Anne Frank Reflection #1

Imagine that your family just received a phone call that you must go into hiding immediately. How do you feel at that moment? What's going through your mind? What items will you take and why?

Anne Frank Reflection #2

What would it be like to "disappear" such as Anne describes on page 18?

Anne Frank Reflection #3

On page 35, Anne talks about missing the luxury of having a bathroom. What "luxury" do you think you would miss the most? Explain your answer.

Anne Frank Reflection #4

Reread the second paragraph on the November 9th entry beginning on page 46.

What did the British Prime Minister mean when he said, "This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps the end of a beginning," to the people?

Have you ever experienced a similar situation when there wasn't a beginning to an end, but an end to a beginning?

Anne Frank Reflection #5

On page 54, Anne talks about having a positive attitude despite the sadness, fear, and worry she is experiencing in the annex.

"It won't do us any good, or help those outside, to go on being as gloomy as we are at the moment."

Why is it so important for the Franks not to be gloomy? What's the danger involved in giving into those negative feelings? Describe a difficult time in your life when it was more important than ever to stay positive for the sake of your own sanity and the well-being of others.

Anne Frank Reflection #6

Anne talks about being misunderstood by her family and the Van Daan's. On page 65, she writes:

"If I talk, everyone thinks I'm showing off; when I'm silent they think I'm ridiculous; rude if I answer, sly if I get a good idea, lazy if I'm tired, selfish if I eat a mouthful more than I should, stupid, cowardly, crafty, etc., etc."

Describe a time when you've felt misunderstood like Anne did. How did this affect the way you acted around the people that were misunderstanding you? Did you try to do anything to correct those misunderstandings?

Anne Frank Reflection #7

Starting on page 95 with the August 4th entry, Anne takes her readers through a typical night in the "Secret Annex". Read through her nightly routine again. First, explain your own routine, and then reflect on how it compares or contrasts with Anne's own experience.

Anne Frank Reflection #8

On page 116, Anne describes her fountain pen as being one of her most priceless possessions. Think of a non-electronic priceless possession of your own. Describe when you received or purchased that possession and explain why it is so important or valuable to your life.

Anne Frank Reflection #9

(Choose 1 of the 2)

(Option A) On page 168, Anne reflects on her life in 1942. She thinks about who her friends were back then, what her personality was like and what she believed in. A lot can change in two years.

Think back to 2008 when you first became a middle schooler. How has your life changed since then? How are you different from when you were 11 and 12? Are you still the same in some ways? Explain.

(Option B) Imagine that you are one of the warehousemen working at Kolen & Co. You one day discover that there are strange noises and weird activity coming from the other side of the building where the old labs used to be. After a few weeks of investigating, you discover that people are hiding in the annex of the building. What do you do? Are you tempted to tell someone? Are you fearful that someone else will find out and get you in trouble for keeping the secret? What's your next step of action and why?

**During Peer Presentations, 8A and 8B had different reflection questions. Please be careful that you read and respond to the correct question for your class.

(8A) Anne Frank Reflection #10

Imagine if you found yourself in the same situation as Anne Frank, hiding in the Secret Annex.

Where would you go in the annex to get away from it all? Why would you choose that specific spot?

(8B) Reflection Question #10

Have you ever felt fear like Anne has? Explain the situation you were in and what happened in the end.

(8A) Anne Frank Reflection #11

Anne regrets writing the letter to her father.

Have you ever regretted doing something? What did you do to fix it? How did it make you feel?

(8B) Anne Frank Reflection #11

On pages 210-212, Anne talks about how Mr. and Mrs. Frank wouldn't approve of her secret kiss. Has there ever been a time when you had one event you were bursting to tell, but didn't know if it would be looked down on? Explain.

(8A) Anne Frank Reflection #12

In Anne's last entry, she is all ready to get out of the annex and begin school. Unfortunately, all of those hopes are taken away three short days later.

Have you ever been in a similar situation where you were ready for something to happen and then it all of a sudden gets taken away? Explain.

(8B) Anne Frank Reflection #12

On page 247, Anne talks about having her 15th birthday in the Annex.

How would you feel if you had to celebrate your birthday hidden away without friends? Explain.

(8A) Anne Frank Reflection #13

How did Anne change over the course of the two years that she was in the "Secret Annex"?

Explain thoroughly and give examples.

(8B) Anne Frank Reflection #13

Imagine you've been hiding for two years and you've been caught like Anne and her family.

How would you feel?

Explain a time when you have worked long and hard towards something (such as staying hidden for 2 years) and then it doesn't turn out the way you thought it would.