The Origin of the Name Jhwh or Yhwh

(Greek version at the end)

I will hereby teach you this Name again, as Jesus the Nazarene taught it to his disciples.

The following is an analysis of the Name ‘Zeus’, ‘Jewa’, ‘Yakhveh’ or ‘Jehovah’:

The original scientific word formula from which all these forms of the Name are derived is the uncontracted Greek or, rather, Ionian word-formula for ‘Life’, which is ‘zhwh’, (Latin writing - ‘Jhwh’), pronounced J-e-w-a in the sacred Ionian/Adamite language.

The first letter ‘z’, (as well as the Latin letter ‘J’), is a symbol of a vibrating chord and stands for the source of vibration or emanation of any kind. It also stands for the Primary Principle of Outwardness, (the Universal Father), the root cause of Volition for outward expression. Its pronunciation is an attempt to render its meaning phonetically. The second letter is h (h), ‘eta’ or ‘e a’ (ea), a sine wave emanating from a chord. It stands for the expression itself; (the Logos); (see ‘Origin of the Universe’). The third letter is w (w), ‘omega’, two sine waves converging from opposite directions. Its correct pronunciation is that of a bilabial ‘w’. It stands for the Secondary Principle of Nodal Action, (the Holy Spirit), which focuses the indiscriminate expression, giving it direction, focal point and features and, thus, converts Volition into Intention and designs the features of the expression. The three letters so far, ‘zhw’, (Jhw or Jew), are the uncontracted Ionian verb ‘I live’. The second η (h) signifies that from every point of accumulation the Primary Principle manifests anew and also that Life is regenerative or continuously evolving. This word-formula for ‘Life’ is also the Name of the God-of-Life or the Living God. The Name was taken to Egypt by the Ionian priests that emigrated there from Ionia in Asia Minor around 2750 BC and founded the Sanctuary of Amon at Luxor. (This is also when Thebes in Greece and Tyre off the eastern coast of the Mediterranean were founded by the brothers of Europa, Cadmus and Phoenix respectively). In Egypt, the name acquired a harsh pronunciation, characteristic of both the Hamitic and Arabic languages, and ended up as ‘Yekhwah’ or ‘Iakhweh’. Mystic initiates brought this version of the Name from Egypt to Greece, where it ended up in the Eleusinian mysteries as the invocation ‘Iakhe’ for the ‘Principle of Life’. This is also the form of the Name picked up by Moses during his initiation at Memphis. This is the origin of the name ‘Jhwh’ or ‘Jehovah’ and ‘Jove’, from which come words like ‘joven’, ‘juvenile’ and ‘Juventus’, which mean ‘full-of-Life’, ‘young’ or ‘Youth’. Zeus or Jeus is the shorter form of the Name, as used by the Ionian priests. Zeus is every firstborn patriarch of the Adamites, the Aesir; a human god, like Odin. (‘Aesir’ is the collective of ‘As’-‘Holy’, as in ‘Asia’-‘Holy land’).

He promised that “One day His people would be called by His Name”; hence the Jews. Ever since they were called ‘Jeus’ (in ‘Middle English’), towards the end of the 13th century, their persecutions in modern times also started, (in 1290 in York England). The worst decision by the Jews, after Jhwh has honored them with His Name, is to revert to ‘Israel’, a name devised by Thoth-Hermes in order to place them under his gods, Isis-Ra-El.

‘Adonai’means ‘Male Lord’, just like ‘Baal’; (Baal ≡ erect penis, Adonis ≡ stiff penis).

Adonis was for Venus what Baal was for Astarte or Ishtar.

It was for this reason that in antiquity several High Priests were struck dead by Jhwh when they invoked Adonai instead of Jhwh in the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement. After a couple of such occurrences, the High Priest used to tie a rope around his ankle, with one end of the rope outside the Holy of Holies, so that he could be pulled out in case he died in there, as it was forbidden for anybody other than the High Priest to enter the Holy of Holies. (This is also what led to the practice of having two High Priests at the same time).

As we mention in “Reappraisal of Thoth-Hermes”, the name ‘Israel’ was devised by Thoth-Hermes the Egyptian wizard in order to place Jacob and his descendants under the protection and control of his gods, (Isis-Ra-El), and made up that unlikely story of Jacob wrestling all night with god El. (El is Saturn, father of Zeus-Jhwh; hence, Israel’s sanctification of Saturday). Out of Saturn (Israel) Jesus-Zeus the Lamb was born. Ever since, the Old Reptilian Planetary Authorities have been persecuting Jerusalem/Rhea and her children, the Jews, throughout the Christian World. The real Jhwh’s Day, the day sanctified in His name, is Thursday-Jovedi. In the very near future, Thursday-Jovedi-Jhwhday will be sanctified as the Sabbath of the week.

