Good Morning (ladies and) gentleman, my name is ______and I will be conducting the Mission portion of this brief.

A. Pre-Launch

1. Time Hack: On my mark, the time will be _____ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, MARK, does anyone require a time hack?

<give a one minutes standby, call out 30 sec prior, then 15, then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, hack>

2.  Preflight: Preflight will occur at ______(T-30)

3.  Turn-up: Turn-up will occur at ______(T -15)

4.  Check-in:Check-in will occur at ______(T -10) on 121.95 and BTN 6

5.  Positive switch to Clearance via one turn in ATIS followed by Ground. Taxi with an AUTO switch to TWR prior to the hold short.

6.  Lead takes the center of the runway. Take-off will be in cruise formation at ______

7.  Depart via PT ______, Auto switch to Pensacola departure on 124.85 and BTN 17 Lead will call for check-in at Deaton Bridge

8.  Route of flight will be Deaton Bridge via Course Rules in Cruise formation at 100kts and 900 feet.

9.  When cleared by departure, auto switch to 121.95, and squawk 4677

B. Formation

1. Op area, obstacles to flight

Show are on Pcola Training Chart. Describe boundaries.>

<Obstacles are Other A/C, Birds, Class C, Towers (point to em, etc)>

2. A/S 80 kts ALT 1000’ MSL

3. Bingo fuel is ____ gallons from the CEW VOR via Direct PT Juniper, CR to NDZ

4. Sequence of maneuvers will be CO, CT, CD, BR (OR as req’d), LD, then repeat the sequence excluding LD.

5. T/O & Ldgs

At the complete of the second sequence, Wing will call for TL

6. Positive switch to BTN 10 with a checkin.

C. Landings

1. Landing site will be Harold OLF

2. Route will be PT Racetrack in Cruise formation at 100 kts and 700’ MSL

3. Bingo fuel is _____ gallons from Harold via Course Rules to NDZ

4. Entry point will be PT Racetrack

5. Split to the Normal side

6. Sequence of approaches will be Normal, <HS>, LD, Repeat excluding the LD

7. Waveoffs: Three conditions:

1.  When someone external to the section makes the waveoff call, Lead will make the internal and external calls. Both aircraft will waveoff.

2.  Someone internal to the section may call for a section waveoff by calling “___ flight waveoff.” Both aircraft will waveoff and Lead will make the external call.

3. If Wing waves off, Wing will make an external call using his own side number: “Factoryhand ____ waving off, left/right side.”

When executing a waveoff, controls shall be transferred to the pilot in the best position to maintain situational awareness.

8. At the completion of TL, wing will call for RTB

9. Lead will make departure call, a POS switch to BTN6 w/checkin via one turn in ATIS & AUTO switch to 124.85


1. Route will be Course Rules via Juniper in cruise formation at 100kts and 700’ MSL

2. Lead will make call to Pcola approach 124.85 and Skeds on BTN 6.

3. At JUNIPER, AUTO switch to BTN 4 and instructor common 121.95

4. Lead will call tower for BREAK

5. Land in TRAIL formation.

6. Both aircraft will automatically switch to Ground upon clearing the active.
