Sean Dolan’s

The 13th Nightmare of Halloween


“The real battle for supremacy begins this year.”

Open on:

The new Line cinema logo which then:

Cut to:

Scene 1:

Freddy’s lair.

We open on the shot of a blazing hot fire. We don’t seem to see anything from the main shots.

We then cut to show a shot of young girls in white, singing and skipping over a skipping rope singing.


One, two Freddy’s coming for you,

Three four, better lock your door

Five six, grab your crucifix.

Seven, eight better stay up late.

Nine ten, never sleep again.

We soon begin to realise that we are watching this whole sequence from some ones point of view. We look all over the room and now we see a hand raising up and almost coming down during this there is voices going over the main track almost in a chant.


Alice! Wake up!!!

Cut to:

Interior of Jacks inn, Springfield Ohio, night.

The café is found in a very remote area of Springwood.

We cut to show the opening of a woman’s eyes as she gasps in terror. The camera pulls up and we reveal, a middle aged Alice Johnson, the heroine of A Nightmare On Elm Street 4 and 5. She has moved on from those times and is enjoying life in California. She is here visiting her father. Unfortunately, her son was killed during the spread of suicides that infected Springfield during the Nightmare movies.


Hey kiddo, you ok?


(Looking up almost bewildered)

Yeah I’m fine. Why shouldn’t I be?


Kiddo, you haven’t slept for days, why you having so many problems sleeping?



Don’t know. But I think I am dreaming of him again.


(Drinking down a cup of coffee)





Just as Alice says this one word, everyone in the café, looks up at her as if to say that she has said something she shouldn’t.

Yvonne takes one look around and gives them a daggers look and then turns back to Alice:


Alice, it has been what? 14 years since that maniac ever tried to do something to you in your sleep?


(Looking down sad)

Yes, I know. But the bastard killed Jacob. I know it.


You don’t know that Alice.


(Looking up angrily)

Yvonne, Jacob was murdered. He didn’t commit suicide. I know it.


(Putting a hand on Alice’s shoulder)

Sweetie, don’t get upset. I know that it has been hard for you, but you have to take it one day at a time.

(Alice nods her head)

Anyway, that happened six years ago didn’t it. I meant 14 years since the attacks on you.


(On another note)

I would love to know how he is alive.

(Yvonne looks up at her)

I am the dream master he has to come through my dreams. There is no other way he can possibly be alive.

We end this scene with a long shot of the two girls talking in the café.

Cut to:

Exterior shot.

We cut to a shot from outside, we see three hillbillies standing outside the café and are joking about something that we cannot hear ourselves. We now begin to move towards them and now we can hear what they are saying to each other.

Hillbilly 1:

(Joking, drunk)

Wow, that blonde girl was babe. I would love to do her.

Hillbilly 2:

Na, you kidding. She is probably married.

Hillbilly 3:

Hey when did that ever stop you?

Hillbilly 2:

Ok, I admit it, but she may look young and very weak but I have a feeling there is more to that blonde girl than we see.

Hillbilly 1:

Yeah, a lot more.

With that said, the first hillbilly makes some rude gesture and begins to continue to make a lot stupid comments and things.

Cut to:

First POV:

On this shot, we do not see anyone else in sight but the hillbillies and they are continuing to chat, joke and laugh away.

The camera now begins to move down towards them very slowly indeed.

When the camera is right behind them, the third hillbilly turns around and looks right into the camera as if he is talking to someone not seen on screen.

Hillbilly 3:

Well what do we have here?

(Laughing to the others)

Hey guys, I didn’t know Halloween had come early.

(All three of them begin laughing, the camera moves from side to side as if it is the person’s head)

Either that or there is a stupid fancy dress competition and this guy lost. Well I am not surprised; it’s a stupid mask…

He can say anymore, the camera has moved forward and the hillbilly grunts and grabs his abdomen, the other two begin to look in horror at what has happened and then the camera moves down and breaks off a metal pipe and then throws it right into the chest of the first hillbilly. The third and final hillbilly is grabbed by the head and is dragged to the café.

Cut to:

Interior of Jacks Inn, night.

We cut back to Alice and Yvonne talking at the counter and we see that they are a bit agitated about something.


Alice, what is it? You went quiet all of a sudden.



I don’t know. But I am sure I thought I heard a short scream outside.