The commandment “You shall not take the Name of Jhwh your god in vain” means just that. “You shall not call upon the Name Jhwh for vain and trivial reasons”. Not that you should never use it. For serious purposes do not hesitate to call Him by His Name, Jhwh. This will strengthen His presence among you and His angels will protect you. This is not ‘vain’.

Your praises should definitely be addressed to Jhwh in his proper Name always.

The Jews are hated and persecuted from time to time not because they are good or bad or for any other reason but just because they bear their God’s Name.

The following example demonstrates even more vividly the truth of my last statement:

It happened a few years ago in Umeä, a Swedish town on the Baltic. The school was closing for the long winter holidays and parents were asked to take some potted plants and flowers home to look after them during the holidays. To one lady’s lot fell a potted plant called the ‘Wandering Jew’. The lady bolted: “No, no; I cannot have this THING in my house!”

This is also the reason why the so-called ‘Jehovah Witnesses’ are generally hated or despised; just for the Name’s sake. They do not even know what ‘Jhwh’ means. Neither do they keep Abraham’s covenant with Jhwh. (They are more ‘Paul’s Witnesses’ rather than Jhwh’s). However, they have this to their credit: they are very decent people, (which is what counts), living according to their understanding of the Bible as a denomination, not just scattered or isolated individuals like in other denominations. The discrimination against them keeps them united and fortifies and renews their zeal.

The most terrible crime against Jesus is not his crucifixion on Calvary but the subsequent voodoo ritual of crucifying images of “Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews”, first by the Romans at crossroads and in squares during the first three centuries and, ever since, by the organized Roman religion of Christianity. This has bound Jesus’ spirit in limbo ever since.

Mohammed wrote in the Koran that Jesus was not crucified. The person he channeled is not Jesus but Christ, Jesus’ symbiote-overself, who left Jesus’ body before the crucifixion, with a copy of ‘Jesus software package’, like a wasp hatching out of a butterfly’s caterpillar.

This voodoo ritual is behind all subconscious anti-Jewish psychosis for 2000 years and it is also the process through which the kingdom of the Lamb has been prevented from being established on Earth earlier. However, the Spirit of Truth is now here and the kingdom of the Lamb or the ‘Dominion of Man’ will soon be established.

The attributes of Zeus

We must first stress that Zeus is a Living God or a ‘human god’ and not a high Angel or Archangel, like Calicastia the planetary prince or Lucifer the local System Administrator. Being a human god, he incorporates into his being the attributes of all the Titans. Angels and Archangels have limited software and limited analytical minds. They do not need them; they are specifically programmed to serve the post assigned to them.

The analytical attributes of Zeus are given allegorically in his sequential marriages:

The first wife of Zeus is Themis. Of course, Themis is not a wife in the mundane sense. She is the personification of the Law, and, by marrying her, Zeus incorporated into his being the understanding and acceptance of the Law. The children out of this marriage were Eunomia (Good Legislation), Dike (Justice) and Peace. This is obvious. (This marriage should also be the first step of every man that aspires to acquire wisdom and evolve to higher levels of enlightenment. He should first incorporate this Law into his heart and obey it.)

Zeus’ second wife was Metis, in the same way that Themis was. Metis is the personification of analytical learning and, by marrying her, Zeus incorporated into his being the attribute of knowledge and Wisdom. The assimilation of this Wisdom would give Zeus the ability to rule over the affairs of men. Zeus swallowed the pregnant Metis and, having done so, he gave birth to Athena through his head. The allusion is quite clear: Nobody is, or was, expected to understand that an actual woman was born out of a man’s head. Even myths must have a degree of feasibility. What is born out of a man’s head is the expression or application of his knowledge; quite aptly, the midwife was Hephaestus the god of Arts and Crafts. Athena is the Virgin goddess of wisdom and, apart from being the advisor of the gods, she is an invincible warrior superior to Ares (Mars).

[Accepting and obeying the Law has one advantage over learning; immediacy. Learning, the acquiring of wisdom, is a very long and laborious process and the question arises as to how Man can live in harmony and peace, while mostly ignorant.]

Zeus’ third wife was Mnemosyne, (Omniscience or Enlightenment). Her children are the Muses, which represent the classification of All-knowledge.

