Reaching out to an Eritrean sports Legend.
from the Efrem Menghesteab
Fundraising committee
Toronto, Canada
Efrem Menghesteab was born and raised in Asmara, Eritrea and attended school all throughout high school. Other than being a good student at school, he also played two sports at the highest of levels within the country. Efrem was a standout basketball player representing the Eritrean national team and was one of the most outstanding midfielders in the sport of soccer with teams Adulis and Elpa for many years.Most everyone knows Efrem Menghesteab as a great athlete with leadership qualities that inspired many Eritrean athletes. He was one of the few players that can proudly say that he succeeded in representing the Eritrean National Basketball and Soccer Teams. Following his career in Eritrea, Efrem came to the USA where he was a member of the Eritrean community in the Washington DC metro area for a brief time. Playing with the washington DC team along side of many others, he added leadership and spark to the DMV area. Efrem currently resides in the Boston metro area with his wife and kids. Due to a long illness that has affected his lifestyle, Efrem has been unable to work for the last eight years.
Efrem found out within the last couple of months that there is an alternative medical treatment to get rid of this long lasting illness. However, as mentioned before due to his illness, he has not been able to work for the past eight years. He kept quiet and did not bother anyone and even to this day he remains humble about his illness. The fact remains however, that he is incapable of covering the expense for such an important treatment that could alter his life for the better.As his former team mates, supporters and friends from the Toronto area, we have created a committee to raise fundsto help him cover the expenses at this very critical time in his life.
The goal is to raise $ 15,000 which won’t even cover half the expense for the cost of Efrem’s treatment but it is a start. A start for his health and a change in his life for the better. A start which will allow him to spend more time with his wife, children, family and loved ones. We are asking you to help make this become possible and to spread the word and help raise money.
Please find and contact our representatives all around the the world near you in the next page, and our Bank information in Canada is as follows:
National Bank Canada
Swift message: MT103
Bank code and ranch transit: CC000612971
Canadian account number: 2144404