Review of Decision
Premises:Palmerston Sports Club
Review of CMAX Application
Date of Decision:26 July 2000
Date of Hearing:26 July 2000
Review of Decision:Pursuant to Section 28(1) Licensing Commission Act
Licensee:Palmerston Sports Club Inc
Nominee:Mr Andrew Hay
Heard Before:Mr John Withnall (Chairman)
Ms Shirley McKerrow (Member)
Mrs Annette Milikins (Member)
Appearances:Mr Andrew Hay
Decision of Licensing Commission on Review of refusal to grant a Special Licence for the Palmerston Sports Club Inc to conduct a licensed screening of selected sporting events in Cinema No.1 at the CMAX Cinema Palmerston.
The refusal of a special licence is confirmed.
However, the Club’s liquor licence is itself varied to permit the sale of liquor during a screening of the AFL Grand Final in CMAX No.1 auditorium on the afternoon of 2 September 2000 (“the event”).
Such variation is subject to the following conditions.
- The interior of CMAX Cinema No.1 Palmerston will be deemed to be part of the Club’s licensed premises between 1200 hours and 1730 hours on Saturday 2nd September 2000.
- Service of liquor will be restricted to members and guests holding pre-sold tickets. No door sales will be permitted during the event.
- Tickets are not to be transferable. A registration system for ticket purchases is to be implemented such that at the commencement of the event the Club will have a list of the names and addresses of all persons who shall be attending.
- Minors are to be accompanied by a parent or guardian and are to be identifiable by the wearing of a colour coded hospital type bracelet.
- Not less than three (3) licensed security personnel will be in attendance at all times that liquor shall be available within the auditorium.
- No patron shall be permitted to remove any liquor from the auditorium.
- Any promotion of the event shall emphasise its family nature.
- Lighting in the auditorium may be dimmed, but at no time be fully extinguished.
- The written consent of both the owner and operator of the cinema to these conditions is to be obtained prior to the event.
- A written indication is to be obtained from the Palmerston police, prior to the event, that the police have no objection to the screening being licensed by way of these conditions.
- Being an extension of the Club’s liquor licence, any breach of these additional conditions shall be a breach of the main licence.
John Withnall
27 July 2009