
The following includes a description of the programthat is being targeted, the learning outcomes and assessment strategies for that program.

  1. LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS: Provide leadership training, as well as opportunities, for all students on campus through a variety of venues including workshops, educational sessions, student-led program committees and one-on-one advising.

Orientation Leader Training:

Goal: Successfully train and provide resources to returning student leaders so that they are helpful in the successful transition and acclimation of new students to ESF’s campus. Ensure that they are provided with adequate information so that they are able to assist in Orientation activities as well as lead small groups of new students, address concerns and questions of new students, etc.

Learning Outcomes: 1) Students will be able to understand the needs of new students and be able to accurately and efficiently respond to parents and students’ concerns and questions throughout Orientation week; 2) understand the purpose of and assist with Orientation activities such as check-in, Saturday of Service projects, advising sessions, etc. 3) be able to facilitate a small group of new students and provide them with their best tips for academic and social success; 4) be able to effectively work with (and respond to) students and families from a variety of backgrounds 5) be able to respond to an emergency situation if one should arise throughout the week. 6) and be able to work cooperatively as part of a team.

Targeted Assessment Plan:

  • Provide evaluations to Orientation Leaders at the end of each day of training. These evaluations will intentionally address learning outcomes as opposed to “fun outcomes” and access the presentations/activities provided that day. Evaluative summaries will provide qualitative and quantitative feedback that look to improve upon the quality of programming offered.
  • Collect feedback via “word of mouth” during de-briefing throughout training at the end of each day as well as throughout Orientation week. Leaders will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the experience over all as well as reflect on what they have learned over the course of the week.
  • Post-test survey provided to all Orientation Leaders to assess learning outcomes of how they were able to build upon their leadership skills via the experience.

Fall and Spring Leadership Conferences (LEAD Series)

Goals: Introduce the basics of what it means to be an officer of a student organization on ESF’s campus and address issues of concern and questions for beginning and returning leaders relative to policies and procedures of being a club on campus. This program intends to educate students on concepts of leadership and how their leadership will be useful in other aspects of their career here at ESF and beyond. In addition, it will introduce new and returning officers to issues of cultural awareness, community service, advertising, leadership, recruitment, etc.

Learning Outcomes: Students will understand the obligations of being a student organization on campus including policies and procedures relative to holding events/meetings, planning trips, etc. After this workshop, they will be able to facilitate club meetings and elections, work cooperatively as part of a team, (especially with people different from themselves) and speak in front of a large group in order to provide direction based on club’s mission.

Targeted Assessment Plan:

  • Pre-evaluations handed out fall conference to assess what learning still needs to be addressed relative to leadership skills and holding office in a student organization.
  • Post-evaluations handed out at end of year(included in annual report) to assess skills that were learned and built upon over the year based upon being involved in a student organization.
  • Evaluations provided at the leadership conference spring that address the following question: How might this conference be improved and what needs to be added to further develop leadership skills. What do student leaders need to be successful in areas of leadership?
  • Via one-on-one meetings, access student learning through facilitation and discussion of event planning, conflict management within groups, and delegation of responsibilities among club officers.