CyngorCymunedLlanrhystud Community Council
Minutes of the meeting held in the Memorial Hall on 10th May2017.
Present: Ceredig Morgan (Chairman),Glyn Davies,Eirwyn Evans,John Evans, Claire Jones, Dewi Jones,
Gwyn Jones,Morris Jones, Donald Morgan. (Community Councillors)
Cllr. R Rees-Evans ( County Councillor) Clerk: Christine Evans
Apologies: None
The above Community Councillors were reelected unopposed to serve on the Community Council until May 2022. Each councillor signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and gave an undertaking to comply with the Code of Conduct.
1: Declaration of interest – A170317 – Cllr C Morgan declared an interest and left the room whilst the
application was being discussed.
II: Minutes. –The minutes of the meeting of the 5 April2017 were read and approved.
III: Matters Arising
- Playing Field – i) G Byrne of Ray Ceredigion will come to the next meeting to give advice on changes
to the playarea.
ii) Cllr. C Jones had spoken to Mr. Edwards to ask for the outstanding bill.
IV: Planning
- Minutes of Development Control Committee – 12 April 2017
- A170317 – Change of use of shop to residence – Joppa Canol, Joppa, Llanrhystud – no observations.
- Order to divert bridleway – Ty’nBeili, Llanrhystud.
V: Information– the following were received and discussed:
- Ceredigion County Council –Temporary Road Closure – C1127 from 30/5/17 to 03/06/17 –village noticeboard for information
- One Voice Wales– To nominate a representative to attend the meetings of the area committee – Clerk was nominated
- One Voice Wales –Agenda and Minutes for the Ceredigion Area Committee meeting on 26th April at Penmorfa – noted
- One Voice Wales – Induction training for new councillors on 24/05/17 at Morlan, Aberystwyth– noted
- One Voice Wales – Notice asking if the Community Council would like to put forward motions at OVW’s AGM in September – noted.
- One Voice Wales – Manifesto for the future role of Town and Community Councils in Wales - noted
- Social Media Policy – One Voice Wales had produced a template for a Social Media Policy – It was resolved to adopt the policy.
- Play Area Inspection – Notice advertising a training course for inspectors of playing fields – it was decided that the practice of having an independent annual inspection of the playing fieldwould continue – clerk to arrange an inspection through ROSPAPlaysafe for June/July 2017.
- Welsh Audit Office – A letter was received explaining the structure of the annual fee for the external audit and a reminder of what specific governance aspects that would be tested over the next few years – noted
- Tree Charter – an invitation to become a Local Council Charter Branch – noted.
- NFU Mutual – Information regarding grants that are available from the NFU Mutual Community Giving Fund – noted.
- Assembly Electoral Reform – Invitation to put forward suggestions on reform – noted
- Poster – Regional Labour AM’s poster – noticeboard.
- Play for Wales – magazine
- Wickstead and Hags – catalogues
- Thank you card.
Chairman’s Signature:______
VI: Appeals
- Aberystwyth/Kronberg Twinning Committee – permission given to donate £50.00 under S137 powers
- proposed by Cllr J Evans, seconded by Cllr Donald Morgan, all agreed.
VII: Accounts and Financial Matters
- HSBC - Bank statements - Community – Balance – April- £ 249.38
Business - Balance - April- £10167.70 - Precept – Notice that £5666.67 will bepaid into the account at the end of April.
- Reclaimed VAT – Notice that £46.95 will be paid into the account at the end of April.
- Risk Assessment – A annual risk assessment was carried out and approved. The risk assessment formed the basis on which the insurance quote for the year 2017/18 was accepted.
- Zurich Insurance – Insurance quote was scrutinised and permission given to pay the premium of £1409.59.
- Internal Audit 2016/17 – The clerk had prepared the accounts and the internal auditor Mr Anthony Morgan had completed the audit. His report was circulated, accepted and permission given to pay his fee of £100.00. It was also resolved to approve the accounts and sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Report which will now be sent to the External auditor Grant Thornton for final approval.
VIII: Matters raised by the community
- Grasscutting in school lane and at its junction with the A487 – Clerk to reply to Mr Botting to say that the responsibility for the A487 lies with the Trunk Road Authority and the contract for cutting the grass is awarded by them to Ceredigion County Council.
- Lack of a road sign indicating that there is a turning off the B4337 onto the Blaenpennal Road – Clerk to ask the Highways Department to look into the need of a sign.
- Speed Limit in the Joppa Area – Clerk to ask the Highways department to look into changing the speed limit along the road from Joppa towards the finger post on the Bethania road.
- Dangerous overhanging trees in Cwm Mabws near to the entrance to PenlanMabws – Clerk to contact the County Council again on this matter.
- Defibrillator in Llanddeiniol – permission was given to donate £100.00 under S137 powers towards buying a defibrillator in Llanddeiniol.
- Private notices displayed on fences etc. at the side of the public highway– Clerk to ask the County Council for guidance on whether private notices are allowed to be displayed and if there is a time limit for when they should be removed.
IX. Date of thenext meeting –7th June 2017 at 8.00pm.
Chairman’s Signature:______