Strategic Approval Form (SAF)

Strategic Planning, Resources and Development Committee
(A SubCommittee of the Vice-Chancellor’s Group (VCG)).

PROJECT PROPOSAL (Please complete in line with the Notes of Guidance for Submitting New Project Proposals to SPRDC. Available from the Standards and Enhancement Office (SEO) at

Items which relate to Off Campus proposals only are identified with *

Title of Proposal
Vice Chancellor’s Group Sponsor
This form has been compiled by
*Name of Partner Institution(s) (where relevant)
*Name and Jurisdiction of Legal Entity for Contract
*Confirmation of Solvency
*Jurisdiction of Delivery
1 Background to Proposal
[circa 500 words]
2 Project Summary
Which programmes are to be considered and what is the level of the qualification? (Please reference Part A of the QAA UKQC Framework for Higher Education Qualifications)
Location/site(s) of delivery
Type of arrangement (if applicable) Please use QAA Joint Awards Definition:
Jointly Delivered Programme
-  Joint Qualification
-  Double / Multiple Qualification
-  Dual Qualification
-  Concurrent Qualification
3 Business Case (See Guidance Notes for information on what narrative should cover )
Strategic Issues
Each criterion to be allocated a score between 1 – 10
1 = not meeting the criterion at all, 7 = significant match 10=Exceptionally strong fit with criterion
Criterion / Proposers’ Score / Committee Use / Comments
A / Fit with University’s Strategic Aims & Objectives 2014-20
I / Enhanced Brand
Ii / Sustainable student number growth
Iii / Distinctive Curriculum Offer
iv / Improved Retention
*B / Fit with University’s Off campus Strategic Aims & Objectives as stated in the 2014-20 Strategic Plan (off campus proposals only)
* / Aim 1 - “To provide a significant income stream while strengthening the university’s global reputation”
* / Aim 2 -“To offer HE opportunities to diverse learner communities within the UK and globally”
* / Aim 3 - “To build a network of progression partnerships for whom the university is the preferred HE provider.”
* / Supports “ strategic concentration” agenda (by partner or region)
* / Supports “blended approach”
(i.e. cost effective model of technology with franchise)
* / Supports the development of “UoB global knowledge network”
(i.e. to share knowledge, courses, and research)
C / Improve the Involves effective and efficient use of resources (including staff)
D / Secures income streams that supplement UG FT SLC/HEFCE revenue
E / Has the potential to leverage or develop further proposals
Evidence of market research and market intelligence (circa 500 words)
Minimum numbers for viability
What are the (potential) opportunity costs?
*If partner is an existing partner, please indicate whether there are any outstanding payments owed to the University from prior or current activity; a) Total income to UOB from the partner institution in the most recent year b) Any bad debt amount i.e. outstanding for more than 100 calendar days and c) what action is being taken to regularise the situation?
*Is the Partner generally in good standing with the University? That is are there any unresolved issues regarding adhering to quality assurance requirements, contractual issues, student issues or other matters?


Financial Feasibility for Collaboration with (insert partner(s) name)

2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018
Programme / Entry / S1 / S2 / S1 / S2 / S1 / S2 / S1 / S2 / S1 / S2
Total Numbers / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Total Fee Income (£) @ £?k
Total Fee Income to Bolton
(based on ?%)
Franchise costs £? Per student
Other costs
Total Costs / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Potential Surplus / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Cumulative Surplus

[These figures should be completed in collaboration with the University Finance Department. Please contact Financial Services for further details.]

Please see spreadsheet for this section at L:\Public\University Documents\Standards and Enhancement Office\2014-15 STANDARD TEMPLATES/ SPRDC interactive financial spreadsheet On Campus


Financial Feasibility for Collaboration with (insert partner(s) name)

2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019
Programme / Entry / S1 / S2 / S1 / S2 / S1 / S2 / S1 / S2 / S1 / S2
Total Numbers / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Total Fee Income (£) @ £?k
Staffing costs
Other costs
Total Costs / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Potential Surplus / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Cumulative Surplus

[These figures should be completed in collaboration with the University Finance Department. Please contact Financial Services for further details.]

