Project/task framework
VET development guide

About this guide

A VET assessment system is a coordinated set of documented policies and procedures (including assessment materials and tools) that ensure assessments are consistent and are based on the ‘Principles of Assessment’ and the ‘Rules of Evidence’, as outlined in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

This guide outlines all the sections that should be included in a project, task or activity that is used for VET assessment. The assessment system also includes a training and assessment strategy (TAS), validation plan and system, industry engagement strategies, monitoring and evaluation systems, and assessment tools such as evidence-gathering tools and mapping.

Who should use it

This document has been provided by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) for use in Queensland school RTOs.

Other people or organisations who want to use QCAA materials must obtain permission, as stated in the copyright notice available from:

Queensland school RTOs may use this document to assist with the documentation of their assessment system to ensure that it meets the requirements outlined within the regulatory Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. These standards form part of the VET Quality Framework.

The format is recommended but not mandatory. It also refers to parts of the QCAA training and assessment strategy model available here:

How to use it

Projects or tasks detail activities that reflect a competent person in the workplace. They include clear instructions to the trainer, assessor and student and provide the evidence for making judgments on progress and eventually competence. They outline what the student must actually do, know and produce while evidence is being gathered (using direct observation, questioning or review of something produced). Use the information in this guide to ensure the RTO’s current projects, tasks or activities have sufficiently documented information to meet the requirements of the Standards.

You may use this framework to refine your existing framework or to develop a new one that can be used with confidence for all assessment projects and tasks.

Project/task framework sections

Note: Formative assessment is the use of assessment in a learning process to inform learners about the extent to which they are progressing towards competence and/or those areas which require further development.

Section 1: Program cover sheet information

Information to include in framework / Yes / No
1.1 / Qualification code and title / ☐ / ☐
1.2 / Descriptive name for project — record name in TAS Sections 3 & 8 / ☐ / ☐
1.3 / Unique code for project — record name in TAS Sections 3 & 8 / ☐ / ☐
1.4 / Record of project outcome e.g. ‘satisfactory’ or ‘unsatisfactory’ / ☐ / ☐
1.5 / Project mapping reference — location of benchmarking evidence / ☐ / ☐
1.6 / Assessor name and email — signature optional / ☐ / ☐
1.7 / Feedback after project completion / ☐ / ☐
1.8 / Evidence-gathering tools used with project / ☐ / ☐
1.9 / Project start and end dates / ☐ / ☐
1.10 / Student name and email — signature optional / ☐ / ☐
1.11 / Statement on authenticity of student work / ☐ / ☐
1.12 / Statements on flexibility, RPL and Foundation skills / ☐ / ☐
1.13 / Location of approved digital copy of this project document / ☐ / ☐

Section 2: Advice for student on assessment context

Information to include in framework / Yes / No
2.1 / Activity location/s / ☐ / ☐
2.2 / Description of physical environment / ☐ / ☐
2.3 / Description of workplace role / ☐ / ☐
2.4 / Required tools and equipment / ☐ / ☐
2.5 / Appropriate attire and conduct / ☐ / ☐
2.6 / Transport arrangements / ☐ / ☐
2.7 / Work experience arrangements / ☐ / ☐
2.8 / Team work arrangements / ☐ / ☐
2.9 / Supervision arrangements / ☐ / ☐
2.10 / Additional details on flexibility arrangements / ☐ / ☐

Section 3: WHS, equipment and materials safety induction

Information to include / Yes / No / n/a
3.1 / General safety requirements / ☐ / ☐
3.2 / Workplace-specific requirements / ☐ / ☐
3.3 / Hygiene requirements / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
3.4 / Personal protective equipment / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
3.5 / Hazard reporting requirements / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
3.6 / Incident reporting requirements / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
3.7 / Tool use and safety induction / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
3.8 / Equipment use and safety induction / ☐ / ☐ / ☐

Section 4: Detailed instructions for student on how to undertake learning project/tasks

Information to include in framework / Yes / No
4.1 / Instructions to the student on what to do / ☐ / ☐
4.2 / Resources, diagrams, plans, resources, references / ☐ / ☐
4.3 / Sequences, stages, timeframes, deadlines / ☐ / ☐
4.4 / Advice on assessment conditions / ☐ / ☐
4.5 / Advice on assessment evidence gathering / ☐ / ☐
4.6 / Advice on submissions / ☐ / ☐
4.7 / Advice on gaining assistance / ☐ / ☐
4.8 / Advice on reasonable adjustments / ☐ / ☐

Section 5: Detailed instructions for the trainer/assessor

/ Information to include in framework / Yes / No /
5.1 / Instructions on providing training / ☐ / ☐
5.2 / Demonstration and training instructions / ☐ / ☐
5.3 / Safety induction instructions / ☐ / ☐
5.4 / Workplace-specific instructions / ☐ / ☐
5.5 / Instructions on gathering evidence / ☐ / ☐
5.6 / Instructions on providing written feedback / ☐ / ☐
5.7 / Instructions on completing project documentation / ☐ / ☐
5.8 / Instructions on record keeping / ☐ / ☐

Section 6: Assessor checklist

Information to include in framework / Yes / No
6.1 / Assessor checklist that ensures all processes have been followed and must be completed / ☐ / ☐

Section 7: Student checklist and declaration

Information to include in framework / Yes / No
7.1 / Student checklist that provides confirmation that student was provided with all required information and understands the requirements of the project. / ☐ / ☐
7.2 / Student declaration for the student to sign confirming that:
·  they were provided with feedback
·  acknowledging the assessors’ actions in Section 6. / ☐ / ☐

More information

If you would like more information about the design of VET projects or tasks, please visit the QCAA website, or ask the VET team a question at:

Project/task framework
VET development guide / Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
May 2016
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