Your mind is playing games with you.

We cut to a back shot of Alice, which is behind the door and Yvonne who has a perfect shot of the door and anyone coming through it.


(Looking at her watch)

Look Yvonne, I need to go, I need to get the early flight back to California.

Yvonne doesn’t answer. Alice turns and sees what she sees. Coming at the door head, first was the last of the hillbillies, he has been thrown at the glass head first and he crashes through the door glass.

Both Alice and Yvonne scream and look up at the door. They see someone coming through the door.

He is medium height, but is rather tall and is in overalls and is wearing a hockey mask over his face. From the look of his entire body, he is falling apart and is decaying. Of course, its Jason Voorhees.




They both try to run for the door but is blocked off by Jason. Two guys try and overpower the killer, but is dealt with by a stab through the gut with the machete. Alice and Yvonne begin to move towards the back of the restaurant and turn to the owner.


(Running to the back of the counter)

Hey! Is there any other way out of here?

The owner points to the door which is at the back of the café and they run.

Cut to:

Exterior of Jacks Inn.

We now find ourselves back outside following Alice and Yvonne to the back of the inn. Just as they leave, two things happen in quick succession: Jason appears in the kitchen area which is the back and Yvonne trips over and twists her ankle.





Don’t stop, run!

Alice continues and Yvonne almost in pity turns and expects to see Jason killing her. However, Jason is nowhere to be seen. Yvonne, with a second chance to escape now begins to limp run.

During this entire sequence, we intertwine the running of Alice and Yvonne between each other seeing how each of them is doing.

We finally cut to Yvonne who is no closer to reaching the edge of a road, when she trips and falls over.




As she pulls herself up, she first sees boots, then legs. At first she thinks it’s help, but then she sees the knife in the hand. She is in shock, it isn’t Jason Voorhees.

This one has a white ghost mask. This one is Michael Myers. He looks at her side to side, she puts up her hand as if to say please don’t do this.

We cut to a shot of the knife and then to a shot of Yvonne’s eyes and the knife cut her throat.

Cut to:


As Alice is running through the woods, she hears a scream cut short. She turns and then doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t know whether or not to continue running or to see if her best friend has been killed or not.

She decides on the look option and begins to job towards where she thought the scream came from.

After a few minutes, she finally gets to the tree where she finds her best friend, lying on the ground, motionless.


(Smiling, apprehensively)

Hey kiddo, this is no time to fool around.

(She taps her shoulder and there is no response)


Alice then sees what the killer has done to her best friend. Alice puts her hand over her mouth and cries out in anguish. She then sees a shadow over the dead body.

When she looks up, she sees not only Jason Voorhees, but Michael Myers.

Alice shakes her head in disbelief and begins to run again and they continue to chase.

The chase lasts for about five minutes, with the killers loosing their ways at some points and also, Alice stumbling several times.

Near the edge of a gully which leads onto the main road, which Alice nor the killers can see, Alice stops and looks around. When she turned completely around, she is then confronted by Michael Myers.

Alice screams, Michael then takes a swipe at her and catches her in the arm and back. She backs away from him but the stumbles and falls down the small gully onto the main road.

Michael is about go down after her when a voice is heard almost in his head.


No, you have done enough, this one is mine.

He then begins the long walk back up the hill.

Cut to:

Shot of the hill:

In this shot we follow Alice down the gulley as she is falling down towards the road. She is reacting the way any normal person would be acting to being knocked down a hill.

We then cut to a shot of the main road and we Alice falling down on the road with a scream which is cut short once she hits the rock on the road.

Cut to:

Interior of the police car.

There are two police officers, a man and a woman, and they are both about the same age, old but not that old.

Male officer:

What is it?

Female officer:

Get a goddamn ambulance!

The two officers see that the body is bleeding from several wounds in her back and shoulder. We now see that the body is actually that of Alice Johnson.

Cut to:

Highway, Early Morning:

We now cut to a shot of Alice being taken away in the ambulance. We see newsreporters and police officers looking over the fields. During this sequence, we hear a voice over, which is Alice Johnson.


(Voice over)

Sleep those little slices of death, how I loathe them.


Silence, that is what most of us live in these days. Silence, is the root of all evil. Silence is what the people that are not included, feared, and hated live in. Well not of all of them. Silence has many results, happiness, even love or death.

