In early 2009, the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific initiated a social mapping project which aimed to take stock of the social concerns in which Jesuits and their collaborators were currently engaged and to explore possibilities for international co-operation. Information gathering and analysis were carried out and completed by mid-2010. A “Report of the Social Mapping Project” has been produced.

This guide suggests ways in which Jesuits and their collaborators can make use of the social mapping report. Feedback, questions and suggestions are welcome and can be forwarded to the JCAP office at .

1. Using the report for reflection, apostolic discernment and planning

The report can be used as a tool for reflection at provincial assemblies, planning meetings of ministries and commissions, formation sessions and other gatherings of Jesuits and collaborators.

The following are suggested questions for reflection and sharing, after participants have read the report:

2. Using the report for networking and collaboration

The social mapping report contains information on individuals, institutions and the social-related activities they are engaged in. The details are found in Annex 1 of the report. It is hoped that such information will encourage more contact and networking across organizations and provinces in order to exchange experiences, share knowledge and expertise or explore joint projects. Further information on the work done as well as contact details of the individuals can be obtained from the JCAP office at .

3. Using the report for formation

The social themes described in the report can be used as a starting point for deeper reflection on the social challenges confronting people and societies in Asia Pacific. Formators can contact the various individuals or institutions mentioned in the report to conduct talks or exposure programs for Jesuits in formation or for students at the educational institutions.

In addition, the social-related activities listed in Chapter 2 can give a useful overview of the Society’s collective engagements in Asia Pacific and instill a sense of universal mission among Jesuits.

The suggested reflection questions given above can be adapted for group reflection and sharing among scholastics and Jesuits in formation. In particular, they can be asked to reflect on the emerging trends highlighted in Chapter 4 and what this implies regarding the attributes and skills to cultivate in formation.

4. Using the report to explore further research and areas for growth

The report provides recommendations on how the work done under each theme can be further developed. Those engaged in the social field can refer to the strengths, gaps, emerging trends and possibilities mentioned in Annex 1 of the report and consider how the suggestions could be further developed and implemented.

These suggestions also provide an indication of the further research that could be undertaken. It is hoped that more collaboration in research and program development will be seen among those engaged in related social concerns so that the work of the Society can demonstrate greater depth and effectiveness.