Act Belong CommitWorking Group



The Act Belong Commit Working Group originated in 2011 as a special project group of the Frankston Mornington Peninsula Primary Care Partnership (FMPPCP) Social Inclusion Working Group, to support the implementation of the FMPPCP ‘Integrated Health Promotion Strategic Plan 2009-2012’.This plan outlines mental health and wellbeing as a key focus area of work for the FMPPCP, and therefore the Act Belong Commitworking group represents an important body of work which needs to continue for at least the duration of the 2009-2012 plan.

Primary Purpose

To improve the mental health and wellbeing of the Frankston and MorningtonPeninsula communities through the implementation of anintegrated mental health promotion campaign


The Act Belong Commit working group agrees to:

  • Develop a shared vision and plan for implementing Act Belong Commit in the FrankstonMorningtonPeninsula region
  • Provide information and support to Act Belong Commit partners and other interested agencies and groups
  • Provide a networking opportunity for Act Belong Commit partners to share ways of working and resources
  • Encourage and support Act Belong Commit partners to engage in collaborative activities
  • Provide expertise and local knowledge to facilitate effective links with the community and respond to the needs of target groups
  • Review progress of local campaign approach and strategies—what is working and what isn’t working in our campaign?
  • Work together in a spirit of mutual respect, support and transparencyfor the benefit of our community/towards our primary purpose.


The Act Belong Commitworking group shall comprise:

  • Delegated representatives/key contacts from agencies who are committed to the FMPPCP Act Belong Commit campaign
  • FMPPCP Health Promotion Coordinator and/or FMPCP Executive Officer
  • Any other interested organisations, agencies or individuals (non FMPPCP members are welcome).

Chairperson, FMPPCP HP Coordinator Minute-Taker

The chairperson will be nominated by the membership of the Act Belong Commitworking group. The responsibility of the chairperson will be to represent the Act Belong Commitworking group on the Health Promotion Collaborative (HPC), and to facilitate meetings of the Act Belong Commitworking group. Their commitment to attend at least 80% of meetings per year is a pre-requisite.

The FMPPCP Health Promotion Coordinator will assist and support the chairperson in planning and organising meetings.They will also chair the Act Belong Commitworking group in the event that the chair is absent from meetings.

The minute-taker role will rotate each meeting, this will be decided at the beginning of each meeting with the delegated minute-taker responsible for providing dot pointed key items and actions as per agenda items to the FMPPCP Health Promotion Coordinator.

Facilitation of Act Belong CommitWorking Group Meetings

The Act Belong Commitworking group meetings will be facilitated by the Chair of the Committee.

Meeting Frequency

  • The Act Belong Commitworking group will meet monthly for the first 6 months and will then be reviewed
  • Extra meetings of the Act Belong Commitworking groupmay be called if required for urgent business with 48 hour notice to members.


A quorum shall be a representative of three or more member agencies.

Decision making and Reporting

  • The Act Belong Commitworking group reports to the FMPPCP Health Promotion Collaborative, withdecisions related to its activities to be made by the working group. Endorsement from the Health Promotion Collaborative is required with respect to the use of FMPPCP IHP funds and IHP Coordinator EFT to facilitate the project.
  • Meetings of the Act Belong Commitworking group will be minuted and minutes circulated to the membership within ten business days of the meeting.
  • Meeting Agenda notification will be circulated to the membership one week prior to scheduled meetings.
  • Update on the work of the Act Belong Commitworking group will be included as a standing agenda item and tabled at the FMPPCP Health Promotion Collaborative meetingsvia the FMPPCP Integrated Health Promotion Coordinator, or delegated representative.

Terms of Reference (TOR) Review

The TOR will be reviewed on an annual basis, at the final meeting of the calendar year.

Ratification of TOR

The TOR are ratified by the Act Belong Commit working group and affirmed by FMPPCP Health Promotion Collaborative.

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