Man will soon be introduced to true Scientific Wisdom; freed from an imposed Matrix of ignorance and subconscious control. (All Physics theories now taught in Universities, without exception, are wrong; some of them, like that of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity and the ‘inflation theory’ of the Big Bang are downright idiotic. True scientific Wisdom will prepare Man for the stage of Transcendental Enlightenment.

Εξήγηση του ονόματος Ζευς, Ιακχος και Ιεχωβά

Θα διευκολυνθούμε στην εξήγηση του Ονόματος αν αρχίσουμε από την εξέταση της ασυναίρετης γραφής της λέξης ‘ζωή’ που είναι ‘ζηωη’.

Το πρώτο γράμμα ‘ζ’, (όπως και το λατινικό ‘J’), συμβολίζει την ‘κραδανόμενη χορδή’ (με την ανάλογη προφορά) και, στη συνέχεια, την πηγή κραδασμιακής ενέργειας ή οποιασδήποτε έκφρασης. Επίσης συμβολίζει την Εκτατική Αρχή, (τον Παγκόσμιο Πατέρα). Η Εκτατική Αρχή, η Αγάπη, είναι η Πρώτη Αιτία της έκφρασης του φαινομένου της Ζωής. Το ‘η’ (και το h) είναι κύμα που εκδηλώνεται από τη χορδή (προφορά εα) και συμβολίζει την εκδήλωση της Τάσης (το Λόγο). Από μόνη της όμως η Εκτατική Αρχή θα είχε σαν αποτέλεσμα μια ακαθόριστη έκφραση, χωρίς διακριτικά χαρακτηριστικά, απλώς μια ‘χαώδη έκφραση’. Το γράμμα ‘ω’ (και w) συμβολίζει δυο κύματα που συνέρχονται από αντίθετες κατευθύνσεις και έχει διχειλική προφορά. Συμβολίζει τη Συγκεντρωτική Αρχή, τον Έρωτα, και δίνει στην έκφραση κατευθυντήρια συγκέντρωση και χαρακτηριστικά. Μετατρέπει την τάση προς έκφραση σε κατευθυντήρια Βούληση και διαμορφώνει το αντικείμενο της έκφρασης. Τα τρία γράμματα μέχρι τώρα, το ‘ζηω’ (ή ‘Jew’), είναι το ασυναίρετο ρήμα ‘ζω’. Το δεύτερο ‘η’ δηλώνει ότι η Αρχή εκδηλώνεται ξανά από όλα τα σημεία συγκέντρωσης και επίσης ότι η Ζωή είναι αναγεννώμενη ή εξελισσόμενη. Το ‘ζηωη’, (Jhwh) είναι το ασυναίρετο ‘ζωή’. Αφαιρώντας το ‘ζ’, την αρσενική ρίζα, μας μένει το ‘ηωη’, ευα, αυα, ευε ή αυε, το όλο θηλυκό φάσμα της Ζωής. Κάθε αισθαντικό ον είναι και αρσενικό και θηλυκό μαζί.

Το ‘ζηωη’ είναι επίσης και το όνομα του θεού της Ζωής ή του Ζώντος θεού: (του ανθρώπινου θεού). Η ορθή προφορά του είναι ‘ζεευα’ ή ‘ζααυε’. Όταν το πήραν οι πρώτοι Ίωνες ιερείς από την Μικρά Ασία στην Αίγυπτο, (περίπου το 2750 π.Χ.), κατάληξε, λόγω της τραχιάς Χαμιτικής προφοράς, σε Γιαχβε ή Ιεχβα. Από αυτό προέρχεται και το ‘Ίακχε’ των Ελευσίνιων μυστηρίων, το οποίο έφεραν Μύστες ιερείς στην Ελλάδα από τη Μέμφιδα, καθώς και το Ιεχβά κατά το Μωυσή, που ήταν και αυτός ιερέας στη Μέμφιδα. Από αυτό έχουμε το ‘Ιεχωβάς’. Το βραχύ ή ‘ψιλό’ όνομα του θεού της Ζωής είναι το ‘Ζευς’ (ή ‘Jeus’ ή ‘Jews’). Από τη λατινική μορφή του μακρού ονόματος , (Jhwh), προέρχονται και τα ‘Jove’, ‘joven’, ‘juvenile’ ή ‘Juventus’, που όλα σημαίνουν ‘Ζωή’ ή ‘γεμάτος από ζωή’, ‘νέος’ ή ‘Νιάτα’.]

Ο Ζευς είναι ένας ανθρώπινος θεός, ο εκάστοτε πρωτότοκος πατριάρχης της Αδαμικής (Φοινικικής, Πυρρικής ή Ελληνικής) πυρρόξανθης θείας φυλής.