OMB No. 0925-0001 and 0925-0002 (Rev. 10/15 Approved Through 10/31/2018)


Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person.



NAME: Kang, Xiao Linda
POSITION TITLE: Assistant Professor – College of Nursing – Coordinator for Interprofessional Education

EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.)

(if applicable) / Completion Date
University of Pennsylvania / BA / 05/2012 / Public Health
University of Pennsylvania / BSN / 05/2012 / Nursing
University of Pennsylvania / PHD / 08/2016 / Interprofessional Collaboration
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA / NIH training grant / 08/2013 / Nursing Outcomes Research

A. Personal Statement

I have the knowledge, training, expertise and motivation to carry out the proposed project. In my role serving as the Coordinator for Interprofessional Education at South Dakota State University I have gained valuable experience in working with interdisciplinary teams in terms of research and implementation of interprofessional programs. I have the knowledge on the topic are of interprofessional collaboration with my dissertation titled Association of Nurse-Physician Teamwork and Hospital Surgical Patient Mortality and have earned national certification for TeamSTEPPS through the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality. From my previous PhD work, I have the expertise in survey collection and qualitative and quantitative data analysis. As chair of the curriculum committee for South Dakota Inter-professional Practice and Education Collaborative I laid the foundations for collaboration with academic institutions and community health system partners. The proposed project builds on my previous work with interprofessional practice and education.

B. Positions and Honors

Positions and Employment

2010 - 2016 / Research Assistant, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia, PA
2016 - / Assistant Professor, SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY, Brookings, SD

Other Experience and Professional Memberships

2011 - / Member, Sigma Theta Tau
2016 - / Member, Midwest Nursing Research Society


2011 / Ruth Marcus Kanter College Alumni Society Research Grant, University of Pennsylvania
2012 / Mary Naylor Research Award, University of Pennsylvania

C. Contribution to Science

The study required an overview of Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Policies on Readmissions and other value-based purchasing initiatives. This study used Medicare Provider Analysis and Review data linked with the American Hospital Association’s Annual Survey of hospital to analyze the effects of race on odds of 30-day all-cause readmissions. The study revealed that ethnic minorities are at a higher risk for readmissions and consistent with previous studies that had similar results.

a.McHugh MD, Carthon JM, Kang XL. Medicare readmissions policies and racial and ethnic health disparities: a cautionary tale. Policy PolitNursPract. 2010 Nov;11(4):309-16. PubMed PMID: 21531966; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3105322.

D. Additional Information: Research Support and/or Scholastic Performance

Completed Research Support

T32 NR007104-14S1



Advanced Training in Nursing Outcomes Research

Role: TA


Hillman Scholars Program in Nursing Innovation

Role: Scholar

South Dakota State University College of Nursing: Delores Dawley Faculty Seed Grant:Kang, X. (Principal) "Effectiveness of the Nurse-led Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Innovation Model on Improvement of Outcomes on Patients with Chronic Diseases," South Dakota State University, $2,500.00. Funded. (March 2017 - November 2017).

South Dakota State University Scholarly Excellence Funding: Kang, X. (Principal), Horsley, T. L. (Co-Principal), Meyer, B. A. (Co-Principal), Jensen, B. S. (Co-Principal), Olson, B. L. (Co-Principal), Zwart, M. B. (Co-Principal), Ramsay Seaner, K. M. (Co-Principal), Comstock, C. M. (Co-Principal), Meendering, J. (Co-Principal), "Creating a Culture of Interprofessional Education: Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Poverty Simulation," $1,500.00. Funded. (December 2017 - November 2019).