Garageband/Sibelius composition unit

Years 7,8 and 9

Levels 3 and 4

Achievement Objectives: Level 4

Developing Practical Knowledge in Music (PK)

Students will identify through focused listening, and experiment with, a range of patterns, effects, sound qualities, and structural devices

Developing Ideas in Music (DI)

Students will use musical elements, instruments and technologies to improvise and compose simple musical pieces.

Communicating and Interpreting in Music (CI)

Students will prepare, rehearse, present and evaluate brief musical performances.

Understanding Music in Context (UC)

Students will identify investigate characteristics of music associated with particular contexts, purposes, and styles in past and present cultures.

Specific Learning Outcomes

The students will be able to:

Identify characteristic elements of Rap/Hip-Hop music through listening and discussion (PK, UC)

Create an original rap/hip-hop song, that demonstrates the use of selected elements and appropriate techniques (DI)

Demonstrate knowledge of song structure (PK)

Perform and evaluate a chosen hip hop song (CI)

Learning Activities

  • Listen to a variety of rap/hip-hop music including 'Chains' by Che Fu, For The People' by Nesian Mystic and ‘Deceptikonz' by Fallen Angels. In groups, discuss which elements are being used and how they are used to create the pieces.
  • Use the resource kits in Sweet and Sweet II to find out more about these songs
  • Read about the history of hip hop and discuss the development of hip-hop. (see resource list)
  • Using Into Music 4, look at the “Three R’s” of Rhythm, rap and rhyme
  • Using Garageband or Sibelius (or the equivalent in your school) write a hook and a rhythm riff for the start of the original rap.
  • Using song structures studied in the pieces listed, devise an original rap
  • Choose a rap from the class to prepare, rehearse, present and evaluate the performance of.

Extension Activities:

  • Compare NZ hip hop with US hip hop
  • Design your own graffiti wall
  • Organise a hip hop summit
  • Film a video for your rap
  • Try some Break Dancing


  • Teaching monitoring through observation and one to one interaction.
  • Each student shares information with their group. The group shares findings with class. Self/peer assessed.
  • Teacher evaluation of hook, structure and effectiveness of finished rap/song.
  • Self and peer assessments of the finished rap/song.
Links to Essential Skills






Work and Study

Social and Co-operative


Self-management and competitive

Cross Curriculum Links


The Arts



English – written language


Back 2Basics (2004) “Back2Basics – New Zealand Hip Hop”. Back2Basics Media Limited

Ferens, Maree (2002). “Hip Hop”. Music Teach, no.11 (term 2)

Ministry of Education (2002). “Sweet”. Auckland: New Zealand Music Industry Commission

Ministry of Education (2004). “Sweet II”. Auckland: New Zealand Music Industry Commission

Ministry of Education (2004). “Give it a whirl”. Wellington: Learning Media

Ministry of Education (2005). “Into Music 4 – Classroom Music in Years 1-13”. Wellington: Learning Media

Ministry of Education (2005). “Making Music-Te Waihanga Puoro”. Auckland: New Zealand Music Industry Commission

Shute, Gareth (2004). Hip Hop Music in Aotearoa”. Auckland: Reed Publishing

Software: eg Logic Audio, Sibelius, Encore, Band in a Box, Cakewalk, Jammer Songmaker, Garageband

Hardware: Drum machine, electronic keyboards, audio mixer, tape recorder, turntables and vinyl