/ eLTC Student Instructions for Using Alternate Proctoring Institution

Step 1: Selecting an Alternate Proctoring Institution (API)

Students residing within a fifty mile radius of WTCC are expected to test in the eLearning Testing Center unless special circumstances are demonstrated. Students requesting an Alternate Proctoring Institution (API) are responsible for having the API approved by their WTCC course instructor.

ALL PROCTORS MUST BE WITHIN AN EDUCATIONAL SETTING:i.e. academic institution with an official school email address, employer within an educational setting or military base. Military personnel may make arrangements for proctored testing with the command educational officer. Students may not use personal friends, colleagues, or family members as proctors.

Step 2: Selecting an API through SmarterProctoring Management Services:

Students should log into their Blackboard account and select the relevant course. Select the “Tools” link on the left side of instructor’s course page and select the SmarterProctoring icon.

Enter zip code and select desired proctor and schedule appointment. Inform WTCC instructor of selected API also.

If API is not listed in SmarterProctoring, please contact preferred institution and request they register an account with SmarterProctoring to expedite the transfer of testing materials with WTCC.


Step 3: Completing Proctor Contract (Only required if proctor is NOT available in SmarterProctoring)

The Alternate Proctor Contract (PG 2) is only required if an API was not found in SmarterProctoring. The proctor contract must be typed and the API’s personnel/staff member accepting proctoring responsibility must provide their signature. Unsigned contracts are considered invalid and will not be processed.

Students must complete “Student & Instructor Section” and ensure API completes and signs the“Approved Proctor/Institution Section.” Students must return completed contract to instructor for approval. Proctor contact information cannot be personal cellular devices (i.e. Sprint, Verizon, etc.) or email addresses (i.e. Yahoo. Gmail, etc.)

If satisfactory, the instructor will scan/email the completed, signed contract to the eLTC at with their approval, requesting transfer of exam materials.

Proctor Contracts must be submitted to the eLTC no later than 3 to 5 business days before opening of testing window or expect a possible delay in exam material delivery to API.

Step 4: Testing at an Alternate Proctoring Institution

The student must call the approved test proctor to ensure the test is available before arrival.

Upon arrival, the student must present the appropriate photo I.D., i.e. valid driver’s license, or passport.

Students may not access textbooks, notes, calculators, or other materials unless specified by the instructor. Use of cell phones, iPods, or any personal electronic devices is prohibited.

Any testing center provided scratch paper used during the test will be attached to the back of the test and returned to the instructor. The student is not allowed to keep and/or copy any part of the exam materials.

If the API charges a fee for testing or postage, the student is responsible for any/all fee(s).

/ eLTC Student Instructions for Using Alternate Proctoring Institution

Approved Proctor Section:Must be typed below (Alternative Proctor Information)

Proctor Name:
Name of Institution:
Institution Address:
City, State, Zip:
Contact Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
I accept the responsibility for proctoring the exam(s) according to the procedures outlined on page one.
I agree to proctor the exam(s) for the student identified below who is completing coursework at Wake Technical Community College in North Carolina.
I will ensure that this student adheres to FERPA academic honesty policies and the integrity of all exam documents are protected and not compromised.
Date of Acceptance:
Proctor Name: (print)
Proctor Signature:

Student & Instructor Section: Must be typed below (Student, Instructor & Course Information)

Student Name:
Student Phone:
Student Email:
Instructor Name:
Course / Section:
Instructor Phone:
Instructor Email:

** Student must return fully completed contract to instructor for approval of the requested Alternate Proctoring Institution.


Instructor acknowledges and approves that requested API is an academic institution.


Instructor acknowledges and approves that API requested is not an academic institution.

** Instructor Note: Please forward completed contract to eLTC depository once approved.


Form 1465 R-2 (8-16-16) LW/SC