Welcome to Pennsylvania Science

Canon- McMillan High School

2017-2018 School Year

Teacher: Mrs. Jamie Compeggie, M.Ed


Phone: 724-745-1400 ext 5112

Text Books: Holt Science Spectrum, Environment and Ecology For Pennsylvania: Meeting The Standards

We will also be utilizing Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Biology text which will be available online!

Each textbook must be covered and have your name in the front.

REMIND will be used in this class. Information will be given to you.

Website: ______

Introduction/ Description

Science is the search for truth through the logical sequence of observation, formation of hypothesis, testing by experiment, and forming conclusions to devise general principles about the workings of the natural world. Therefore, the goal of science is to understand the world around us. In this class, you will think like a scientist to engage and explore the great world of science so that you can better understand the world we live in.

This course will include numerous concepts from the disciplines of Chemistry, Biology and Environmental Science.

Throughout the course of the year, lab activities will be performed. You will also be required to construct typed formal lab reports! You will learn how to do this in class! One of these formal lab reports will be completed in the spring after conducting an investigation during the mandatory field trip to Jennings State Park!

Achieve Success

Preparation is the key to success. It is your responsibility as a student to make sure you come to class prepared to learn. It is essential you bring ALL NEEDED MATERIALS (pencil, binder, and homework) with you to class each and EVERY SCHOOL DAY. Students who neglect to bring all materials will not be permitted to leave class to get them.

Studies have shown that an effective behavioral management program is extremely beneficial to all students in every class. Therefore, in order for you to reach your highest level of achievement in science, I have set forth rules, consequences and rewards which will be followed throughout the entire year. These rules are posted in no specific order. Remember all school rules and policies will be enforced. Please make sure you read and understand all of the information in your student handbook (including attendance.) Lab procedures and rules will be thoroughly explained to you in class.

Classroom Rules:

1) Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.

2) Come to class prepared with ALL necessary materials.

3) Follow instructions the first time they are given.

4) Demonstrate respect for one another.

5) Use appropriate language and volume when speaking.

6) No book bags, purses or PHONES are permitted on the desks.


1) Verbal warning and documentation

2) Discussion of problem after class

3) Phone call home

4) Detention

Severe or continual disruption: Sent immediately to student affairs.


The greatest reward is the satisfaction of a job well done!

-good grades, praise, acknowledgement, positive phone call or note home


You will be graded using various methods of evaluation such as labs (including formal reports), cooperative group activities, homework, projects graded via rubrics, tests and quizzes. Quizzes are given often and are not always announced ahead of time. Tests are announced one week (or more) in advance. Your grade will be determined by the percentage of possible points that you earn. The district grading scale is used. In the event you are absent during an evaluation day, you must make up the work within two days for each day of absence. A zero will be entered in Power School for your score and then changed if the work is made up within the permitted time. If you should miss a cooperative group activity, you will be required to make up the activity individually. If you are absent during a lab, you will have an opportunity to make up the lab before or after school if the lab can be repeated. You will have approximately 2 days following the lab to make it up after school.

There will be nine week exams given at the end of each marking period as well as a common and cumulative final exam for the class. The final will be incorporated in your overall year grade as per CM High School policy and requirements.

Tutoring, extra help and reviews will be available upon request only. You and your parents/guardians have the ability to monitor your grades online via Power School. In order to access Power School, go to the Canon McMillan School District homepage, click on Parent Links then Power School and enter your username and password. This allows for you to monitor your individual progress throughout the duration of the 2017-2018 school year. Keep in mind, this is strictly the responsibility of the student; it is not a requirement. As your science teacher, I will be certain to update your grade online consistently throughout each nine week period.

District Grading Scale: A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70- 79 %, D = 60 –69 %, F = Below 60%

Your grade will be based upon the points earned for each assignment compared to the total possible points for each assignment.

Students who are missing certain assignments will earn an I = INCOMPLETE. If an incomplete is not made up, a student risks not receiving credit for the entire year’s course.