Please see spreadsheet for this section at L:\Public\University Documents\Standards and Enhancement Office\2014-15 STANDARD TEMPLATES/ SPRDC interactive financial spreadsheet On Campus

6 Preliminary consideration of core quality assurance matters within the context of UK Quality Code for Higher Education (UKQC)
What risks and controls have been identified in relation to academic standards, quality and information?
Principal Risks / Principal Controls
Setting and maintaining academic standards (QAA UKQC Part A)
-  Comparability of standards with UK higher education
-  Subject benchmarking
-  Professional body recognition
Assuring and enhancing academic quality (UKQC Parts B1-11)
Information about provision (UKQC Part C)
*7. Jurisdiction and local recognition of UoB programme(s) and award(s)
Principal Risks / Principal Controls
What are the requirements for approval of the proposed programme and UoB award under the jurisdiction within which the partner organisation is located?
Within the jurisdiction what is the current approval status of the proposed programme and UoB award?
Within the jurisdiction what is the proposed approval status of the proposed programme and UoB award?
8 Student engagement in development of the proposal (NB Involvement of students in developing the proposal prior to consideration by a Validation Panel is mandatory.)
In what ways have current, prospective or past students been involved in the proposal to this point?
In what ways will current, prospective or past students be involved in the proposal from this point?
9 Risk Assessment
Criteria to be given a score between 1 and 10 with comments to indicate the reason for each score
1 = very high risk and 4=low risk 10 = high risk
Criteria / Proposers’ Score / For Committee Use / Comments
Financial / Economic (eg inflation / currency / money transfer)
Reputational (eg engagements with other partners)
Operational (eg travel restrictions)
Legal / Jurisdiction (eg contract management and enforcement)
Socio-Political (eg elections)
Quality Assurance (Eg local recognition/regulatory issues)
Other (please specify)
*10 Contract Negotiations
Name of UoB lead negotiator on Contract
Summarise discussions which have taken place with the University Contracts and Compliance Officer
Status of Current Contract Negotiations
Proposed date for completion of Draft Contract
11 Relationship between On Campus and Off Campus Provision
For Off campus proposals
Briefly summarise the discussions with the AGL for the academic area involved.
If this is a proposal to franchise please state the on campus programme being franchised in whole or part.
If this is not a franchise, does UoB currently offer a similar programme? If so please name programme(s)
If UoB does not offer this or similar programmes on campus what expertise does the University have to ensure that academic standards and quality can be adequately monitored and supported?
What are the implications if any for on campus resources (including staff).
For On Campus Proposals
Briefly summarise the discussions with the Off Campus Division.
Which off campus programmes, if any, might serve currently or prospectively as feeders to the proposed programme?
12 Next steps and timeline
Proposed Date of meeting with students to discuss development:
Proposed meeting of Programmes Committee for approval to proceed to validation:
*Proposed Date of completing Final Draft of Contract with Partner:
Proposed Date of Planning Meeting:
Proposed Date of Validation Event:
Proposed Date for enrolment of first cohort for each proposed programme (by which date the Chair must have signed off on validation conditions:
Signature of the Executive Dean (or representative) for the On and Off-Campus Divisions indicating that the submission has been approved to go to SPRDC for further consideration: Signed proposals should be submitted by email to the Secretary to the SPRDC, at least 5 working days prior to the relevant SPRDC meeting.
Date: ______


This proposal has been consider by SPRDC at its meeting of ______

Outcome / Indicate outcome / Principal Reason(s) for rejection or significant conditions (see minutes for further details).
Decision Deferred pending consideration of key points raised at the SPRDC meeting with the proposal to be resubmitted at a future meeting,
Conditionally Approved for consideration by Programmes Committee subject to specific conditions being met and approved by the SPRDC Chair or nominee
Approved for consideration by Programmes Committee

(Subject to Institutional and/or Site Appraisal Report (for collaborative partnerships); student minimum number guarantee per programme and Partner and University of Bolton negotiated and agreed Total Fee Income to UOB per FTE, per programme)

Signed ______Date ______

For use by Secretary to SPRDC

Copies to:


New SPRDC Submission Form – Revised Version 1

P McGhee, January 2015