MAVIS Article
Changes to Export Certificate Arrangements
It has been brought to our attention that a number of forged export certificates have recently been received by the Egyptian Authorities. The certificates and schedulesattached to them relatedto veterinary medicinal products which appear to have been exported from the UK.
The products concerned, however, were not authorised in the UK and therefore, the VMD would not have been able to confirm whether or not these products had been manufactured in facilities complying with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). Furthermore, these certificates included a number of other errors and inconsistencies, including the use of an unauthorised signatory which indicate they had not been issued by the VMD and were therefore fraudulent.
The VMD is alerting the Chief Veterinary Officers, of third countries to this problem and advising them to contact the VMD if there is any doubt over the authenticity of an export certificate.
Following a recent review of the export scheme a number of changes have been implemented:
- Enhanced validation checks have been implemented by VMD for each application received in order to obtain direct confirmation of the GMP status of the relevant manufacturing site(s).
- The wording on the certificates has been amended to provide greater clarity to those people receiving the certificates. The certificates will now specify the exact activities (e.g. manufacture, assembly) listed on the Manufacturing Authorisation and GMP certificate that are being certified for the purposes of the Export Certificate.
- Local Chambers of Commerce are no longer able to endorse VMD Export Certificates. Third country authorities will need to accept Export Certificates as an official document which has been issued and signed by the VMD who acts as the regulatory authority for Veterinary Medicines in the UK on behalf of the Secretary of State. If requested, Chamber of Commerce documentation may be issued separately and then attached to an export certificate whichaccompanies a consignment of veterinary medicinal products to be exported. However the VMD will allow Chamber of Commerce Country of Origin[i] documentation to be attached to Export Certificates which relate exclusively to veterinary medicines which are produced at UK manufacturing sites which are GMP compliant.
- It is now necessary for the applicant of an export certificate to state the full contact details of the department to be named on the export certificate. For example if the applicant wishes to name Cambodia on the export certificate, then the applicant must state the regulatory authority or department responsible for the importation of veterinary medicinal products in Cambodia on the application covering letter.
For further information contact Miss Sam Ward directly on 01932 338496 or .
[i] Country of Origin documentation may relate to all types of commodities, with veterinary medicines being just one example.