On the word death, we cut to a shot of the Police chief looking at the remains of Yvonne who is lying face first in the grass. The chief is shaking his head.

Officer 2:

So sir, what you think happened?


Most people would think that blonde haired girl would have done this, because she is the only survivor. However, I am not too sure about it, I think that someone else did it.

Officer 2:

Who Freddy?


(laughing it off)

Are you fucking nuts? Freddy Krueger is dead!

Officer 2:

Hey, I heard that he was responsible for the deaths of all those kids between 1984 and now. You know the ones that died in their sleep apparently.


No, these kids were awake, Freddy never got them, something that can move in our real world killed these kids…

We pull away from them and follow them down the path, during this we now see the same children that are normally in all Freddy movies, doing there song, but this time it is very different.


(faintly, almost echoing)

One two, Freddy’s coming for you.

Three four Jason’s at your door.

Five Six Michael stabs you with a crucifix.

Seven eight, they’ll make you stay up late.

Nine… ten you’ll never, ever sleep again…

On again, the words New Line Cinema presents, then cuts into a very dramatic version of Halloween theme, which is more stronger than the others before which is quite similar to the theme from Halloween Resurrection. After a production and the directors movie. It now reveals the title:

The 13th Nightmare of Halloween:

Jason vs Freddy vs Michael

Then we start the main credits with main actors and actresses coming up first and with the Halloween theme continuing to play. With the cast and crew being given credit we begin to wind down the entire credits sequence.

Nearing the middle of the credits, we cut to a shot of many articles dating from October 31st 1963 to 2003. Detailing a bunch of events beginning with the drowning of Jason to the latest set of murders with Michael and Jason.

Fade into:

Exterior of mental hospital, night.

We begin with an establishing shot of the hospital and what we see the main ward and many of the patients walking around in their robes in the windows and then we then see a subtitle appear at the bottom of the screen.

October 2003

October 19

Cut to:

Interior of Mental Hospital, main corridor, night.

We first see the head nurse walking down the main corridor and see him looking down at his notes and shaking his head. He doesn’t seem to understand what is happening to this patient that he is treating.

A young chirpy nurse runs up to nurse and smiles. She is about 22 23 years of age. Blonde and rather attractive.


All right nurse Hutton?

He takes one look at her and continues walking on. She continues to walk with him and is almost having to jog to catch up.


So what is this patient in this wing?


What patient?


The patient in the west E wing.


You know, we still haven’t got a clue who the kid is. She was brought to us about a year ago from Springfield, Ohio. She had been stabbed a couple of times and had fallen down a small hill.


And she hasn’t said a word in almost a year?


She hasn’t been awake for over a year. She has been in a coma for the majority of the whole time. She was awake and talking for the first few months. Then she took a turn for the worse, then she slowly went into a coma from then on.


If she has been in a coma for that long, why hasn’t she died?


Who knows, but we try our best, and we think that she will pull through this.

(looking at the patient)

To be honest with you, I don’t know why Dr Lewingston even bothers to keep her alive. She is not going to come out of it anytime soon.

We follow them into the room and then:

Cut to:

Interior of Alices room, Mental hospital, night.

We open this shot with a close up on Alices face which has aged with the number of years that she has been in the coma.

The nurses walk in and then administer the medication and take one look at each other and then leave the room.

The camera then moves on a high shot of Alice and fades to black and into another nightmare.

As it is doing it, we hear the nightmare song:


One two, Freddy’s coming for you

Three four, better lock your door,

Five Six, grab your crucifix,

Seven eight, better stay up late

Nine Ten, never sleep again.

Cut to:

Exterior of the Myer’s house, front, evening.

We begin this part on top of Alice and as she awakens from the sleep. She turns around and sees the house which is near where she is standing. She looks at it with a confused look and then frowns. She thinks at first that it is Kruegers home, but as we move forward with her we see the word “MYERS” written on the door. Alice looks at it and wonders what the hell is she gotten herself into this time. She looks around in wonder beginning to feel afraid. She moves towards the house and as she does, the tune from HALLOWEEN (myers house theme) begins to play.

Cut to:

Interior of the Myers House, night.

We cut to the front door of the house and look up the stairs. Everything seems to be quiet. Too quiet for her liking, she walks briskly into the house and has a quick look. Suddenly she hears voices from the living room.