Lubenham Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held at Lubenham Village Hall

on Monday 8th May 2017

Present: Councillors Cook, Dilks, Parlett, Poyner, MacPhail and Lee

In Attendance: Clerk,

Matters raised by the public: - No members of the public were present.

2450: Election of Chairman: Proposal for Cllr Cook to continue as Chairman.

Proposed Cllr Parlett, seconded by Cllr Dilks. All in favour - carried

2451: Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Documents were signed by Cllr Cook and the Parish Clerk

2452: Election of Vice Chairman: Proposal for Cllr Parlett to become Vice Chairman

Proposed by Cllr Dilks, seconded by Cllr Lee -. All in favour - carried

2453: Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Document was signed by Cllr Parlett and the Parish Clerk.

2454: Apologies for Absence: None

2455: Declaration of Interest in any Agenda items: None.

2456: Acceptance of Minutes from the meeting held on Monday 10th Apr 2017

Prop: Cllr Dilks Sec: Cllr Parlett

2457: Planning Matters:

17/00294/FUL – Mr P Reid – Erection of single storey to extension to side of dwelling, 18 The Hawthorns, Lubenham, Leicestershire – No Comment

17/00557/FUL – Mr Thomas Hinch – Erection of an agricultural building, Land East of Paget Road, Laughton Road, Lubenham, Leicestershire – No Comments

2458: Financial Matters: Appendix 3

A copy of the latest financial report was circulated and noted

Prop: Cllr Poyner Sec: Cllr Dilks

Cheque’s to be signed were agreed (Listed Below) Prop: Councillor Poyner Sec: Councillor Parlett

K Budwal – Expenses 8.55

K Budwal – Clerks Pay 322.47

HDC – Dog Bins 66.44

Lubenham Village Hall 21.00

E-ON – Energy Solutions 159.58

Battery Bay – VAS battery Card payment 19.90

Total 597.94

Vodafone – Clerks Mobile Phone – Paid by Direct Debit on Apr 2017 £18.50

Closing balance at 30th Apr 2017 - £15,895.15

2459: Applications for Grants: No application received

2460: Correspondence:

A list of correspondences had been circulated to all Councillors, item 8 Equestrian centre which was due to be put on the agenda a notification had been received that this would not be progressing. Item 25 leaning brick wall on School Lane the wall was leaning slightly but was stable at the time visit. It was noted that there was some spalling of the facing brickwork and to one of the piers the coping (blue engineering bricks) were loose. Donna Worrell has written to the owners about the condition of the wall and request they carry out any repairs/remedial works necessary to prevent further deterioration of the wall.

2461: Updates on Previous Issues

a)  Clerk Report – Noted.

b)  Neighbourhood Plan – The NHP was being discussed at the Monthly District Executive meeting and if approved to go for a referendum on the 20th July 2017. The Parish Council will inform all residents and send a flyer nearer the time confirming date and inform the Parish their need to vote is important.

c)  Section 106 Land South of Main Street – A meeting was held with Henry Barney the developer of Grace Homes and Cllr Cook together with the clerk to discuss options for management of the Open Spaces on the site South of Main Street site. Mr Barney informed us that no firm arrangements had been made, though Grace Homes preferred the option to hand it over to a management company on the grounds of costs as the upfront payment due to the council was, he believed over £100,000 they would however not rule out the Parish Council looking after the site and understood our reasoning that the open spaces should be community owned.

d)  Gartree and Bramfield Matters – Cllr Dilks advised that lorries were still passing through Welland Avenue the response from James Whailing (Senior Technician Traffic Management) advised that they did not have the resources to monitor this and the only way to take this further was to take pictures, date and video footage proving vehicles were not loading or unloading through the restricted area. Cllr Cook will contact the HMP and see if further signs can be put up and current sign off Foxton Road to Welland Ave be changed. Cllr Dilks also advised that the showground had been used over the weekend without any notification. The Clerk will follow up with HDC. Bramfield -Cllr Lee notified the Parish Council that Mrs Hall was no longer the site manager at Bramfield Park and no notification had been given to the residents Cllr Lee will contact the owners to find out how this will affect the Bramfield site.

e)  Speeding issues & VAS – The VAS has been delivered to Jim Burbridge who will have the VAS put up on Main Street at the west of the village. Cllr Parlett will contact Grant Burrows to find out dates for speedwatch. Cllr Poyner has still not had a response from Lord Bach regarding the mobile police van in Lubenham.

f)  Traffic Calming Measures – Cllr Cook had received an email from Martin Hind regarding the PV2 survey quoting and estimated cost of £2000 plus vat. Cllr Parlett advised that if the village was looking to get a pelican crossing a PV2 would be required to proceed. The Parish council agreed to wait until the additional traffic from housing on Airfield Farm would affect the road to give a more realistic idea of volume of traffic, in the meantime Cllr Parlett will look at the VAS data to find number of vehicle passing through the village at various times of the day.

g)  Bus Service – The clerk has contacted Centre bus and Arriva regarding their bus service and is still waiting a reply. Cllr Cook advised that the school bus had been taken of the route Clerk to follow up

h)  Good Neighbours Scheme – This will be discussed at the annual Parish meeting on Tuesday 16th May 20147

i)  Grass Cutting 2017 – Lubenham had received its first cut on the 20th April 2017 five days earlier than expected.

j)  Neighbourhood Watch – This item will also be discussed at the Annual Parish meeting.

k)  Newsletter Report of meeting – Councillor Parlett to write report.

2462: Lubenham School: The school is currently reducing in numbers and temporary teachers being brought in from other schools (Little Bowden and Great Bowden) Cllr Cook will write a letter and set up a meeting for Cllr Poyner and Cllr Parlett. Councillors agreed that the School building and grounds should be registered as a ACV. The clerk will complete an ACV (Asset of Community Value) for the school and its grounds

2463: Annual Parish Meeting: Cllr MacPhail and Cllr Parlett will not be available to attend this meeting.

2464: Year End Accounts: David Mugridge has agreed to audit the accounts for the Parish again this year document will be passed to him this week.

2465: Parish Notice Board: Cllr Cook will look at Awards for All funding to see if funding can be obtained, a possible replacement cost is approx. £2000.00 plus vat.

2449: Matters for next Agenda

Foxton Road Caravan site seems to be growing larger and Caravans are being burnt in a field off Undle.

Meeting closed at 8.25pm

Next meeting is to be held on Monday 12th Jun 2017 at 7.00pm Onyx Room Village Hall

Chairman...... Date......

Clerk K Budwal 12th Jun 2017

Lubenham Parish Council 8th May 2017 Page 3