Dear Mrs. Smith,

Frederick County4-H Youth Development Program offers school enrichment programs allowing your school to engage in hands-on learning activities that enhance the core curriculum standards and objectives. 4-H school enrichment utilize curriculum that is grounded in University of Maryland Extension research-driven programs. These signature programs include STEM, Healthy Living, Workforce Readiness, and Science of Maryland Agriculture.

4-H Programs are designed to shape future leaders and create innovators by teaching leadership, citizenship and life skills in your classroom. Young people in 4-H report better grades, higher levels of academic competence, and an elevated level of engagement at school.1We look forward to providing 4-H experiences during the upcoming school year and invite you to join the 4-H program and see all the wonderful benefits it has to offer.

Frederick County is currently offering STEM, Health Rocks, and Up for the Challenge programs, specifically designed to meet the needs of High School students.

The 4-H STEMcurricula is designed to meet a wide variety of needs and interests. Students participate in hands-on learning experiences that enhance High School Science and Math course objectives. Activities vary from “Junk Drawer Robotics” to lessons in friction, air circulation, buoyancy, and engineering.

Health Rocks!® is curricula for a healthy living program targeted at young people ages 8 to 14. Teen and adult facilitators share hands-on activities that educate youth on the consequences of tobacco, alcohol and drug use. Analysis from 2011 shows that the Health Rocks! program was highly successful in educating youth.

  • 96% of youth participants gained increased knowledge of the risks and consequences associated with tobacco usage
  • 93% of youth participants gained increased knowledge about other risky behaviors
  • 95% of youth participants learned social personal, social and/or resistance skills
  • 96% of youth participants said that they personally disapprove of tobacco products2

"Up for the Challenge" is a fitness, nutrition and health curriculum for school-aged, middle school and teen youth. It was written for military afterschool programs but is easily adaptable to any afterschool or 4-H club setting. The 290-page curriculum is divided into five chapters with each chapter containing multiple lessons in physical activity, nutrition and healthy decision making. Lessons range in scope and length from 30-60 minute nutrition and/or physical activities to a multi-week wellness event. Each lesson provides expected youth outcomes, instructor essential information, preparation instructions, supplies, lesson time, handouts and opportunities for reflection.3

We would be glad to meet with you to discuss these opportunities. Our programs can be tailored to meet your classrooms needs.

Please contact Samantha Murdock at your convenience. To learn more about 4-H in Frederick County, please visit our website at


Samantha Murdock

4-H Faculty Extension Assistant