Book Week Competitions - 2011

Distribute in Week 4.

Back to library by Week 6.

Grade / Book Title / Task for competition
Kindergarten / Noni the pony / Colour the picture of Noni and her new friends. Write a sentence about them.
Year 1 / It’s Bedtime William / Draw an animal in your bed, What is it write a sentence about him and why he won’t go to bed.
Year 2 / Maudie and Bear / Write a recipe for your favourite snack, List the ingredients and how to make it. Draw a picture.Favourite snack.
Year 3 / FamilyForest / Draw a family member. Use similes to describe them.
Year 4 / My favourite story / Colour the theme picture of One world many stories and write underneath “My favourite story and why. What country is your favourite story from?
Year 5 / Why I love Australia / Acrostic poem from the letters AUSTRALIA
Year 6 / Why I love Australia / Art work – Copy Bronwyn Bamcrofts style to illustrate a strip of cardboard, write a sentence to describe your illustration.

FamilyForestdescribes a step family. The illustrations of a half sister and step-mum are a play on words. Similes (saying one thing and meaning another) could be used to describe members of a family. Below is a list of similes which could be used to illustrate a member of your family.

Choose 3 similes that describe a member of your family. Draw that person and explain why you used the similes you did to describe them.

Some similes you might like to use are:

  • As wise as an owl
  • As slippery as an eel

  • As thin as a rake
  • As strong as an ox

  • As slow as a snail
  • As pretty as a picture

  • As light as a feather
  • As cunning as a fox

  • As brave as a lion
  • As busy as a bee

  • As quiet as a mouse
  • As blind as a bat

  • As gentle as a lamb
  • As cuddly as a koala

This is my______

who is as ______as ______

and as______

because ______


Using the letters of the word AUSTRALIA, write an Acrostic poem about the things you love about your country. Illustrate the border using the same style as Bronwyn Bancroft.

William makes excuses not to go to bed. When he does go to bed, his friend the lion has taken over and won’t go to sleep. William finally gets the lion to sleep.

Draw an animal in your bed and make up an excuse why it won’t go to sleep.

Animal’s Name : ______

Excuse not to go to bed: ______


by Alison Lester

Write a sentence about Noni and her new friends.

Jan Ormorod

In the story “The Snack”, bear makes some lovely things to eat. Write a recipe for your favourite snack. List the ingredients and how to make it. Draw a picture of your Favourite snack.

My Favourite Snack is ______

Ingredients: You will need ______







My favourite story is ______

It’s about______


What country did it come from? ______

Name: ______Class: ______