Approval of Requests for Appointments to the CSL RCD Board of Directors – Della explained that the terms of Jean-Pierre, Rob, Neil and Kathie will be expiring in November. Neil had contacted each of them, they all would like to continue, and each of them submitted letters to the CSL RCD Board, asking the RCD Board recommend them for re-appointment by the SLO County Board of Supervisors. Cheryl moved, Dave seconded, and the Board unanimously approved a motion to recommend to the Board of Supervisors that they re-appoint Jean-Pierre, Rob, Neil, and Kathie to new four-year terms. Ayes: Lenhardt, Alford, Chipping, and Matsuyama. Noes: none. Abstentions: none. The Board discussed the process, and advised that in two years, when three terms will be up, the board position availability will be advertised. In the meantime, requirements for being a board member should be created, and trying to attract non-voting Associate Board Members should be pursued. Cheryl will write draft job descriptions for the positions of Board Member and Associate Member, and Nicole and Della will review them before submission to the entire Board of Directors.
B. Price Canyon Update - Jackie reported that she and Jean-Pierre will be meeting with County Counsel regarding some details of the project.
C. Discussion of Grant Opportunities and Board Member Updates – Nicole reported talking to Cal Poly regarding ideas on how the CSL RCD and Cal Poly can work together to provide “match” for ag or natural resource related grants.
D. Continued Discussion of Strategic Planning – no discussion. Postponed to a future meeting.
E. Future Regular Board Meeting Dates: October 17, 2014, and November 21, 2014. Both will be at the Co-Op Extension at 12:30 pm. Board members attending had no objections to the dates.
VII. Meeting Updates
A. CARCD, NACD, RC&D Council, and State Watershed Advisory Committee – Kathie reported the Board of the local RC&D (National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils) had voted to dissolve the non-profit corporation. The local RC&D was made up of seven area RCDs. The approximately $25,000 that will remain in the bank account will be split equally among the member organizations. There was discussion of what to be done with the RC&D’s financial records, and it was agreed the file box could be put into the CSL RCD’s long term storage.
B. ALAB, Edna Valley/Pismo Creek Watershed Group, and RWQCB – No report.
C. WRAC – No report.
D Zone 9, LAFCO, and CSDA – No report
VIII. Other Business – Linda reported about the SLO County Board of Supervisors will soon be appointing a new Public Works Director.
IX. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Della Barrett, Board Secretary