Overview – Year 3 – Invasion Games unit

The games played in this unit are taken from YST - Top Sport initiative
Focus: The unit aims to encourage children to:
* develop and use consistently skills of passing, receiving and dribbling;
* make decisions about when to use different skills and tactics in playing invasion games;
* develop an understanding about when to attack and defend when playing invasion games;
* know how to use space in playing invasion games;
* understand what is happening to their heart rate and breathing when playing energetic games;
* understand that some invasion games require short bursts of speed;
* recognise and describe successful performance in invasion games.
QCA Core Tasks: Playing games by scoring points by e.g. bouncing the ball in a target hoop; playing games 4 v 1, 4 v 2; playing games involving scoring more goals than the opposition; using throwing, catching, kicking & striking skills; playing end-to-end games on a pitches of various sizes.
Vocabulary: keeping possession, keeping the ball; scoring goals, keeping the score; making space; pass, send and receive; dribble, travel with the ball; back up, support partners and others in their team.
Differentiation: Through outcome and adult expectations and support.
Assessment: By observation against learning outcomes and through discussion with children.
Resources: Balls of different sizes, unihoc sticks, cones, hoops, beanbags, quoits. Top Sport cards [see individual lesson plans],
Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3
Learning Outcomes
* demonstrate a greater ability to understand & play invasion games;
* travel with, send and receive a ball and other objects with greater control;
* demonstrate better knowledge of how the heart responds to energetic activity. / Learning Outcomes
* demonstrate increased skill in controlling, sending and receiving a ball;
* play simple co-operative and competitive games with others;
* begin to understand simple tactics of playing games. / Learning Outcomes
* demonstrate an increased range of invasion games skills;
* show greater understanding of the tactics involved in playing invasion games;
* identify aspects of their performance and what they need to do to improve.
Warm up: Scarecrow Tag / Warm up: As Lesson 1 / Warm up: Jog, Sprint and Slow Down
Skill focus: Controlling a ball using hands / Skill focus: Controlling a ball using hands / Skill focus: Travelling
Games Playing:1,2,3,4,5 & Treasure Chest / Games Playing:1,2,3,4,5 & Treasure Chest / Games Playing: Gateway & 4 v 1
Cool down: Health-related activity / Cool down: As Lesson 1 / Cool down: Slow Passing Game
Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6
Learning Outcomes
* demonstrate an increased range of invasion games skills;
* show greater understanding of the tactics;
* show greater knowledge of how their heart responds to energetic activity. / Learning Outcomes
* demonstrate an increased range of invasion games skills;
* demonstrate a greater understanding of tactics;
* identify/discuss aspects of successful play. / Learning Outcomes
* demonstrate an increased range of invasion games skills;
* demonstrate a greater understanding of the tactics;
* identify/discuss aspects of successful play.
Warm up: As Lesson 3 / Warm up: Travelling & footwork / Warm up: As Lesson 5
Skill focus: As Lesson 3 / Skill focus: Chest pass / Skill focus: As Lesson 5
Games Playing: ‘Gateway’ & ‘4 v 1’ / Games Playing: Find a Goal & 4-a-Side / Games Playing: Find a Goal & 4-a-Side
Cool down: As Lesson 3 / Cool down: Team Follow-my-Leader / Cool down: As Lesson 5