Homework Policy

Homework is an effective tool in practicing and reviewing concepts taught in class. Therefore, homework will be given on a consistent basis throughout the year. Homework will be checked without notice. When checked, homework will be worth a minimum of 3 points. These points will have an important impact on your achievement/grade in this class. You must attempt to complete the entire assignment to be given credit. Homework must be neat and legible and done according to instructions. No ½, ¼, etc… credit will be given. Late homework will generally NOT be accepted. Therefore, it is your responsibility to complete every homework assignment on time. Should a student be absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher to make up any missed work. According to the district’s policy regarding attendance, you have two days upon your return to hand in any missed assignments (please refer to student handbook). All assignments due during an absence should be submitted to the in-box with the correct period number upon your return. This location will be shown to you in class.


Please carefully read the district’s attendance policy. Be sure to also check my website! This site will allow you to check and see if any homework was assigned for the day and also to see upcoming assignments. In the event you are absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility upon return to obtain what you missed by visiting the absentee folder located in the classroom. This folder will also contain missed notes/handouts you should acquire and thoroughly read over. You are encouraged to follow this policy and not interrupt class. In the event you have additional questions, please see me after class! You also will need to submit completed homework to the in-box. Once again, this is your responsibility. If you neglect to make this attempt, I will assume you did not complete the assignment(s) and you will not receive any credit. If you are absent, do not assume you are exempt from an assignment!


You will be given numerous handouts throughout the year such as labs, outlines and power point notes. Therefore, in order to stay organized, a three ring binder is required for this class. Tabs are encouraged. Suggestions on how to properly organize your binder will be provided in class.


Students are responsible for the following:

·  Printing neatly your first and last name on the inside cover of your textbook. This is the only writing you are permitted to do in your book.

·  Protecting your book with a heavy paper (or other pre-approved) cover. Adhesive covers are not allowed.

·  Turning in your book at the end of the year or upon withdrawal from class in order to avoid a book fine.

Recall Method


It is absolutely necessary to be in your assigned seat on time. Upon entering the class, there will be an assignment posted on the board. You are to begin the assignment without further instruction from me, and continue until I give you the signal to stop. It provides you the opportunity to recall what we learned the previous day. This assignment is referred to as the recall method. It is necessary to date this assignment everyday and maintain a separate section titled recall method in your binder. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to see either myself or a classmate for the recall you missed. At the end of every nine weeks marking period, I will check five different recall dates at random and you will receive 2 points per every correct date you produce. You must complete this every day since you are unaware of the dates I will be checking. In the event you are unable to locate these specific dates, you will not receive the points. Total point value for assignment = 10 points per nine weeks. Partial credit will be given on this particular assignment.


Tutoring will be available after school upon request. Please report to room 112 DIRECTLY after school. If you inform the teacher you will be staying after and are not present by 2:45, it will be assumed that you will not be staying. It is necessary for you to give prior notice (at least one day in advance) to the teacher if you plan to attend tutoring sessions.


As a student I will…

·  Follow all rules of the classroom, lab and school district.

·  Perform to my highest potential in class.

·  Be considerate of others.

·  Seek help in the event I am struggling academically.

·  Maintain good attendance.

·  Complete homework when assigned in class on a

consistent basis.

·  Arrive to class each day with a positive attitude.

This handout should be kept as the first sheet in your binder the entire school year to use as reference!

I know you all will strive to do your absolute best in science to achieve your highest potential. I look forward to having each of you in class.

Mrs. Compeggie

Pennsylvania Science—Expectation Agreement

Teacher: Mrs. Compeggie


I have read and understand the expectations for myself in this course and will honor them while in Mrs. Compeggie’s science class.

Student (Print Name) ______Period: ______

Student Signature ______Date: ______

My child and I have read and discussed the expectations for science class. I understand the policies and will support them.

Parent/Guardian (Print Name)______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date: ______