Endangered Species Presentations

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tentative Presentation Day Schedule:

8:00am – 8:05am Advisee

8:10am – 8:25am Report to assigned rooms, prepare for presentations

8:30am – 11:15am Presentations in separate rooms (with occasional breaks)

11:15am – 12:15pm Entire grade together for final presentations/wrap-up

12:15pm – 1:00pm Movie

1:00pm – 2:00pm Lunch / Recess

2:05pm – 3:05pm Movie

8:00pm – Zoo overnight

General Information:

The presentation will incorporate all of the work that you have done in English, Science, History, and Computer classes into one final product. You gave specific information for each subject area in your papers, pamphlets, and other assignments. Your presentation should focus on outlining your proposal to save your species and convincing the audience that it is worth the effort to do so. As explained in various classes, your presentation should address environmental, scientific, governmental, societal, cultural, and other unique issues. Your presentation should NOT simply be an overview of the characteristics of your animal.

·  4-5 minutes of presentation time + 2-3 minutes of Q&A time

·  Audience of students, parents, teachers, other school representatives

·  Dressed-up attire

·  Must (effectively) use a technology-based visual aide

o  PowerPoint

o  Movie / commercial (max 45 seconds of presentation time)

o  Website

o  Other options must be approved by English, Science, History, and Computer teachers

Suggested Presentation Time Guidelines:

·  Briefly introduce yourself and your animal (30 sec.)

·  Discuss current situation of your animal / current protection measures (1-1.5 minutes)

·  Discuss your plan to save your animal (1.5-2 minutes)

·  Conclude with your best “sales pitch” on why this animal is worth saving (30 sec. – 1 minute)

·  Smoothly answer questions about your plan

Work Timeline:

·  January 19th – March 8th: Work time in various classes, work on presentation as homework.

·  March 1st: Must practice presentation in assigned class (English, History, Science)

·  March 2nd – March 4th: Optional second practice for Advisor

·  March 5th: Visual aides must be e-mailed to by 3:30 pm. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that your presentation works.

·  March 9th: Presentation day

You should be working on this project for homework (developing proposal, creating visual aide, practicing presentation) throughout the next three weeks.


*** Will be a grade in your English, History, and Science classes.***

Categories (from rubric):

Factual / Background Content:

·  Introduction of self, animal, country

·  Current situation of animal

·  Current protection measures

·  Personalization of information (through fictional travels and/or real-life web contact)

Critical Thinking Content

·  Student’s plan to save the animal is well-explained

·  Student’s plan to save the animal is logical/feasible

·  “Sales pitch” on why animal is worth saving is well-explained

·  “Sales pitch” on why animal is worth saving is persuasive


·  Eye contact

·  Voice clarity and inflection

·  Poise in front of group

·  Technology-based visual aide used effectively within presentation


·  Practiced in History, English, Science class

·  Technology-based visual aide prepared and error-free

·  Within time limits (4-5 minutes +Q&A)

·  Able to handle questions

Behavior as an audience member (deductions only)


·  Your presentation should focus on why the endangered species is worth saving and your proposal to save the species, not on a description of the animal.

How to submit your visual aide:

·  Send your visual aide as an attachment to

·  All visual aides are final on March 5th at 3:30 – you will not be able to make adjustments after this time. You must use the submitted version; you may NOT bring in your own copy on a USB or disc.

·  If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail from stating that your presentation is in and working, then your project is incomplete. You need to check your e-mail to make sure you receive that confirmation.

·  Do not wait until the last minute. If you do not submit the visual aide until 3:00 on the due date and we then discover that it is not working, you will not have time to make the needed changes!