Report on the use of

Pupil Premium

Spring 2016



Halley has 100 children eligible for pupil premium funding.

Total Pupil Premium funding received for Spring 2016 is £39,482


Expenditure for delivering and managing additional support for children attracting Pupil Premium funding for Spring 2016 is £36,285

FAQs about Pupil Premium at Halley – Spring 2016

Abbreviations – B=Beginning, D=Developing, S=Secure, M=Mastery
A number preceding the descriptor refers to the equivalent year group that the child/ren are working in
No number means they are working in their current year.
Abbreviations – B=Beginning, D=Developing, S=Secure, M=Mastery
A number preceding the descriptor refers to the equivalent year group that the child/ren are working in
No number means they are working in their current year.
Abbreviations – B=Beginning, D=Developing, S=Secure, M=Mastery
A number preceding the descriptor refers to the equivalent year group that the child/ren are working in
No number means they are working in their current year.
Abbreviations – B=Beginning, D=Developing, S=Secure, M=Mastery
A number preceding the descriptor refers to the equivalent year group that the child/ren are working in
No number means they are working in their current year.
Abbreviations – B=Beginning, D=Developing, S=Secure, M=Mastery
A number preceding the descriptor refers to the equivalent year group that the child/ren are working in
No number means they are working in their current year.
Abbreviations – B=Beginning, D=Developing, S=Secure, M=Mastery
A number preceding the descriptor refers to the equivalent year group that the child/ren are working in
No number means they are working in their current year.

Cost of Delivering Interventions for Children Eligible for Pupil Premium

Autumn 2015

Intervention / Year Group / % of PP children in intervention / Cost of Intervention for PP Children / Cost per child
£ / £
Supporting play and next steps / R / 25% / 119.42 / 39.81
Fine motor / R / 9% / 50.99 / 50.99
Managing feelings group / R / 25% / 90.95 / 90.95
Maths catch-up / R / 22% / 243.87 / 121.93
Early words / 1 / 67% / 1029.11 / 257.28
Maths catch-up / 1 / 50% / 209.14 / 104.57
Name, number recognition and writing / 1 / 100% / 251.46 / 83.82
Nurture group / 1 / 50% / 93.99 / 31.33
Pictoys / 1 / 100% / 384.40 / 384.40
Speech and language intervention / 1 / 100% / 384.40 / 384.40
Mentoring / 1 / 100% / 271.12 / 271.12
1st class @ number / 2 / 25% / 166.77 / 166.77
Mentoring / 2 / 100% / 271.12 / 271.12
Attention and focus / 2 / 100% / 206.73 / 206.73
Lego therapy / 2 / 33% / 149.12 / 149.12
Guided reading / 3 / 25% / 642.37 / 642.37
Maths / 3 / 43% / 261.98 / 87.33
Concentration / 3 / 100% / 293.16 / 293.16
1:1 daily reading comprehension / 4 / 100% / 76.46 / 76.46
Language for thinking / 4 / 100% / 140.09 / 140.09
Phonics / 4 / 50% / 144.51 / 72.26
Concentration / 4 / 100% / 293.16 / 293.16
Independence / 4 / 100% / 293.16 / 293.16
Maths / 4 / 100% / 293.16 / 293.16
Pre-teaching vocabulary / 4 / 67% / 181.39 / 90.70
Mental maths / 4 / 25% / 83.78 / 83.78
Guided reading / 4 / 50% / 133.67 / 44.56
Mentoring / 5 / 100% / 508.37 / 508.37
After school writing group / 5 / 71% / 372.80 / 74.56
Emotional , behavioural & social / 5 / 100% / 271.12 / 271.12
Language for thinking / 5 / 50% / 122.39 / 122.39
Phonics / 5 / 100% / 476.41 / 476.41
Pre-teaching vocabulary / 5 / 50% / 78.13 / 78.13
Intervention / Year Group / % of PP children in intervention / Cost of Intervention for PP Children / Cost per child
Single word spelling / 5 / 100% / 508.37 / 101.67
Socially speaking / 5 / 100% / 271.12 / 271.12
Learning mentor 1:1 / 5 / 100% / 293.16 / 293.16
Spelling / 5 / 100% / 206.73 / 206.73
Team of life / 5 / 100% / 271.12 / 271.12
Pre-teaching vocabulary / 5 / 50% / 178.93 / 178.93
After school grammar / 5 / 100% / 267.92 / 53.58
Mentoring / 6 / 100% / 389.75 / 129.92
Communication / 6 / 100% / 476.71 / 59.59
Phonics / 6 / 100% / 246.53 / 61.63
Friendship/motivation / 6 / 100% / 116.31 / 116.31
Language for thinking / 6 / 100% / 33.88 / 0.77
Maths / 6 / 83% / 162.62 / 40.65
After school exam practice / 6 / 75% / 322.39 / 64.48
Let's make it / EYFS/KS1 / 50% / 128.16 / 64.08
Sports / EYFS/KS1 / 40% / 211.09 / 70.36
Taekwondo / EYFS/KS1 / 14% / 508.37 / 101.67
Singing/orchestra / KS1/KS2 / 46% / 271.12 / 271.12
Homework club / LKS2 / 36% / 293.16 / 293.16
Football / KS2 / 50% / 206.73 / 206.73
Newspaper / KS2 / 18% / 271.12 / 271.12
Spelling b / KS2 / 33% / 178.93 / 178.93

Parental Engagement

Parental Engagement / % Cost for Children Eligible for Pupil Premium
Activities promoting family independence / 670.99
Activities promoting parental independence / 172.54
Coffee mornings to develop partnership and knowledge / 135.47
Healthy living workshops / 230.05
Community events / 286.77
Paralympic event / 128.19
Parental engagement groups / 276.71
Family literacy / 599.94
Mend / 334.70
Planning, preparation and reporting interventions for children eligible for pupil premium / 18,609